
October 14, 2023

24 Seven Club Fitness's 2023 PUMP-kin Fest Strongest Man & Woman


Saint Robert, MO

24 Seven Club Fitness's 2023 PUMP-kin Fest

 Strongest Man & Woman

This competition is NOT a sanctioned event. It is meant to be a fun event to celebrate our FIRST year of operation, raise money for new equipment/maintenance and to bring light to the sport! We are a contract-free gym without maintenance fees or cancelation fees. 

Our Teen Division will be one class for Teen Women, one for Teen Men. 

We will be running Men through one event and Women through another at the same time, and then switch. The order of the events will not be exactly as they are on Iron Podium. I will send an email out with event order once that has been completely decided! 


Event Details 

Yoke Walk:

Distance for Time

Athlete will be allowed to get into position and wait to be given the "GO" command. Once command is given, athlete will have up to 60 seconds to carry yoke down 40ft, once the front of the yoke crosses the line, athlete will be allowed to drop and repick OR turn and walk back down 40ft. Once the front of the yoke crosses the finish line, time will be stopped and recorded. Unlimited drops. No sliding allowed. If athlete slides yoke, there will be a 3 second penalty added to finished time. 

Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky


Reps/60 seconds

Athlete will be allowed to set up, hands OFF the bar, while waiting for the "GO" command with 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible. "DOWN" command will be given after each lockout is complete. Touch and go WILL be allowed, following the down command. If athlete does not wait for down command, the rep will not count. 

Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky

Farmers Carry:

Distance for Time

Athlete will be allowed to get into position and wait to be given the "GO" command. Once command is given, athlete will have up to 60 seconds to carry the Farmers down 40ft. Once the front of the Farmers crosses the line, athlete will be allowed to drop and repick OR turn around and walk back down 40ft. Once the front of the Farmers crosses the line, time will be stopped and recorded. Unlimited drops. No sliding allowed. If athlete slides Farmers, there will be a 3 second penalty added to finished time. 

Equipment NOT Allowed: Straps, Tacky

Axel Clean and Press:

Reps/60 seconds

Athlete will be allowed to set up, hands OFF the bar, while waiting for the "GO" command. Once command is given, athlete will be required to clean the first rep only. "DOWN" command will be given once lockout is complete after each rep. After first rep is complete, athlete will NOT be required to clean and WILL be allowed to only press. If down command is not given, rep will not count. 
Equipment NOT Allowed: Wraps


Weigh-in Details:

  • Friday, October 13, 2023, 9am-5pm
  • Saturday, October 14, 2023, 8am-9am.

Award Information: 

(All weight classes)

  • First place: Swag bag and Medal
  • Second Place: Medal
  • Third Place: Medal

Hotel Information: 

  • Studio Z:
    • Address: 545 State Hwy Z, St Robert, MO 65584
    • Phone: (573) 336-3610
  • Breakfast Services: Self-service Complimentary Breakfast - Free
  • Minutes from the event location
  • King room: $79.00/Night

Please let me know if you going to be booking a room so I can email you the discount card to bring with you during check-in at the hotel. 

Athlete Meeting: 

  • Saturday, October 14, 2023, 9:30am.

Parking Info:  

  • An email will be sent out with parking information as well as a parking map.




24 Seven Club Fitness
220 Marshall Dr
Saint Robert, MO 65584
View Map
Oct 14, 2023

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Brittany McBride
Events and Weights
Division Yoke Walk (80ft)Farmers Carry (80ft)Axel Clean & PressDeadliftHead-to-Head Sandbag Over Bar (Tie Breaker ONLY)
Novice Women (Single Class)25011095185100
Open W LW (132-)275110105225100
Open W MW (165-)300125120275150
Open W HW (181-)350135135300150
Open W SHW (+)400160150315200
Teen W LW (165-)2001007013550
Teen W HW (165+)2001007013550
Novice Men (Single Class)400180175350150
Open M LW (181-)425180175350150
Open M MW (220-)475205205425200
Open M HW (275-)525235225475220
Open M SHW (+)600260245505220
Teen M LW (220-)30012590225100
Teen M HW (220+)30012590225100

Early Bird Price
Available until Sep 01, 2023

Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 23, 2023

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 300 athletes.
290 spots remain.