
February 17, 2024

America's Strongest State


Tallahassee, FL



This is the first show of its kind and the largest team strongman event in history!


States from across the country battle for supremacy and the right to call themselves AMERICA'S STRONGEST STATE!



Each state competing at this show has qualified by their placing in Regional Qualifiers, or by Next-In-Line Qualifying due to qualified teams not being able to attend the final.

Each team will have 6 athletes total in the following weight classes:

2 Women (Any weight class)

1 90kg/80kg Man (Anyone weighing less than 90kg)

1 105kg Man

2 Open Men

Teams may add a lighter weight class athlete in favor of a heavier athlete, but teams may not add extra heavier athletes in favor of lighter ones. For example, you may have 2 90kg Men and 0 105kg Men, but you may not have 2 105kg Men and 0 90kg Men.

Each event (with full team events being the exception) will specify which athletes must participate. Teams may substitute lighter athletes for heavier ones, but may not substitute heavier athletes for lighter ones. For example: If an event specifies that the HW Man will compete, teams may use the 105kg Man in place of the HW Man if they choose. Teams may not use the HW Man in place of the 105kg Man.

There will be 6 events in total. No athlete may compete in all 6 events. Everyone must sit out at least 1 event. Every athlete must compete in at least 3 events.


Event 1: Max Kratos Bar Deadlift


  • 1 HW Man
  • 1 105kg Man
  • 1 90kg Man
  • 1 Woman



  • 10 attempts total per team. Each athlete must make at least 1 attempt. There is no limit to the number of attempts any athlete may make.
  • Athletes may jump in and out as they want. They may also skip lifts if they choose.
  • Each athlete’s highest successful lift will count toward total score.
  • Score is counted as the total cumulative weight lifted by the team.
  • Women will have 20lb jumps, and men will have 40lb jumps.
  • The starting weight will be 345 lbs for women and 565 lbs for men.
  • Athletes will have 30 seconds per attempt.
  • Athletes will step up to the platform and the judges will ask their name and state representation. Scorekeepers will then be able to track and score accurately.
  • Deadlift Suits are NOT allowed. Rigid briefs (meaning those that arent stretchy) are NOT allowed. (Ie: Inzer, metal, Titan, etc.)
  • Soft briefs (Rehband, Evolution, Cerberus, etc) is allowed. Chalk is allowed. Figure 8 and traditional straps are allowed.


Event 2: Team Loading Race


  • Everyone



  • There will be a 2-minute time limit with a running clock.
  • There will be 6 implements to load. 1 for each team member.
  • Any team member may load any implement, but once a team assigns a specific athlete to a specific implement, they CAN NOT switch.
  • Implements can be loaded in ANY ORDER. It does not have to be lightest to heaviest.
  • All implements will be 25 ft from the platform. The platform is approximately 40" in load height.
  • When an athlete loads their implement, the next athlete may begin their turn with their implement.
  • Time will stop when the last implement is loaded and the athlete has their HANDS OFF the implement.
  • Split times will be taken for each implement loaded.



  • Natural Stone: ~150
  • Tire: ~160
  • Fire Hydrant: ~200
  • Atlas Stone: 275
  • Keg: 350
  • Sandbag: 400


Event 3: Log Press Relay


  • 1 HW Man
  • 105kg Man
  • 2 Women



  • There will be a 4-minute time limit with a running clock.
  • A log will be set to the lifting weight for each athlete.
  • Any athlete may start.
  • The starting athlete will rep their log as much as they can, then tag in the next athlete. That athlete will rep their log as much as they can, then tag in the next athlete. This will continue until all 4 athletes have lifted.
  • All 4 athletes must lift.
  • Athletes must wait to be tagged in by the previous athlete to begin their turn.
  • If an athlete fails a rep, they may continue lifting if they choose.
  • Athletes may stop lifting and tag in their teammates at any time.
  • The score taken will be the cumulative number of reps completed by the team.
  • Equipment allowed: Elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, chalk, belts (soft or hard), grip shirts.
  • Equipment not allowed: Straps, elbow wraps, anything sticky.



  • Woman 1: 125
  • Woman 2: 155
  • 105kg: 275
  • HW: 335


Event 4: Team Dinnie Hold


  • 1 Man
  • 1 Woman



  • 1 Man and 1 Woman from each team will lift at the same time.
  • The cumulative time between the 2 athletes will be the team's total score.
  • Athletes will pick and hold 2 Dinnie handles each for as long as possible.
  • When the weight hits the ground, time stops for that athlete.
  • Farmer's style or split stance.
  • Hook grip is allowed.
  • Equipment allowed: Hard/ soft belts, sleeves, wrist wraps, chalk.
  • Equipment not allowed: anything sticky, gloves, straps



  • Woman: 175/225
  • Man: 280/370

Event 5: Sandbag to Shoulder Team Ladder


  • Everyone



  • All athletes will shoulder 1 sandbag 1 time.
  • Athletes will start off their respective platforms, and step up one at a time to lift their bags.
  • The next athlete will be able to lift once the previous athlete gets the “Good” call from the judge.
  • All athletes must hold their bags in the shouldered position until the entire team has their bags shouldered. Once every athlete has their bags shouldered simultaneously, the team will get the “Down” call and their time will be recorded.
  • If any athlete drops their bag, the team will have to restart. Time will be paused for the team to reset off of their platforms. Once the team has been reset to their starting positions, the judge will then give the “Start” command again and time will resume.
  • If an athlete, while having their bag shouldered and waiting for other team members to shoulder their bags, loses their shoulder position (ie: holds their bag with 2 hands or the bag drops to their chest), the team does not have to start over, but that athlete will have to return to a shouldered position to receive the final down call.
  • Any team that purposefully loses a shoulder position to make holding the bag easier will be disqualified from this event and given a score of 0.
  • There will be a 2-minute time limit.
  • If a team cannot shoulder all their bags simultaneously, their score will be recorded as the maximum number of bags they had shouldered at any one point during the attempt.
  • Scoring will be reps + time. For example, if a team finished in 1 minute, their score would read 6 bags in 1:00. If a team cannot finish all the bags, but completed 4, their score would read 4 bags in 2:00.
  • Gloves are allowed. Hard belts must be turned backward. No buckles forward. Grip shirts are allowed.



  • 132-353 in 20kg jumps


Event 6: Tug of War


  • Everyone



  • Bracket style, double-elimination tournament
  • Placings after 5 events will determine seeding for this event
  • Scoring will be based on when teams are eliminated. If teams are eliminated in the same round, the higher-seeded team will place higher.
  • No time limit on each match.
  • Athletes may order themselves however they want on their side of the rope.
  • Athletes may loop the rope around their wrists once, but they may not loop the rope around their bodies in any way whatsoever. Any athlete that does this will result in an automatic disqualification for that team. That match will be scored a loss for that team.
  • Any type of shoes may be worn other than spiked cleats (plastic or metal).
  • This event will most likely be on grass.
  • Chalk only for grip. No tacky or tacky towel allowed.
  • No grip shirts.
  • This event will also serve as the tie-breaker in the event of a tie on overall points. 


The points leader after all events will be crowned AMERICA'S STRONGEST STATE!

Apalachee Regional Park
7550 Apalachee Pkwy
Tallahassee, FL 32311
View Map
Feb 17, 2024

Start Time
11:00 AM
Meet Director
Brandon Spivey

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Max Kratos Bar DeadliftTeam Loading RaceLog Press RelayTeam Dinnie HoldSandbag to Shoulder Team LadderTug of War
TeamMAXNatural Stone-150lbs, Tire ~160lbs, Fire Hydrant- ~200lbs, Atlas Stone- 275lbs, Keg- 350lbs, Sandbag- 400lbsWoman 1- 125, Woman 2- 155, 105kg- 275, HW- 335Women- 175/225, Men- 280/370132-353 in 20kg jumpsHead to Head

Regular Price
Registration Closes Feb 17, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 100 athletes.
85 spots remain.