
October 12, 2025

America's Strongest Athlete with Disabilities 2025


Atlantic City, NJ

This is the 10th Anniversary of the competition, so I'm trying a new wrinkle and adding a novice division. If you want to enter as a novice, seated is LW and standing is HW. The weights will be lighter and the prizes smaller, though still cool. No championship belts for the novice division. 

What counts as adaptive? Standing classes are generally BTK amputees and visually impaired athletes, although an ATK amputee with good stability and mobility can compete here, too. 1-armed, as the name implies, means only one arm is functional. Seated classes are generally ATK amputees or SCIs affected from the waist down (i.e. still have abdominal control). Seated neuro is generally CP, Spina Bifida, MS, or an SCI where the nervous system/muscular control above the waist is compromised. If you're not sure, email me and we'll figure it out. 

This is a United States Strongman sanctioned event. USS membership is required of all athletes. Membership can be purchased ONLY here: https://www.unitedstatesstrongman.com/uss-membership

SPECIAL GUEST JUDGE: The American Nightmare, pro strongman extraordinaire Bobby Thompson! 

Hotel Block links:    Link will be pasted below once it is live. Room block discount can be used for athletes, spectators, volunteers...whoever!


WEIGH INS/CHECK INS - Since we don't have weight classes in the adaptive world, but we do need you to check in and get your contest shirt, etc. You can check in during any of the times below on Friday and Saturday (able-bodied folks who actually have to weigh-in will get priority during those times) and Sunday morning is exclusively for our show. 


  • 10/10/25:

                -10a-12p OR 2p-4p weigh ins offered (exact location will be emailed to registered athletes and posted on social media).


  • 10/11/25:

               -8A-9A (prior to Clash of the Tridents - I'm judging at that and will NOT be available to check you in once the contest starts)


  • 10/12/25:

               -8A-9A - ASAWD athlete check-in

               -9:15A quick rules before 1st event (I'll cover the rules for each event shortly before each event, because people forget if we do one big rules meeting at the beginning). 

               - 9:30A press medley starts


CONFIRMED SPORTS: Bodybuilding, powerlifting, kettlebell sport, boxing and more to be announced   


*ATHLETES have entrance to all weekend events and do not need a spectator pass

*10 years and under are free

*coaches, spouses, family and friends are considered spectators

  • link will be pasted here once it is live

Press Medley (Everybody): 

  • Athlete has 60 seconds to press stumpy logs overhead for reps. The athlete will be presented with a series of four options of varying weight. The athlete must press each one in sequence, fasted time wins, split times will be taken for each press.
  • Athlete may clean with two hands but must press with one
  • All reps MUST be controlled down to the ground or to the blocks for the seated athletes. No tree topping or letting implement drop from overhead or you will receive a 0 for the event.
  • A good rep will have the athlete's arm overhead, head through, elbows locked, hips through and knees locked. If athlete is jerking the implement; they must return their feet to a neutral position. Seated classes just need to have the weight overhead and stabilized. As always, WAIT FOR THE DOWN CALL!
  • The weight matrix number is the LIGHTEST stumpy in your class
  • Allowed: wrist wraps, sleeves, grip shirts, belts (must be turned around if they have a metal clasp so as to not ruin the implement), chalk
  • Not Allowed: grip shirts from any other federation, liquid chalk, tacky, tacky towels, tree topping from above

Slater Farmers into Frame Carry (Standing):

  • Athlete has 90 seconds to pick a set of Slater brand farmers handles, carry them 50', drop and then pick and walk a metal frame back 50'
  • The athlete may begin with their hands on the implement but cannot pick until the judge gives the "lift" command
  • This event is scored via distance and time (if the athlete does not complete the walk within the time limit, a distance will be measured).
  • If the athlete throws the implements to gain distance, they will be given a zero for the event
  • One drop for the farmers and one drop for the frame are allowed
  • Front of the implement must cross the line at both 50' lines (a volunteer will be at both ends of the 50' to cue you to drop)
  • Allowed: Chalk, wrist wraps, sleeves, belts, gloves
  • Not Allowed: NO Tacky, no straps (exception for 1-armed classes), no liquid chalk

Slater Farmers Ascending Shrug (Seated):

  • Athlete has 90 seconds to shrug a set of Slater brand farmers handles. Weight will be added each rep. If the athlete fails a weight, they will be given one more chance to complete the shrug. A second failure will end the event.
  • A successful shrug is basically, make your neck disappear. No extra body English or momentum is allowed. Video will be posted later with examples.

Conan's Wheel (Standing):

  • Athlete has 90 seconds to move the Conan’s wheel (holding it zercher style) in a any rotation
  • Once the implement is dropped, total distance will be measured
  • No sliding
  • Athlete can begin touching the implement but may not stand until judge gives the lift command
  • Allowed: Grip shirts, belts, chalk, sleeves, wrist wraps
  • Not allowed: tacky, SC/OSG grip shirts

Conan's Wheel Hold (Seated):

  • Athlete will hold the Conan’s wheel (holding it Zercher style) as long as possible.
  • Once the implement is dropped, total time will be taken
  • Time will start once the athlete has the implement lifted and controlled

Newton Stairs (Standing):

  • This event is named in honor of Sir Isaac Newton, the man who is credited with discovering gravity and famously saying, “What goes up, must come back down.” Therefore, each competitor will have 60 seconds to move their prescribed weight to the top of the stairs AND BACK DOWN. Weight handle will start off of the platform. Competitor will start on the judges call with hands off the handle. The competitor will lift the handle up four 14” high steps to the top. Then the competitor will bring the implement back down each step until it reaches the starting point. Weight must be on the floor, standing upright, with the competitor’s hands off to stop the time.
  • Allowed: chalk, wrist wraps, sleeves and belts.
  • Not Allowed: Lifting straps (exception for 1-arm class), tacky, gloves, zercher carrying up steps like a keg

Fingal Finger Press (Seated):

  • Athlete has 60 seconds to press the fingal finger implement as many times as possible. Press and down commands will be given.
  • Allowed: Typical pressing accessories.

Car Yoke (Standing):

All athletes will have the option of a car OR a regular yoke. So if you do not feel comfortable lifting the car via shoulder straps, you can still gain points with a yoke. During rules I will review the specifics but just know that the car will give you more points than a yoke so that those athletes choosing the heavier/more difficult option don’t get penalized for their efforts.

  • Athlete may start within the car under the straps or under the yoke but may not stand until the judge gives the "lift" command
  • Athlete has 60 seconds to pick a yoke or a car to the 50' line
  • The front of the vehicle or front of yoke must cross the 50' line to count
  • Two drops allowed. This will begin once you have taken your first step. If you pick the car or the yoke and stand and do not feel it is centered, you may place it down and pick again. That will not count as a drop.
  • Allowed: Chalk, wrist wraps, sleeves, belts, gloves and grip shirts OK (no SC/OSG shirts)
  • Not Allowed: NO Tacky, no liquid chalk

Car Arm over Arm Pull (Seated):

  • Athlete has 60 seconds to pull the car 50 feet over the finish line, arm over arm, using a 1.5” rope. Failure to complete the course will result in distance being taken. Fasted time or longest distance wins.
  • A weighted sled or something similar will be attached to the back of the car for more resistance. Weights will go up for each class.
Tropicana Atlantic City
2831 Boardwalk
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
View Map
Oct 12, 2025

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Chris Vachio
Events and Weights
Division Press MedleySlater Farmers into Frame Carry (Standing)Slater Farmers Ascending Shrug (Seated)Conan's Wheel (Standing) Conan's Wheel Hold (Seated)Newton Stairs (Standing)Fingal Finger Press (Seated)Car Yoke (standing) Car Arm Over Arm Pull (Seated)
Novice W LW (165-)50N/A150/20N/A150N/A100ishN/ACar
Novice W HW (165+)50125/300N/A150N/A150N/ACar/250N/A
Adaptive W Seated65N/A150/20N/A250N/A175ishN/ACar + 100
Adaptive W Standing65170/370N/A250N/A225N/ACar/350N/A
Adaptive W Seated Neuro50N/A150/20N/A150N/A100ishN/ACar
Adaptive W Standing One-Armed50170/370N/A250N/A225N/ACar/350N/A
Novice M LW (220-)80N/A220/20N/A400N/A250ishN/ACar + 200
Novice M HW (220+)110200/460N/A400N/A275N/ACar/500N/A
Adaptive M Seated110N/A260/20N/A600N/A350ishN/ACar + 400
Adaptive M Standing125260/570N/A600N/A400N/ACar/600N/A
Adaptive M Seated Neuro80N/A220/20N/A400N/A250ishN/ACar + 200
Adaptive M Standing One-Armed125260/570N/A600N/A400N/ACar/600N/A

Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 26, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 50 athletes.
49 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard