
February 15, 2025

2025 Bull of the Desert Strongman Competition


Yuma, AZ



We had to move locations.  New location is at the Yuma Palms Regional Center (outdoor mall) in the parking lot east of Target/Michael's, north of Buffalo Wild Wings.  Using the Michael's address will get you to the parking lot:

1550 Yuma Palms Pkwy, Yuma, AZ 85365

The competition is still using military equipment, still military-themed, and the Marine Corps Drum and Bugle Corps is still performing the opening ceremony!!!

Please continue reading for specific changes.  Check the Event Weights section.

The Bull of the Desert will be taking place on February 15th, 2025 in Yuma, Arizona.

(NO LONGER NEEDED) All Competitors and Guests must submit their full government name and date of birth if you plan on attending for easier check in thru the Marine base. This will allow MCAS to screen guests prior to the contest.  Please email the information of everyone in your party who plans on attending to info@caballeros.org.



The 3 Leg Medley:    This medley will consist of military items and gear (10 Yards) that our service members may encounter on a daily basis.  Competitors will front carry a military related item (155mm shell/fire hose/warhead).  The entire implement must cross the line before being sat down, drops do not count.  In the event of a drop, the athlete must pick the object up and reposition onto the mat/pad for completion.  Athlete will then front carry a seabag.  Athlete cannot use the straps/handle of the seabag for any portion of the event.  Athlete and seabag must cross the line for completion.  Athlete will then move to the Keg Overhead for a single rep (we said it was all military themed!)  Keg CANNOT be dropped from overhead...the rep will not count.  Athlete must follow the keg to the crash pad.  Fastest time wins; if athlete cannot complete the event, credit will be given for distance.  If more than one athlete finishes a leg but fails the next portion (i.e. "tie on distance") fastest time to complete the previous leg wins the points.

Vehicle Deadlift:       Competitors will deadlift a vehicle as many times as possible in 60 seconds.  Athletes must wait for the down command.  There will not be an "up" command.  Pick it up, put it down, keep doing that.  Most reps win; points will be divided in the event of a tie.

The Log Press:          Competitors will clean the log and press away for maximum reps in 60 seconds.  Competitors will be allowed to set their grip prior to the start of the clock.  Log must come back to the top of the shoulders (standing portion of the clean).  Athletes must wait for the down command.  Drops from overhead are not allowed; the rep will not count and will signal the completion of the event for the athlete.  However, athletes are allowed to place the log back on the tire to rest, re-clean the log, and continue counting reps for the overhead press.  This event is clean and press away; athletes do not have to clean the log for each rep.  Most reps win; points will be divided in the event of a tie.

Vehicle Pull:               Competitors will strap in, and pull for distance of 20 yards.  Military Vehicles will be used in this event.  If you are familiar with last year's event...yes, same vehicles so train heavy!  We are in a new location which is flat.  We understand is was great attempting to pull the implements last year and we know it will be great to see you actually move the implements this year!

The Atlas Stones:      Competitors will go head to head in a race showing off strength and speed while lifting and setting 4 stones onto a platform.  Competitors will start behind the staged series of atlas stones.  Once given the command to go, the competitors will have 90 seconds to lift and set 4 stones onto their corresponding tower.  Only stones that have been property secured to their tower will count as completed.  Split times will be taken and used in the event of a tie.  If split times are tied (determined by the tenth of a second), lighter athlete wins.



Feb. 14th, 2025:

12:00 PM to 8:00 PM             Caballeros de Yuma Office

(180 W. 1st Street, Suite B - Yuma, AZ 85364) Use East Entrance. 

Feb. 15th, 2025:

6:30 AM to 8:00 AM.             Event location (1550 Yuma Palms Pkwy, Yuma, AZ 85365)



TBD - Will depend on final number of competitors.  Deadlift, log press, and medley will be round-robin style.  All athletes will move to the vehicle pull.  All athletes will finish on the Atlas Stones. (subject to change).


An awards and recognition ceremony will take place once all scores have been counted by the judges and scorekeepers.


  • Lifting belts, maximum of 4 inches.  (Soft belts over 4 inches upon approval)
  • Knee Wraps / Sleeves
  • Elbow Wraps / Sleeves
  • Forearm Braces / Sleeves
  • Wrist Wraps and Supports
  • Grip Shirts (Atlas Stones Only)
  • Tack (Atlas Stones Only)
  • Gloves (Aircraft Pull Only)


  • Belts wider than 4 inches
  • Deadlift Suits
  • Squat Suits
  • Bench Press Shirts
  • Slingshot Gear
  • Any form of gear designed to mimic the above mentioned gear.


Stay tuned for further information!!!!


Yuma, AZ 85365
View Map
Feb 15, 2025

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Jacob Reeves

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Events and Weights
Division MedleyVehicle DeadliftLog PressVehicle PullAtlas Stones
Open W LW (132-)93/150/75Razor90HMMWV95-115-145-175
Open W MW (165-)93/150/75Car115HMMWV115-145-175-215
Open W HW (198-)170/200/100Car +45135HMMWV115-145-175-215
Open W SHW (+)170/200/125Car +90145JLTV145-175-215-250
Masters W LW (132-)93/150/75Razor90HMMWV95-115-145-175
Masters W MW (165-)93/150/75Razor115HMMWV115-145-175-215
Masters W HW (+)170/200/100Car135JLTV115-145-175-215
Open M LW (181-)170/200/150Car +90145JLTV145-175-215-250
Open M MW (220-)170/250/175Car +140175JLTV145-175-215-250
Open M HW (275-)240/300/200Car +230205JLTV+trailer175-215-250-300
Open M SHW (+)240/300/200Car +275225JLTV+trailer215-250-300-330
Masters M MW (220-)170/200/150Car +90175JLTV145-175-215-250
Masters M HW (+)240/250/175Car +140205JLTV+trailer175-215-250-300

Regular Price
Registration Closes Feb 15, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 100 athletes.
71 spots remain.