
May 17, 2025

2025 Viking Games


Stoughton, WI


Friday MORNING May 16th: at PRIMAL Strength and Fitness - 8:30-10:30am (there will be donuts)

Friday AFTERNOON May 16th: at PRIMAL Strength and Fitness - 5:30-7:00pm (no donuts)

PRIMAL Strength and Fitness - 318 S Forrest St - Stoughton, WI 53589. Walk in and ask for Jimmy 

Saturday May 17th: Event location 8:00-9:00am


Note: Weight Classes may be combined and implements and weights may changed based number of competitors in each class and total number of classes. Registrations after April 17th will not include an event "T-shirt".


Viking Press

The Viking press apparatus will be adjusted to the correct height for each competitor. Competitor will lift the Viking press to a full overhead lockout and must show control with their feet even and still. The judge will give a “Down” command when a good rep has been achieved. The lifter must lower the implement to the shoulders before beginning the next rep. The implement may be set down at any point. Double dipping is allowed. Competitors will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible. Most good reps wins. Note that due to the point at which the weights are loaded on the apparatus the weight will feel slightly less than the listed weights.


Conan's wheel

The competitor will begin carrying the implement when the “Begin” command is given. There will be a 3’ grace period if grip must be adjusted. After the first 3’ the lifter must complete as many revolutions as possible before the implement touches the ground again. Distance traveled will be scored base on ¼ revolutions completed. This is not a timed event.


Tire flip and load medley

Each competitor will flip a tire approximately 60’. The competitor will then have to carry and load 3 or 4 items on top of the tire. There is a 90 second time limit. 


Atlas stones

Each competitor will be given 60 seconds to load 5 stones beginning with the lightest and going in order with the last one being the heaviest. Split times will be given for each stone loaded. Load height for men will be approx. 42” and approx. 33” for women. Tacky cloths or chalk may be used. NO TACKY ALLOWED.


Frame hold & Trap bar hold

Judges with give the command for the competitors to take their grip. The judge will the give a “Lift” command and the time will begin when the lifter is in the locked out position. Competitors will hold the frame until their grip gives out. The longest time held wins. No hooks, straps, or gloves allowed. 


Note: Weights and implements may change and or be updated. Weight classes may be combined due to registration numbers.


Spectators must purchase a $5 Festival Booster Button. Booster Buttons will be on sale at the entrance of the event.

Syttende Mai Festival
W Jefferson St
Stoughton, WI 53589
View Map
May 17, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Joe Oakland & Tim Strandlie
joecool2310@yahoo.com tim.strandlie@gmail.com
Events and Weights
Division Viking Press Conan's wheelTire flip & load medelyAtlas stonesStatic hold
Novice Women (Single Class)120`240350 tire/ 120 milk can, 100 sand bag, 100 yellow tire85/110/120/140/160Trap bar hold 270lbs
Open W LW (132-)120240350 tire/ 120 milk can, 100 sand bag, 100 yellow tire85/110/120/140/160Trap bar hold 270lbs
Open W MW (165-)130240350 tire/ 120 milk can, 100 sand bag, 100 yellow tire85/110/120/140/160Trap bar hold 270lbs
Open W HW (198-)150280350 tire/ 120 milk can, 100 sand bag, 100 yellow tire85/110/120/140/160Trap bar hold 270lbs
Open W SHW (+)150280350 tire/ 120 milk can, 100 sand bag, 100 yellow tire85/110/120/140/160Trap bar hold 270lbs
Masters Women (Single Class)120240350 tire/ 120 milk can, 100 sand bag, 100 yellow tire85/110/120/140/160Trap bar hold 270lbs
Novice Men (Single Class)230460350 tire/ 125 keg, 150 sand bag, 100 yellow tire175/200/220/240/250Trap bar hold 410lbs
Open M LW (181-)230460550 tire/ 190 Cat roller, 150 sandbag, 150 keg200/220/250/300/315Frame hold 410lbs
Open M MW (220-)250510550 tire/ 190 Cat roller, 150 sandbag, 150 keg200/220/250/300/315Frame hold 460lbs
Open M HW (275-)280600550 tire/ 190 Cat roller, 150 sandbag, 150 keg220/250/275/300/315Frame hold 460lbs
Open M SHW (+)280600550 tire/ 190 Cat roller, 150 sandbag, 150 keg220/250/275/300/315Frame hold 460lbs
Masters Men (Single Class)230460550 tire/ 190 Cat roller, 150 sandbag, 150 keg200/220/250/300/315Frame hold 410lbs

Regular Price
Registration Closes Apr 17, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 50 athletes.
37 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard