November 23, 2024
Armlifting Competition Battle Axe Barbell
Garland, TX
1st event - 2 handed Country Crush
Country Crush Deadlift Rules
1. An authentic current-model Country Crush Handle must be used, it cannot have
been modified in any way, and it must be inspected to ensure that the handle/s
revolve freely. The lift starts with the weight in between the lifter’s feet, using a 15"
Olympic loading pin and carabiner.
2. The lifter grabs the Country Crush Handle in approximately its center and lifts
with the handle remaining approximately parallel to the ground.
3. A thumbless grip is not permitted.
4. Any contact between the lifter's hand and the non-revolving portion of the handle
disqualifies the lift; and other than incidental contact, the hand or Country Crush
Handle must not touch the body before the lift is completed—dragging the hand or
handle up the leg is cause for an immediate "No lift."
5. The lifter must fully straighten up (back erect, legs and hips locked out); once
standing straight, the lifter must maintain control of the lift for 1 second before
getting a down signal from the chief referee, and must then return the weight to the
ground. Contact must be maintained between the lifter's hand and the handle until
the weight is resting on the floor. The referee then indicates whether the lift was
passed or not.
6. The lifter is given 1 minute to complete the lift after his/her name is called; during
that minute, there is no limit to how many times the lifter may try to complete the
lift. If lifter fails to complete a lift, the lifter has no further attempts.
7. Ordinary chalk (magnesium carbonate) may be used on the lifter's hand, but
nothing else is permitted (tacky, for example, is specifically disallowed).
8. Hook Grip is not permitted on any Country Crush implement.
9. The handles must maintain contact with the lifter’s hands and MAY NOT
rest on the lifter’s wrist or forearm at all.
10. The thumb must be placed around the handle.
2nd Event - 3" Country Crush Saxon Block Deadlift
An authentic current-model 3" Country Crush Saxon Block and Raptor handle must be used, it cannot have been modified in any way, and it must be inspected to ensure that it revolves: holding the handle, lift the metal frame and rotate it until it is horizontal (parallel to the ground). Release the metal frame to demonstrate that it rotates back to its original vertical position (pointing toward the ground) under its own weight. The lift starts with the weight in between the lifter’s feet, using a 15" loading pin and carabiner.
The lifter grabs the 3" Country Crush Saxon Block and Raptor handle in approximately its center and lifts with the handle remaining parallel to the ground. A thumbless grip is not permitted.
Any contact between the lifter's hand and the non-revolving portion of the handle disqualifies the lift; and other than incidental contact, the hand or 3" Country Crush Saxon Block handle must not touch the body before the lift is completed—dragging the hand or handle up the leg is cause for an immediate "No lift."
The lifter must fully straighten up (head up, back erect, legs and hips locked out); once standing straight, the lifter must maintain control of the lift for 1 second before getting a down signal from the chief referee, and must then return the weight to the ground. Contact must be maintained between the lifter's hand and the handle until the weight is resting on the floor. The lifter is given 1 minute to complete the lift after his/her name is called; during that minute, there is no limit to how many times the lifter may try to complete the lift. If a lifter fails to complete a lift, the lifter has no further attempts.
The Block may not be titled above horizontal (i.e. the thumb may not point towards the ceiling) at any time during the lift.
The Block may rotate during the lift.
The non-lifting hand must be clear of the body and NOT push off of the leg.
Ordinary chalk (magnesium carbonate) may be used on the lifter's hand, but nothing else is permitted (tacky, liquid chalk, and wrist wraps, for example, are specifically disallowed).
3rd Event - Rogue Axle
Rogue Axle Double Overhand Deadlift
1. Rogue Axle must be used, along with full-sized plates
(discs) that are the standard IWF/IPF diameter (450 mm).
Time starts when the Axle is loaded; the athletes have 60 seconds to begin the lift.
No grip aids other than chalk allowed. Ordinary chalk (magnesium carbonate) may
be used on the lifter's hands, but nothing else is permitted (tacky, liquid chalk, and
wrist wraps, for example, are specifically disallowed).
The Axle must be gripped with the knuckles on both hands facing forward (away
from the body) with a double overhand grip.
Thumbless and hook grips are prohibited.
The athlete must complete the lift with knees locked and the shoulders back,
awaiting the referee’s down signal before returning the Axle to the platform while
maintaining a grip on or contact with the Axle.
resting the Axle on the thighs or
any downward movement will disqualify the lift, as would failure to await the down
signal or dropping the bar. A sumo style is permitted and the feet may move after
the lifter has received the down signal.
4th Event - Grandfather clock
1. A vertical handle (2” or 50mm) must be used. The lift starts with the weight in
between the lifter’s feet, using an IronMind 15" Olympic loading pin and
2. The lifter grabs the handle and lifts with the handle remaining approximately
perpendicular to the ground. A thumbless grip is not permitted.
3. The lifter must fully straighten up (back erect, legs and hips locked out); once
standing straight, the lifter must maintain control of the lift for 1 second before
getting a down signal from the chief referee, and must then return the weight
to the ground. Contact must be maintained between the lifter's hand and the
handle until the weight is resting on the floor. The referee then indicates
whether the lift was passed or not.
4. The lifter is given 1 minute to complete the lift after his/her name is called;
during that minute, there is no limit to how many times the lifter may try to
complete the lift. If lifter fails to complete a lift, the lifter has no further
Events and Weights
Division |
Registration Closes Nov 23, 2024
No refunds.
27 spots remain.