October 26, 2024
Farmington, AR
Welcome to...
NWA first NOVICE ONLY (unsanctioned) zombie survival strongman competition to raise money and awareness for House of Little Dogs Rescue and Sanctuary! Get ready for family fun, strong folks, and a puppy costume contest. All dogs must be on leashes. First place will get an awesome prize and bragging rights! Second and third place will get a smaller prize and a high five with finger guns.
Weigh-ins will be held Friday October 25th at 5pm-7pm and Saturday October 26th morning 8am-9am at CrossFit Fayetteville, 290 E Main St, Farmington, AR 72730. You will weigh in, and sign the liability waiver at this time.
Rules meeting will be held at 9:15am SHARP at CrossFit Fayetteville. We will go over any last minute questions and concerns with the events for the day at this time! I will go over the iron podium event rules at this time. Competition will start at 10am SHARP!
Spectator fee $10 at the door. We will accept cash/Venmo/cashapp. Don't think you will be able to make but still want to donate to a good cause, donate to https://www.houseoflittledogs.com/ on their Amazon and Chewy wish list!
All athlete sign ups and spectator tickets come with one raffle ticket, $5 per extra ticket. IT'S FOR THE PUPPIES!
Comp shirt must be worn at all time unless during an event that calls for a grip shirt. If you come in a Halloween costume, you will get major props. Shoes must be worn at all times.
Equipment allowed: hard belt, knee sleeves, chalk, elbow straps, wrist wraps, grip shirts
Not allowed: tacky of any kind, gloves, knee wraps
Time: 60 seconds
Scoring: Max reps
- On the judge's "GO" command competitors must clean and press the log for as many reps as possible in 60 seconds. The log will be cleaned once and the competitor will press away as many reps as possible. A successful rep will be counted once the competitor's knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows are all locked out and are in control of the implement. Feet must be parallel and not split. Judge's must be notified prior to the competitor taking their attempt of any physical issues or limitations, such as a shoulder or elbow impairment that prevents them from completing a full lockout.
- Dropping the log from overhead will result in a ZERO for the event and possibly (very likely) expulsion from the competition.
- Please respect the equipment.
Equipment allowed: Grip shirt, hard belt, knee sleeves, chalk,
Not allowed: tacky of any kind, straps
Time: 60 seconds
Scoring: Fastest time or distance
- Competitor will start with their hands on the Farmer Handles. On judge's "GO" command competitors will then carry the Farmer Handles 20ft before setting handles down, pick them back up and running back the 20ft to the starting position. Implement and competitor must FULLY cross the finish line before dropping Farmer Handles. The competitor will then grab the sandbag run the 20ft down and back. No setting down the sandbag at the end of 20ft.
- There is no "go" command for sandbag, just grab it run like zombies are chasing you.
- Unlimited drops
- There will be 60 second time limit.
- If competitor does not finish they will be given the distance as the score.
Equipment allowed: hard belt, knee sleeves, chalk, straps (figure 8s or normals straps)
Not allowed: tacky of any kind, gloves
Time: 90 seconds
Scoring: Max reps, time taken for tie breaker
- Competitor will start standing behind the first barbell. On the judge's "GO" command, the competitor will strap onto the barbell (if using straps) and begin pulling and will receive the "DOWN" command after lock out. After one completed rep the competitor will move on to the second deadlift. COMPETITOR MUST CONTROL THE BAR DOWN, DROPPING THE BAR WILL RESULT IN A ZERO FOR EVENT.
- For the second deadlift there will be NO "GO" command, just pull it and wait for the "DOWN" command. After one completed rep the competitor will move on to the final deadlift. COMPETITORS MUST CONTROL THE BAR DOWN, DROPPING THE BAR WILL RESULT IN A ZERO FOR THE EVENT.
- Judges will be giving on a "DOWN" command on the first two deadlifts in the ladder.
- Moving onto the final deadlift, reps this out as many times as possible!!! This will require the judge's UP and UP-AND-DOWN command. No touch-and-go reps. Judges are looking for the final deadlift implement to rest completely on the floor before giving the "UP" command. Athletes will only be given a "DOWN' command when a good lockout is completed.
- If the bar is lifted before the up command, no rep will be given. Hands must remain closed on the bar at all times, no finger tipping the bar while using straps. Deliberately dropping the barbell from the top of lockout will result in a ZERO for the event.
- Please respect the equipment.
Equipment allowed: gloves, hard belt, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves
Not allowed: tacky of any kind
Scoring: fastest time or distance
- Competitors will be strapped into a harness assembly and on the judge's "GO" command will have 60 seconds to pull A FREAKING ambulance along a 50 foot course.
Events and Weights
Division | Log Press | Farmer Carry/Sandbag Carry | Deadlift Ladder | Ambulance Pull |
Novice W LW (-140) | 70 | 115/100 | 165/185/215 | KEEP |
Novice W HW (180.1+) | 80 | 135/100 | 205/225/255 | GOING |
Novice W MW (-180) | 75 | 125/100 | 185/205/235 | TO |
Novice M MW (181.1-220) | 155 | 175/200 | 355/375/405 | SURVIVE THE |
Novice M LW (-181) | 135 | 150/200 | 325/355/375 | ZOMBIE |
Novice M HW (+) | 185 | 200/200 | 375/405/425 | APOCOLYPSE |
Registration Closes Sep 26, 2024
No refunds.
12 spots remain.