
October 5, 2024

9th Annual Star City Strongman @ Star City StrongFest


Roanoke, VA

** All proceeds from this event are donated to the Partnership for Community Wellness (PCW), a local 501c3 nonprofit that supports health and wellness, particularly in the areas of substance use disorder, recovery, digital health, physical wellness and mental wellness. If you wish to learn more or donate directly to PCW, you may do so here. **

The 9th Annual Star City Strongman will be part of the headlining show for the 2nd Annual Star City StrongFest! The festival and competition will take place at Elmwood Park in downtown Roanoke (505 Williamson Rd. SE, Roanoke). The park is open for athletes at 7:30 a.m. and to the general public at 8:30 a.m. There is no admission for spectators and park visitors. More information to come.

Hang out after the show to watch the pro u90kg men and pro u64kg women throw down in the Pro Strongman League championships!

Volunteers sign up here! All volunteers will receive a T-shirt, a bag full of goodies and snacks/food throughout the day.

$65 early bird (10 spots), $75 after early bird spots are filled. Registration closes on Sept. 6 and is capped at 50 athletes. Athletes get an event T-shirt (unisex sizing); no exchanges, so please choose the correct size.



  • Zercher medley - 3 axles
  • Axle clean & press away
  • Tire flip (3) > power load (3)
  • Sandbag toss over bar
  • Husafell carry (for distance)


Zercher medley
Athlete has 60 seconds to complete one successful lift of each axle in order from lightest to heaviest. Axle bars will be on wagon wheels or set to similar pick height (approx. 13"). Axles will be in a line from lightest to heaviest; last axle will have chains on each end of the bar. Time will start with athlete hands off the bar. Must use Zercher form (bar sits on inside of elbows). Athlete may deadlift bar to knees and adjust to Zercher hold before standing if needed. Lift is good when athlete is standing and hips are pushed through. Judge will call down commands only - split times taken on each bar when judge calls down. Do NOT intentionally drop the bar from the top of the lift - it will result in a no-lift. Belts, wrist wraps, chalk, elbow/knee sleeves allowed. No hooks, straps, sticky stuff. 

Axle press
Athlete has 60 seconds to clean and press away for as many reps as possible. Bar will be an axle on bumper plates, picked from the floor. Time will start with athlete hands off the bar. Athlete will clean the bar once and press for reps; if you drop the bar below the clean position at any time after you have began pressing, your turn is up. Each successful press will receive a down command. No split times taken. Do NOT intentionally drop/throw the bar from the top of the lift - this will result in a no-lift. Belts, sleeves, wraps, grip shirt, chalk allowed. No straps, no sticky stuff.

Tire flip > Power load
Athlete has 60 seconds to complete three tire flips and complete three power loads. Time will start with athlete hands off the tire. Tires will be located in front of the stage and power load will take place at the bottom of the seating area. Power load is like power stairs, but in this case there will be three duck handles with increasing weights to be loaded to platforms of decreasing height (load heights:  women - 20, 18, 16; men - 22, 20, 18 - decreasing height, increasing weight) Each loaded handle will be sitting on the ground - athlete will not need to step onto platform after loading, but must make sure each are stable before moving to the next. If one falls before time ends, athlete must re-load. Time ends when hands are off the last duck handle or clock expires. Belts, sleeves, wrist wraps, elbow/knee sleeves, chalk allowed. No straps, no hooks, no sticky stuff. 

Sandbag toss
Athlete has 60 seconds to toss four sandbags backwards over bar. Bags will be set 10ft. from yoke in ascending order (lightest on left > heaviest on right). Athlete will start with one hand on yoke. Women's crossbar height is 12 ft., Men's crossbar height is 15 feet. Throw must cross over the crossbar (not to the left or right side of it) and land on the opposite side to be considered successful. Bag may touch the crossbar on the way over. If a toss is unsuccessful, athlete has unlimited attempts until time expires. If bag lands on the bar, athlete receives 2 second penalty and can continue to next bag. No split times taken. Wrist wraps, elbow/knee sleeves, chalk allowed. 

Husafell carry 
Athlete has 60 seconds to carry Husafell for as far as possible. Husafell will be picked from a box (approx. 24"). Judge will walk beside athlete in lane and will let athlete know to turn when their foot reaches a predetermined line (length of lane TBD). Assistant will follow with crash pad for athlete to drop Husfell on when time expires or athlete can no longer hold Husafell; distance will be measured. Once an athlete drops the Husafell, their turn is over. Athlete may stop and rest Husafell on legs to adjust grip if needed, but know that this will take up time. Belts (buckle to the back), grip shirts, wrist wraps, elbow/knee sleeves, chalk allowed. No gloves, no sticky stuff of any kind.


In the event of precipitation, all events will take place under the cover of the Elmwood Stage and will be adjusted for safety as needed. In the event that weather presents a dangerous situation to athletes, event venue may change or event may be postponed or cancelled. All decisions will be communicated to athletes as soon as possible.


- Weigh-ins:  Oct. 4, 4-8 p.m. (The Noke Training, 711 Salem Ave., SW, Roanoke) OR Oct. 5, 7:30-8 a.m. (event venue: Elmwood Park, 505 Williamson Rd., SE) 
- Park opens at 7:30 a.m. for athletes and 8:30 a.m. for the general public; entry to the park is FREE for spectators - parking on street and in lot or garage across the street from Elmwood (on Williamson)
- Rules meeting at 8:15 a.m. (all athletes MUST attend)
- Lifting starts PROMPTLY at 9 a.m.
- Athletes will compete in reverse order of sign-up for all events except the last one where they will go in order of current standing (least to most points)

Please do NOT wait until last minute to weigh-in. All athletes MUST purchase a USS Strongman membership card PRIOR to the show. You may purchase your card through Iron Podium - you should be prompted during the registration process. This will be checked prior to event day and athletes without membership will be contacted individually.


Weight divisions may be combined at organizer's discretion
- Top 3 in each Open division (including Masters) will receive an invite to USS Nationals
- Winner (1) of Men's Open 198- division will receive an invite to Professional Strongman League 2025 u90kg competition
- Winner (1) each Novice division will receive an invite to USS Nationals
- If you have not competed in USS Open and/or have not won USS Novice, you can compete in Novice

Teen division is open to anyone ages 13-19. Athletes under the age of 18 MUST have parental or guardian consent and MUST be registered by that parent/guardian; parent/guardian will accept liability waiver.

There is one adaptive division open currently; please email or text if you are an adaptive athlete who wants to compete, but do not fit that division. All Adaptive Athletes are allowed to have a guide or guides as needed for each event. Guides must not aid in lifting implements, but can assist the athlete in navigating to them and setting up for each lift. Unless otherwise noted, Adaptive Athletes will follow the same rules as other competitors. Promoter reserves the right to revise rules during the event to ensure safety and inclusion for all adaptive athletes.

Email or text before registration if you're planning to compete in the Hero division

Divisions will be consolidated at our discretion based on registration numbers. 

Elmwood Park
505 Williamson Rd SE
Roanoke, VA 24011
View Map
Oct 05, 2024

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Leigh Stover

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Zercher (3)AxleTire flip (3) > Power load (3)Sandbag toss (4)Husafell carry
Novice W LW (165-)95, 105, 115+chains105Big tire - 125, 150, 17510, 10, 15115
Novice W HW (165+)105, 115, 125+chains115Big tire - 150, 175, 20010, 15, 20135
Open W LW (132-)105, 115, 125+chains125Big tire - 175, 200, 22510, 15, 20155
Open W MW (165-)125, 135, 145+chains135Big tire - 200, 225, 25010, 15, 20180
Open W HW (198-)145, 155, 165+chains145Big tire - 225, 250, 27515, 20, 25205
Open W SHW (+)165, 175, 185+chains155Big tire - 250, 275, 30020, 25, 30225
Masters W LW (165-) 50+105, 115, 125+chains115Big tire - 125, 150, 17510, 15, 20135
Masters Women (Single Class)105, 115, 125+chains115Big tire - 150, 175, 20010, 15, 20135
Teen W LW (165-)75, 85, 95+chains85Big tire - 95, 105, 11510, 10, 15100
Teen W HW (165+)85, 95, 105+chains95Big tire - 105, 115, 12510, 15, 20100
Hero W LW (165-)95, 105, 115+chains105Big tire - 125, 150, 17510, 10, 15115
Hero W HW (165+)105, 115, 125+chains115Big tire - 150, 175, 20010, 15, 20135
Novice M LW (220-)185, 205, 225+chains185Big tire - 250, 275, 30020, 25, 30185
Novice M HW (220+)205, 225, 250+chains205Big tire - 275, 300, 34520, 25, 30205
Open M LW (181-)205, 225, 250+chains205Big tire - 275, 300, 35020, 25, 30230
Open M MW (198-)225, 250, 275+chains245Bigger tire - 300, 350, 37525, 30, 35255
Open M MW (220-)250, 275, 305+chains255Bigger tire - 350, 375, 40025, 30, 35280
Open M HW (275-)275, 305, 315+chains275Bigger tire - 350, 400, 45030, 35, 40305
Open M SHW (+)305, 315, 325+chains285Bigger tire - 400, 450, 50035, 40, 45330
Masters Men (Single Class)205, 225, 250+chains205Big tire - 275, 300, 34520, 25, 30205
Masters M HW (220+) 50+185, 205, 225+chains185Big tire - 250, 275, 30020, 25, 30185
Teen M LW (220-)135, 140, 145+chains105Big tire - 175, 200, 22510, 15, 20125
Teen M HW (220+)140, 145, 150+chains115Big tire - 200, 225, 25015, 20, 25125
Adaptive M StandingTBDTBDBig tire, TBD20, 25, 30TBD
Hero M LW (220-)185, 205, 225+chains185Big tire - 250, 275, 30020, 25, 30185
Hero M HW (220+)205, 225, 250+chains225Big tire - 275, 300, 35020, 25, 30230

Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 20, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 43 athletes.
1 spots remain.