
May 18, 2024

Are You Strong Enough to be Adaptive?


Mount Sterling, OH

Ever wanted to see how difficult the adaptive events really are? Well, here's your chance. Able-bodied and adaptive lifters together will compete in a wheel chair. Athletes with neurological conditions (such as cerebral palsy or spina bifida) will compete in the neuro division. 

The weights of all events will be posted around Arnold weekend. Any even with multiple weight option - you must pick one and stick with it. If you pick too heavy and miss, sucks to be you. If you pick too light, better rep your butt off. 

Viking Press: The apparatus will be set approximately shoulder height. Athlete will press as many reps as possible in 60 seconds. There will be multiple weight options. 1 rep at a higher weight will trump any number of reps at a lighter weight. Wrist wraps, elbow sleeves are allowed. 

Prone Row: Athlete will be face down and strapped to a bench. They will row for as many reps as possible in 60 seconds. Back of the triceps must be level with the ground for the athlete to get the down command. Straps are allowed. Same as with the Viking press, multiple weight choices will be available, one rep at the higher weight will trump any number at a lighter weight. 

Shot Throw: Athletes will throw 3 heavy med balls shot put style. Total distance will be taken for the score. Distance will be taken from where the ball strikes the ground. 

Side to side sandbag load: Max reps in 60 seconds, side to side either to barrels or jerk blocks. There will be multiple weight options. 1 rep at a higher weight will trump any number of reps at a lighter weight.

Truck Pull: Arm over arm. Men will have a fire truck. Women either an ambulance or a big pick up truck. 90 second time limit. 

Mount Sterling Community Center
164 E Main St
Mount Sterling, OH 43143
View Map
May 18, 2024

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Chris Vachio
Events and Weights
Division Viking PressProne RowShot ThrowSide to Side Sandbag LoadTruck Pull
Adaptive W SeatedE/+20/+50100/150/20012/20/30100/120/150Pickup Truck
Adaptive W Seated NeuroE/+20/+50100/150/20012/20/30100/120/150Pickup Truck
Adaptive M Seated+90/+140/+180300/350/40020/30/40220/265/300Fire Truck
Adaptive M Seated Neuro+50/+90/+140200/250/30020/30/40150/200/220Fire Truck

Regular Price
Registration Closes May 03, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 100 athletes.
96 spots remain.