
September 6, 2025

Arizona's Strongest Man / Pro AM 2025


Phoenix, AZ

Arizona's Strongest Man / Pro Am 2025

Experience the excitement of Arizona’s Strongest Man 2025 at ATP Gym’s spacious, two-story, air-conditioned facility! This family-friendly event promises a day of fun with local vendors, interactive activities, complimentary Nocco beverages, and a professionally live-streamed show hosted by Valor and Venom LLC. Come enjoy the energy, entertainment, and awe-inspiring displays of strength!

ProAm & Amateur competition

This event features both ProAm and Amateur Strongman competitions, offering opportunities for athletes at every level to showcase their strength and determination.

In the ProAm Division, professional and amateur strongman athletes will compete side by side. Amateurs will have the exciting opportunity to earn their Pro Card by securing a podium finish as the highest-placing amateur in the competition. All amateurs are welcome to sign up for the ProAm division.

Additionally, we’ll have dedicated Amateur Classes where professional athletes are not permitted to compete. These classes are exclusively for amateur competitors, providing them a pathway to earn invitations to National and Regional Championships.

Get ready for an event where strength meets opportunity, and champions are made and see who is crowned 

 Arizona's Strongest man 


ProAm Weight Classes: 

Open Men SHW+

Middle Weight Women 82kg -

Amateur Weight Classes:

Heavy Weight Men 120kg -

Middle Weight Men 105kg -

Middle Weight Men 90kg -

Light Weight Men 80kg -

Master Men SHW+

Open Women HW+

Middle Weight Women 73kg -

Light Weight Women 64kg -

Light Weight Women 57kg -

Masters Women SHW +

Order of Events:

  • Log For Reps
  • Husafell Sandbag carry
  • Axle Deadlift (Trump Weight)
  • Sandbag Toss
  • Atlas Stones

* Please note that the events, order of events, weight of the events are all subject to change. *


ProAm Classes: 

1st Place: $1500 Dollars - Pro Card (if not already Pro), invite to America’s Strongest

2nd Place: $1000 Dollars - Pro Card (if highest placing amateur and not already Pro) 

3rd Place: $500 Dollars - Pro Card (if highest placing amateur and not already Pro)

In Pro/Am classes, Arnold invites will be given to the top 3 amateurs regardless of placement.

Amateur Nationals invites are also available at Pro/Am competitions as follows:

1-8 athletes in a class: 1st-3rd place qualify for Nationals (if Pro card not earned)

8-11 athletes in a class: 1st-4th place qualify for Nationals (if Pro card not earned)

12+ athletes in a class: 1st-5th place qualify for Nationals (if Pro card not earned)

Amateur classes: 

  • 1st - Trophy, Sponsor giveaways, Nationals and Regionals invites, 2026
  • 2nd - Trophy, Regionals, (Nationals If there are 5+ athletes in a class)
  • 3rd - Trophy, Regionals, (Nationals If there are 10+ athletes in a class)

Friday, September 5th

  • Weigh-Ins / Check-Ins: 9am-11am & 5pm-7pm @ ATP Gym

Saturday, September 6th

  • Rules Meeting: 7:00am @ ATP Gym (Same as weigh ins)
  • Athlete Group Photo 7:15am
  • Athlete Warmups: 7:30am
  • 1st Event Starts: 8:00am

Weight divisions are subject to change, Amateur classes could be combined.

Event Rules
Event 1: Log clean & Press for Reps 

On "Athlete ready" command Athlete will start behind Log with hands off. on "Start" command athlete will place hands on Log and begin to do as many reps as possible, Athlete must clean each rep, Athlete must wait for the down command at the top of each rep for the rep to count, athlete will not receive a down call if their head is not through, arms must be locked out while showing control of the implement with feet side by side, athlete will not receive a down command while in a staggered stance / spit jerk stance 

Athlete will have 60 seconds. Shot clock rule applied. 

Event will be run Head-to-head.

IF your arms are uncapable of locking elbows out you must show judge prior to start of event 

Equipment Allowed: Wrist Wraps, Knee Sleeves, Elbow Wraps, Elbows Sleeves, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Double Belt. grip shirt 

Equipment Not Allowed: Tacky of any kind (Shirt required)


Event 2: Husafell Sandbag Carry

Athlete will begin on starting line, when giving the start command athlete will pick the Sandbag Husfell

Athlete will go 40ft down and back as many times as possible, foot must cross the line each time, if foot does not cross you will have to go back and any distance made without crossing the line will not count 

Time will Stop and distance will be recorded when the Huafell hits the ground or after the 60 second time limit whichever comes first 

Husafell may not be repicked once dropped if you drop its over, however you may re-lap the husafell as many times as you wish as long as it does not Touch the ground 

Event will be run Head-to-head.  

Equipment Allowed: Wrist Wraps, Knee Sleeves, Elbow Wraps, Elbows Sleeves, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Double Belt.

Equipment Not Allowed: Tacky of any kind (Shirt required), grip shirt not allowed 


Event 3: Axle Deadlift Trump Weight for Reps 

Athlete will begin on starting line and once giving the start command can choose from 1 of 2 bars. (Can start on either bar)

The 1st bar will be lighter and 2nd heavier. 

Once the bar has been successfully lifted, the athlete has the choice to either go up in weight to the next bar or continue to add reps to the same bar.

Once an athlete begins to lift a bar, they are not allowed to move down to a lighter bar. 

Placement will be decided by who completes the most reps with the heaviest bar within the time limit. 

Athletes will have 60 seconds. 

NO TAP and GO reps 

Event will be run Head-to-head.

Equipment Allowed: Wrist Wraps, Knee Sleeves, Elbow Wraps, Elbows Sleeves, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Double Belt, suit, briefs. straps, figure 8s

Equipment Not Allowed: Tacky of any kind
(Shirt required)

Event 4: Sandbag Toss
Athletes will start 10ft back from first sandbag with their hand on the apparatus. Once given the "Start" command, athletes will begin throwing each sandbag over the bar in ascending weight. Each previous sandbag must be thrown over the bar before the next heavier bag can be attempted. Time ends once the last sandbag goes over the bar and hits the floor. 60 second time limit.

There will be split times for athletes who do not finish all 6 bags 

Apparatus Height:
Men: 15ft
Women 12ft

Equipment Allowed: Wrist Wraps, Knee Sleeves, Elbow Wraps, Elbows Sleeves, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Double Belt 
Equipment Not Allowed: Tacky of any kind (Shirt required)


Event 5: Atlas Stones (5 Stone Series)  

On "Athletes ready" command athlete will place arms on stone table, on the "Start" command athlete will began lifting stones starting with the lightest stone to the highest table and working their way down throughout all 5 stones, ending with the heaviest stone to the lowest table 

Athlete with the fastest time through all 5 stones will win 

If athlete does not complete all 5 stones split times will be taken on how fast athlete was able to complete the stones they loaded 

Athlete will have 60 seconds 

Equipment Allowed: Grip Shirts, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Compression Shorts, Tacky, Stone Sleeves

Equipment Not Allowed: Spud Stone Strap

Athletes must show Strongman corporation membership card at weigh ins NO one can compete without a Membership no expectations 

All current pro card holders will receive free entry to the competition. However, they must pay the entry fee as a deposit, which will be refunded on competition day.

If you pay the deposit but do not compete, your deposit will not be refunded.

Spectator fee for non-competitors $15

3830 E Ray Rd
3830 E Ray Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85044
View Map
Sep 06, 2025

Start Time
8:00 AM
Meet Director
adam steiger
Events and Weights
Division Log clean & Press Husafell sandbag carry Axle Deadlift Sandbag TossAtlas stones
Women LW (64kg-)115lb132lb245lb / 325lb10,15,20,25,30,32.5120,145,175,200,220
Women MW (82kg-) PRO AM 175lb* 220lb* 355lb / 455lb*20,25,30,32.5,35,40*145,175,220,250,280*
Open Women SHW+145lb 220lb 285lb / 375lb 10,15,20,25,30,32.5145,175,200,220,250
Women LW (57kg-)115lb132lb245lb / 325lb10,15,20,25,30,32.5120,145,175,200,220
Women MW (73kg-)135lb176lb265lb / 345lb10,15,20,25,30,32.5120,145,175,200,220
Masters Women SHW+135lb 176lb 265lb / 345lb10,15,20,25,30,32.5120,145,175,200,220
Men HW (120kg-)265lb309lb525lb / 625lb25,30,35,40,45,50280,300,325,355,370
Men LW (80kg-)190lb220lb425lb / 525lb15,20,25,30,35,40220,240,250,280,300
Men MW (90kg-)225lb265lb505lb / 605lb20,25,30,35,40,45240,250,280,300,325
Open Men SHW+ PRO AM 330lb* 397lb* 655lb / 755lb*35,40,45,50,55,60*300,320,370,405,425*
Men MW (105kg-)245lb265lb505lb / 605lb20,25,30,35,40,45250,280,300,325,355
Masters Men SHW+245lb265lb505lb / 605lb20,25,30,35,40,45250,280,300,325,355
Masters M 50+190lb220lb425lb / 525lb15,20,25,30,35,40220,240,250,280,300

Regular Price
Registration Closes Aug 22, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 80 athletes.
12 spots remain.
Athlete Registration Buy Spectator Tickets Purchase Extra Event ShirtView Scoreboard