
November 5, 2022

7th Annual Star City Strongman


Roanoke, VA

Competition is presented by CERBERUS Strength USA.

$65 early bird until July 15. $75 after July 15. Registration closes Oct. 7. 
Athletes get a T-shirt; no exchanges so please choose the correct size. Shirts are unisex.

Teen division is open to anyone ages 13-19. Athletes under the age of 18 must have parental or guardian written consent.

On the day following Star City Strongman, we will be having a seminar with Professional Strongman Bobby Thompson & Coach Tyler Perdue. Please visit www.StarCityStrongman.com for information and registration.


  • Max log press - brought to you by Refracted Wolf Apparel - Wessel's rule - 12 in. log for men, 10 in. log for women
  • Deadlift ladder - brought to you by Primo Chalk - axle, dl bar, hex, rolling thunder (alternating hands, for reps)
  • Growing yoke
  • Vehicle pull - with harness (lead rope optional)
  • Max keg over bar - power keg


Max Log - brought to you by Refracted Wolf Apparel
Women and Female Teens will open with 70 lb. log (10 in.) and make 10 lb. jumps. Male teens will open with 80 lb. log (12 in.) and make 10 lb. jumps. Men will open with 120 lb. log (12 in.) and make 20 lb. jumps. Wessels' rule applies. Log weight will be called auction-style; jump in and out at any point, with three total attempts, but if you miss an attempt within those three, you're done. Athlete will have 30 seconds to complete the lift once they begin. Judge will call down command. Belts, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, grip shirts allowed.     

Deadlift Medley - brought to you by Primo Chalk
Athlete has 60 seconds to complete medley. Medley consists of one rep (with down commands) on axle bar, deadlift bar, hex bar and reps with alternating hands on rolling thunder (down commands will be called for this, as well). Full lockout must be achieved on rolling thunder (hips through at the top). You are allowed to either wrap your thumb around the implement or cup it - whichever works best for you. Do NOT brace against or brace your thumb against the metal piece on either side of the rolling thunder handle - this will result in a no lift. Do not intentionally drop any of the deadlift bars from the top - this will result in a 2-second penalty each time, plus it increases your chances of tripping on a bar. Split times will not be taken; athlete will get points for implement last lifted or reps on rolling thunder. Straps allowed on all but rolling thunder. Belts, sleeves, wraps allowed. No sticky stuff (tacky, tacky towels, tacky spray, etc.) Suits not allowed. 

Growing Yoke 
Athlete will start with feet on the starting line. They will carry the yoke 40 feet at the starting weight for their class. When the front of the yoke crosses the 40-foot line, athlete will drop and turn as volunteers load more on the yoke. Athlete will go back 40 feet and repeat the process until the 60 second time limit is met. No drops, except at the end of the 40-foot runs. Women's yoke and Teen Male yoke will be loaded in increments of 50. Teen Female yoke will be loaded in increments of 20. Men's yoke will be loaded in increments of 90. Grip shirts allowed.  

Vehicle Pull 
Teens and Women will pull a Subaru Forester Sport (approx. 3500 lbs.) and Men will pull a Ford F-150 (approx. 5000 lbs.) The F-150 will be progressively loaded beginning with HW Men. Athlete has 60 seconds to pull vehicle 50 feet. Pull will be on the road behind the gym (Norfolk Ave. SW). We will have multiple harnesses (you cannot use your own); when you are on deck, you will be harnessing up. When you are in the hole, you're ready to start harnessing up. For time-sake, we will need this transition to go as smoothly as possible so be aware of your turn. Lead rope is available, but optional. However - if you choose to use a lead rope, you must use it through the whole pull. If you choose to NOT use a lead rope, you will not be able to pick it up during the pull. Gloves allowed. 

Max Keg Over Bar
This is a last man standing event. The keg for Women and Teens opens at 80 lbs. and the keg for men opens at 150 lbs. Kegs options for the Women and Teens will be regular kegs loaded with sand and will go as follows: 80, 100, 120, 150, 185, 200, 225, 250, 300. The Men will use a loadable Bartos keg and will go up in increments of 50 lbs. until we get to 300 lbs, then we will go in increments of 25 lbs. Athlete will have 60 sec. to successfully load keg over bar set at 48 inches for Women and Female Teens and 52 inches for Men and Male Teens. Weights will be called auction-style and if you miss the call for a weight you wanted, we cannot go back. Athlete may jump in and out at any time and take unlimited attempts. However - if you miss your attempt, you're done. Max load for keg will be 500 pounds. Grip shirts and gloves allowed. No tacky, tacky towels, tacky spray, etc. 

For your safety, if it is raining there will be NO truck pull. We will have a carry/drag medley instead (2 sandbags, 1 sled - carry sandbag1 40 ft., drop, run back, carry sandbag2 40 ft., drop, pull sled backwards 40 ft.) Weights TBA. This will be a day-of call.


  • Doors open at 8 a.m.
  • Rules meeting at 9:30 a.m. (all athletes MUST attend)
  • Lifting starts at 10 a.m.
  • All athletes MUST purchase a USS Strongman membership card PRIOR to the show. You may purchase your card through Iron Podium. Sign in or create your account through Iron Podium, then use your credentials to login here. Memberships are $30. If you have any trouble with the steps to purchase your card, please watch this instructional video.
  • Weigh-ins will be at The Noke on Nov. 4 from 4-8 p.m. OR Nov. 5 from 8-9 a.m. Please do NOT wait until last minute to weigh-in.
  • Like Star City Strongman on Facebook to keep up-to-date on details.
  • Proceeds from this event will go to the Prevention Council of Roanoke. Spectator tickets are being sold here for donation only; they are NOT required for entry.


  • Weight divisions may be combined at organizer's discretion
  • Top 3 in each Open division (including Masters) will receive an invite to USS Nationals (as long as there are at least 5 in the class)
  • Top 1 in each Novice division will receive an invite to USS Nationals
  • If you have not competed in USS Open and have not won USS Novice, you can compete in Novice
  • Please note:  USS no longer has Masters MW divisions; Masters divisions are split like Novice with LW and HW (details below)
  • Novice Women:  Lightweight - up to 165; Heavyweight - 165+
  • Open Women:  Lightweight - up to 132; Middleweight - 133-165; Heavyweight - 166-198; Super Heavyweight - 198+
  • Masters Women (40+):  Lightweight - up to 165; Heavyweight - 165+
  • Novice Men:  Lightweight - up to 220; Heavyweight - 220+
  • Open Men:  Lightweight - up to 181; Middleweight - 182-220; Heavyweight - 221-275; Super Heavyweight - 275+
  • Masters Men (40+):  Lightweight - up to 220; Heavyweight - 220+
  • Masters Men (50+): one division unless a split is needed
The Noke Training LLC
711 Salem Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
View Map
Nov 05, 2022

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Leigh Stover

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Events and Weights
Division Max log (Wessel's rule)Deadlift ladder (axle, dl bar, hex, rolling thunder - alternating hands)Growing yokeSandbag/Sled MedleyMax keg over bar
Novice W LW (165-)MAX225, 250, 275, 60200+50CarMAX
Novice W HW (165+)MAX250, 275, 305, 65250+50CarMAX
Open W LW (132-)MAX245, 265, 295, 65200+50CarMAX
Open W MW (165-)MAX265, 285, 315, 70250+50CarMAX
Open W HW (198-)MAX285, 300, 345, 75300+50CarMAX
Open W SHW (+)MAX305, 325, 365, 80300+50TruckMAX
Masters W LW (132-)MAX225, 250, 275, 65200+50CarMAX
Masters W HW (+)MAX265, 285, 315, 70250+50CarMAX
Teen W HW (165+)MAX150, 185, 205, 60185+20CarMAX
Novice M LW (220-)MAX345, 365, 385, 105300+90TruckMAX
Novice M HW (220+)MAX365, 385, 405, 110350+90TruckMAX
Open M LW (181-)MAX425, 445, 485, 115350+90TruckMAX
Open M MW (220-)MAX465, 485, 505, 120400+90Truck + lbs.MAX
Open M HW (275-)MAX505, 525, 565, 125450+90Truck + more lbs.MAX
Open M SHW (+)MAX525, 565, 605, 130500+90Truck + all the lbs.MAX
Masters M MW (220-)MAX425, 445, 485, 115350+90Truck + lbs.MAX
Masters M HW (+)MAX465, 485, 505, 120400+90Truck + more lbs.MAX
Masters M HW (220+) 50+MAX365, 385, 405, 110300+90TruckMAX
Teen M HW (220+)MAX225, 250, 275, 95200+50TruckMAX

Early Bird Price
Available until Jul 15, 2022

Regular Price
Registration Closes Oct 18, 2022

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 92 athletes.
3 spots remain.