
March 25, 2023

Akron's Strongest Battle at the Pit


Akron, OH

**Spectator Tickets are available at the door on the day of the event for $10! **

All weights may be subject to slight changes


Qualification details:

If there are 2-5 athletes a class:

1st place - Nationals (2023) and Regionals (2023) invites

2nd - Regionals (2023)

3rd - Regionals (2023)

If there are 6+ athletes in a class:

1st - Nationals (2023) and Regionals (2023)

2nd - Nationals (2023) and Regionals (2023)

3rd - Regionals (2023)

4th - Regionals (2023)

Weigh-In & Event details:

  • Weight matrix is subject to slight changes upon further event testing
  • Weigh-ins available 3/24/23: 10 AM-Noon & 5-7 PM  3/25/2023: 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM
  • Rules meeting at 8 AM on 3/25/2023, warm up for first event begins at 8:30 AM competition starts at 9 AM
  • $10 fee for spectators
  • There will be food, beverages and snacks  (for spectators and athletes during & post-show),  raffles, sponsorship booths, and competition t-shirts available for sale!

Event #1  – Log Clean & Press For Reps:

  • Hands can be on the implement at the start. Athlete a, "Ready, Go!" command. Athletes will have 60 secs to clean and press the Log for as many reps as possible
  • You MUST clean the log each press. Women 10” log and Men 12” log
  • Must clean every rep from drop pads
  • Strict, Viper, Push Press, Push Jerk, and Split Jerk allowed. Lockout must be completed and athlete must wait for judge to give down signal
  • The log may not be rested or touch the athletes head during the rep attempt. If log is rested on the head or touches the top of the head, the athlete will receive a 'no rep' & the log will be returned to the floor and must be cleaned again.
  • Athletes MUST maintain control of the log at all times and control the log down to floor/crash pads. It is the athlete's responsibility to retrieve the log if it rolls away from them during their 60 seconds
  • Equipment Allowed: Grip Shirts, Wrist Wraps, 1 Elbow Sleeve per arm, Knee Sleeves, Chalk, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Double Belt. Buckle of belts must be worn to the side or the back
  • Not allowed: Double Up Elbow Sleeves, Knee Wraps, Suits, Tacky of any kind

Event #2 Carry Medley:

  • There will be a 60-second time limit.
  • Consists of each athlete performing a Farmer's Carry, Husafell Carry and Yoke walk for about 50' 1-way for each movement. The weights listed below for Farmer's Carry is the weight used for each hand
  • The signal is given and the athlete must lift and carry the farmer's handles across the line, drop them and then pick up Husafell and carry it to opposite end of the course. When finished the athlete must then carry the Yoke fully cross the finish line to stop the clock
  • Athletes will start with their hands on the farmers' handles. The front of the implement will be behind the starting line. Time will stop when the front of the Yoke crosses the line
  • Can use belt, knee sleeves or wraps, wrist wraps, chalk.
  • Not allowed: tacky, suits, straps

Event #3 - Deadlift For Reps: 

  • Reps in one minute
  • Touch n go is permitted, but competitor must wait for down command each rep
  • Deadlift is a standard from the floor deadlift
  • Competitors start with hands off, strap in on own time
  • Head-to-head format (2 competitors going at once)
  • Texas deadlift bar will be used by competitors
  • Deadlifts must be performed conventional stance, no sumo allowed
  • Belt, straps, knee sleeves, chalk, baby powder allowed
  • Not allowed: Suits, briefs, tacky

Event #4 -  Press Medley (Axle Clean & Press and Circus DB for reps)


  • 25lb Axle Bar for both men & women
  • 12" Titan Circus DB for men and a 8"  Texas Power Concepts Circus DB for women
  • The athlete will alternate clean & pressing the axle bar and pressing the circus dumbbell
  • Both movements will start on drop pads, athletes will receive a down signal from a judge and will need to place axle or circus DB back on the drop pads in order for the rep to count
  • Goal is to get the most total reps in 60 seconds


Event #5  - Stones Over Yoke:

  • Athlete must put 3 stones of 3 different weights over the yoke consecutively. More points are rewarded to the athlete that clears 3 stones the fastest. One minute is the maximum allowed time
  • Platform height will be 48” for women and 52” for men.
  • Stones will be placed at the base of the yoke
  • The athlete starts with their hands off the stone, standing upright at the start of the event
  • Belt with buckle to the back, chalk, tacky, knee wraps or sleeves
  • Not allowed: Belt buckle to the front or an object in the belt to provide a “shelf”.

Other Competition Rules/Information:

  • There is no requirement to wear competition shirts during the event
  • No headphones during any events
  • Awards for 1st-3rd in each class
  • No refunds
  • All events are inside

**Spectator Tickets are available at the door on the day of the event for $10! **


Welcome to The Pit
2530 Wedgewood Dr
Akron, OH 44312
View Map
Mar 25, 2023

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Toby Easterling
Events and Weights
Division Log Clean & Press (for reps)Carry Medley (Farmer's - Husafell - Yoke)Deadlift (for reps)Press Medley (Axle Clean & Press - Circus DB for reps)Stones Over Yoke
Novice W LW (140.4-)92110-120-26018575-5092-130-160
Novice W MW (180.4-)102125-135-28022590-60130-160-173
Open W LW (140.4-)112140-150-300225100-60130-160-173
Open W MW (160.4-)122150-160-320245110-65160-173-215
Open W HW (+)152175-185-400295140-80173-215-262
Masters W LW (140.4-)102125-135-28022590-60130-160-173
Novice M MW (200.4-)175175-250-440365190-100215-262-275
Novice M MW (231.4-)190190-275-460405205-105215-262-275
Novice M HW (264.5-)225225-300-520455220-110262-275-300
Novice M HW (265+)250250-325-540495235-115275-300-335
Open M LW (175.4-)190175-250-440405190-115215-262-275
Open M MW (200.4-)205200-275-500425205-120262-275-300
Open M MW (231.4-)225225-300-540475220-125275-300-335
Open M HW (265.5-)255250-325-600515235-130300-335-356
Open M HW (265+)280275-350-640605250-135335-356-400
Masters M MW (200.4-)190175-250-440405190-110215-262-275
Masters M HW (264.5-)225225-300-540455220-120262-275-300

Regular Price
Registration Closes Dec 31, 2022

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 50 athletes.
13 spots remain.