October 13, 2024
America's Strongest Athlete with Disabilities 2024 Presented By Strength Captain
Atlantic City, NJ
See the Clash of the Tridents (https://ironpodium.com/browse/event/clash-of-the-tridents-iv-at-the-mr-america-all-sports-festival) for the full details about hotels and such.
Hotel Block links: Click link below for room block (can be used for athletes, spectators, volunteers...whoever!)
Confirmed sports: Bodybuilding, powerlifting, kettlebell sport, strict curl and more to be announced (It's very similar to the Arnold Sports Festival).
Spectator Fees (I have no control over this - athletes/volunteers get a free pass for the weekend): https://checkout.conventions.leapevent.tech/eh/The_Mr_America_2024
USS membership is required of all athletes. You may purchase one here: https://www.unitedstatesstrongman.com/uss-membership
If you don't get the Oprah reference on the weight grid, see this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pviYWzu0dzk
Please check out our sponsors!
Our Title Sponsor - Strength Captain - strengthcaptain55@gmail.com
Tuff Industry https://tuffindustry.com/
Outback Kitty Haven (Melbourne, AR) https://www.facebook.com/p/Outback-Kitty-Haven-61555770626736
Paws and Claws Animal Encounters (Bremen, OH) https://www.pandcencounters.com/
Vigilante Training Systems https://www.instagram.com/theteamvigilante/
Event Rules...
For all events: No strongman corporation or OSG shirts allowed, grip or otherwise.
Solid Axle Clean & Press/Monster Bell Clean & Press: Only athletes in the 1-armed classes will be using the monster bell. Everyone else will be using an axle. Athletes will have 3 choices of weight. One rep at a higher weight beats any number of reps at a lower weight. Once the weight is picked, that's it. There will be no changing. If you go for a heavier weight and can't get a rep, it sucks to be you. Choose wisely. 60 seconds time limit, most clean and presses wins. The rep does not count until you get a down call from your judge! Implement must be locked out and controlled and your feet reasonably together before the judge will do that. Normal press accessories are allowed. Seated athletes will be doing an incline axle press for reps, no clean. Helpers will help the athlete get the weight to the pressing position, then it's all them.
Husafell Carry (standing) / Arm over arm drag (seated): Same as the first event, the athletes will have 3 options - weight trumps distance/speed at a lighter weight. 50 foot course, you must get 25 feet to get credit for the heavier weight. 60 second time limit. You may NOT try a lighter weight if you fail at a heavier weight. Standard accessories allowed. 1 Armed athletes are allowed to use a strap. Seated athletes, you will be doing an arm over arm pull with a car (you will NOT have 3 choices of car). I don't know how much it weighs. Nor the average barometric pressure of the room...nor the viscosity of the sealant on the floor. Just pull it 50 feet faster than everyone else and you'll be fine.
Car Yoke (standing): 50 feet with a car, 60 second time limit. See above. We don't know how much it weighs. It's probably heavy. Good luck.
Axle Overhead Static Hold (seated): Axle will be up as high as we can safely get it on jerk blocks. Spotters will help the athlete get it into position, then release on the athlete's command. Athlete's head must remain under the bar, no leaning back. Hold for max time. As soon as your elbows start to bend, the judge will call time and have the spotters take it. We're going to err to the side of safety here. Typical pressing accessories are allowed.
Stone of Steel over Bar (Standing) / Stone of Steel Side to Side (Seated): Max reps in 60 seconds. NO TACKY! Tacky towels are allowed and so is chalk and/or liquid chalk. 46" height for standing men, 44" for women. Seated will be doing side to side on jerk blocks. 3 weight choices...as always, one rep at a heavier weight beats any number of reps at a lighter weight. There will be no weight changes during the event (same as the rest of the events with multiple options).
Car Deadlift (Standing): It's a car. Not sure how much it weighs. If it looks too light, we'll have people sit on it. If it's still too light, we'll have fat people sit on it. Straps, suits, all the normal stuff allowed. 1 armed athletes can use a strap. Max reps in 60 seconds.
Farmers Hold (seated): Weight listed is per hand. Athlete will be seated on a bench. Hold for max time. Spotters may hand the athlete the weight at the athlete's discretion (pick it up if you can). No straps or tacky. Chalk is allowed.
2831 Boardwalk
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
View Map
Start Time
9:00 AM
Events and Weights
Division | Solid Axle Clean & Press/Monster Bell for Reps (1 arm) | Husafell Carry (standing) / Arm over arm drag (seated) | Car Yoke (standing) | Axle Overhead Static Hold (seated) | Stone of Steel over Bar (Standing) / Stone of Steel Side to Side (Seated) | Car Deadlift (Standing) | Farmers Hold (seated) | Countback (Event Wins) |
Adaptive W Seated | 75/100/125 | Car | N/A | 125 | 125/150/200 | N/A | 150 | TBD |
Adaptive W Standing | 75/100/125 | 100/125/150 | Oprah | N/A | 125/150/200 | Oprah | N/A | TBD |
Adaptive W Seated Neuro | 55/75/100 | Car | N/A | 100 | 125/145/165 | N/A | 100 | TBD |
Adaptive W Standing One-Armed | 55/75/95 | 100/125/150 | Oprah | N/A | 125/150/200 | Oprah | N/A | TBD |
Adaptive M Seated | 250/275/300 | Car with fat people sitting on it. | N/A | 300 | 200/250/300 | N/A | 250 | TBD |
Adaptive M Standing | 175/215/250 | 250/300/350 | Oprah | N/A | 200/250/300 | Oprah | N/A | TBD |
Adaptive M Seated Neuro | 140/160/180 | Car | N/A | 180 | 150/200/250 | N/A | 200 | TBD |
Adaptive M Standing One-Armed | 120/150/180 | 250/300/350 | Oprah | N/A | 200/250/300 | Oprah | N/A | TBD |
Registration Closes Sep 27, 2024
No refunds.
92 spots remain.