
September 13, 2025

America's Strongest Firefighter


Prospect, OH

This is a United States Strongman sanctioned event. USS membership is required of all athletes. Membership can be purchased ONLY here: https://www.unitedstatesstrongman.com/uss-membership

This event is open to the following groups of firefighters ONLY (proof will be required):

  • Active professional firefighters (including part-time)
  • Retired professional firefighters
  • Active volunteer firefighters

If you were a volunteer firefighter 10 years ago, thank you for your service, but you do not qualify for this competition. 

If you're under 40, you may enter either of the open classes. You may enter the lighter classes as long as you make weight for that class. 

THIS IS A CHARITY EVENT! ALL PROCEEDS WILL BE SPLIT BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING CHAIRITIES: Safety City and Safety Village of Marion, Ohio. They both do excellent programs for children on safety in general and fire safety in particular. Smoke detectors are given out to the kids and they have numerous stories of lives being saved because of those free smoke detectors. Very proud to be supporting these two programs. 

Weigh-ins: 8-9:30am on contest day. Day before weigh-ins are TBD and will be announced closer to the event date. Only people actually having to make weight will be allowed to do an early weigh-in (So women's <165>

Opening ceremony will be at 9:45am. Bag pipes will play as the colors are presented by the Marion Fire Department Honor Guard, followed by the National Anthem. 

Lifting will commence at 10am sharp! 

Depending on the number of athletes, we may run two events at a time, with different groups rotating events. Stay tuned for more info on that that front. 

For all events - no shirts with a Strongman Corporation logo or an Official Strongman Games logo will be allowed. If the judge sees one when you approach the platform, your time will start and you will be required to remove the shirt while your time runs. Failure to remove the shirt will result in a zero for the event. 


Heft the Hydrant : This is a Viking press with a fire hydrant making up a substantial portion of the weight being lifted. 60 second time limit, max reps within the time. Typical pressing gear is allowed (wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, belt, knee sleeves). You can wear a grip shirt if it will make you feel better. Athlete must wait for the judge's down call for the rep to count, athlete must have their feet reasonably in line, elbows locked out, and the implement under complete control to get a down call. Any lockout impairments need to be discussed with the judge BEFORE you start the event. Athletes will be facing away from the apparatus. Women's classes may NOT be using a hydrant. We need to do some testing to see if the hydrant makes it overly heavy. 

Tire Deadlift: We'll have truck tires making up most of the weight lifted on a super long Hummer tire deadlift bar. Approximately a 15" deadlift height. Max reps in 60 seconds. Straps (including versa grip style straps), belts, knee sleeves, and briefs are allowed. Figure 8 straps and deadlift suits are NOT allowed. Athletes will be getting both an UP call and a DOWN call. Why are Figure 8's not allowed? Here's a picture to explain: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WgwLWv34E7y0Iphh14NsPPEusImJ6GBg/view?usp=sharing Here's a demo video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sVxnR4j6r5EZlL2qGd81vi9IazNSnuqd/view?usp=sharing

Loki's Ladder: Fingal finger style implement using an actual ladder. Max reps in 60 seconds. Weights are being ironed out. Typical pressing gear is allowed (wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, belt, knee sleeves). You can wear a grip shirt if it will make you feel better on this one, too. 

FML Medley: Despite what you may have been thinking, FML means Firefighter Mastery Level. ;) Athlete will carry a fire hose 50 feet to a wheelbarrow and load it into the wheelbarrow. Once loaded, the athlete will wheel the wheelbarrow back across the start line. The entire implement must cross the line and it must remain upright. It's a single-wheeled wheelbarrow that's already very heavy on its own, so staying upright is not a given. It's the same kind of wheelbarrow that was used in the 2015 Crossfit Games, if you feel like getting your Google on. One the wheelbarrow is across the line, the athlete will grab the first fire hydrant and carry it 50 feet to a sled and put the hydrant onto one of the front posts. The athlete will run back and grab a second fire hydrant, carry that 50 feet to the sled, and put it on the other front post. The athlete will then go around to the rear posts and push the entire implement across the finish line. Weight will be added to the wheelbarrow and the sled for the various classes. Bigger people get more weight. Women will carry a coil of LDH hose. Men will carry an LDH coil and an attack line coil strapped together, probably with a ratchet strap. 90 second time limit, fastest time to finish or furthest distance wins. Bonus points for colorful projectile vomiting into one of the trash cans afterwards. 

Fire Truck Pull: How can we NOT do this, right? 50-60 foot course, fastest time or most distance wins. There will be a rope assist for all classes. Ladies Choice: We will have a smaller truck available - one for putting out grass fires. We also have the big truck. You ladies decide amongst yourselves which one you want for your class. If everyone in your class wants the big truck, you can pull the big truck. That choice is final, though. If you all zero the big truck, them's the breaks. 

More details to come. 


Prospect Community Park
4th St
Prospect, OH 43342
View Map
Sep 13, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Chris Vachio

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Events and Weights
Division Heft the HydrantTire DeadliftLoki's LadderThe FML MedleyFire Truck Pull
Open W MW (165-)Small Hydrant1 Tire + 35 per side (300ish)TBDAwfulLadies Choice
Open W SHW (+)Small Hydrant + 502 tires per side (400ish)TBDHorribleLadies Choice
Masters Women (Single Class)Small Hydrant1 Tire + 35 per side (300ish)TBDTerribleLadies Choice
Open M MW (220-)Hydrant + 903 tires per side + 25s (550ish)TBDEven WorseBig Fire Truck
Open M SHW (+)Hydrant + 1504 tires per side (675ish)TBDWhy me, Lord?Big Fire Truck
Masters Men (Single Class)Hydrant + 903 tires per side + 25s (550ish)TBDEven WorseBig Fire Truck

Regular Price
Registration Closes Aug 29, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 100 athletes.
97 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard