July 15, 2023
Atlas Classic
Colmar, PA
*US Strongman, Inc. Nationals 2024 Qualifier
2023 USS, Inc membership required
Spectator Fee: $10 kids under 12 are free
*top 3 in open and first place in novice Qualifies you for nationals 2024*
We will have great raffles so be prepared to put in some raffles =]
Parking: Please DO NOT park behind the gym, or in marked sections of the parking lot with cones. Please park along advance lane in front of the gym.
Weigh-Ins (no exceptions): The Lions Den
Friday: 7/14/23 9am-1pm
Saturday 7/15 8-9am
Athlete Meeting: 9:15am (Mandatory for all athletes)
Contest Time: 9:45-10am
Location: The Lions Den - 311 Bethlehem Pike, Colmar, PA
Events Rules:
Max Frame Deadlift: Athlete will get 3 attempts to build up to a max Frame Deadlift. We will be using Wessels rules so if you fail the first attempt you are DONE. You CAN declare a rep as a warm-up rep but make sure your judge knows. Once you pick your first weight for the score keeper you CANNOT declare another warm up weight after that. We are looking for a full lock out on the reps, knees locked out, and you MUST wait for a down command. If you do not wait for the down command that will be a NO REP. You have 60 seconds to make the rep, so if you no rep you can still pull again while on the clock. Athletes will have time to strap in prior to the clock starting.
Frame Specification: We will be using a "Best Metals" Frame with handle height of: 18inches
Allowed: Suits, straps (regular or figure 8), chalk, knee sleeves
Not allowed: baby oil, or straps with metal hooks
CDB / Axle bar clean and press: Athletes will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible between CDB and Axle bar clean and press. Athletes will start on the CDB and once they complete the rep can move to the axle and will continue to go back and forth accumulating as many reps possible in the 60 seconds. For the CDB athletes cannot have two hands on the implement when pressing. They can however use two hands to clean the implements and get it situated prior to the press. Arms/knees must be locked out and wait for a proper down command for the rep to count. If you slam the CDB or are out of control with it on the way down we will give you a ZERO. Practice coming down with the DB under control. For the Axle athletes can clean however they want including belt cleans. They can also press however they want to get the bar overhead for a full lock out (knees locked and arms locked out at the top) athletes must wait for the down command before moving to the next implement. Please guide the bar down under control. Each rep will count as 1 point. Athletes will not be allowed to start with hands on the implements.
Axle will be a standard 25lb rogue axle bar
CDB: Woman will use a 8inch Texas concepts
Novice men: 10inch Texas Concepts CDB
Open Men will use: 12 inch Texas concepts CDB
Allowed: belts (under belts are fine), sleeves, wraps, lifting shoes, chalk
not allowed: straps, no more than 1leather belt and 1 soft belt
Keg carry + wheel barrow medley: Athletes will have 60 seconds to run a keg 50ft down (must be placed over the line) then they must run back and pick up the wheelbarrow and carry it across the line (full wheel barrow must cross the line for the time to stop). Athlete is not allowed to start with hands on the implements. If the keg falls while running they will have to take it back to where it fell and finish the distance from there. If the wheelbarrow falls athletes will have to bring it back to where it fell/load the weights back on if any fall off while still on the clock. If they do not finish the medley it will results in a zero for the event. There are unlimited drops if you need to put either implement down.
Wheel barrow will be a Titan fitness wheelbarrow
Allowed: Belts, sleeves, wraps chalk, grip shirts
Not allowed: tacky? Straps?
Sandbag Toss for distance: The sandbag toss will be for distance thrown backwards. Athlete will have 2 attempts and the highest distance will be the score. They must stay behind the line when completing the throw and it must be thrown backwards (similar to a regular sandbag throw but instead of vertical we are looking for how far back it can go! Distance will be when it first hits the ground, not on how far it rolls or bounces.
Bags used will be a mixture of rogue/Cerberus throwing bags
Allowed: Straps, belts, sleeves,
not allowed: cannot be thrown with 1 arm, or any sort of rotational winding. Bag must be swung between legs like a kettlebell and let go with both hands above head. tacky? Straps?
CAN YOU PURPOSEFULLY FALL? NO! if an accident happens we will have pads there, but if we sense you did it on purpose to benefit score you WILL BE PENALIZED for this.
Max weighted dead hang: This event athletes will do a dead hang from the pull up rig with a weighted belt on. Athletes will hang as long as they can with a double overhand grip, and their time will be recorded when they drop from the bar. Time will start once they are hanging with their feet in the air. If their feet touch at any point after the clock starts it will end the time.
Allowed: chalk
not allowed: mixed grip, tacky of any sorts/grip enhancement outside of chalk, straps
Events and Weights
Division | Max Frame Deadlift | CDB & Axle Clean and press | Keg & Wheelbarrow medley | Sandbag Toss | Dead hang challenge |
Novice Women (Single Class) | Max | 60/115 | TBD/135 | 25 | 25 |
Open W LW (132-) | Max | 60/115 | TBD/135 | 25 | 25 |
Open W MW (165-) | Max | 70/125 | TBD/150 | 30 | 35 |
Open W HW (198-) | Max | 80/135 | TBD/185 | 35 | 45 |
Open W SHW (+) | Max | 80/135 | TBD/185 | 35 | 45 |
Masters Women (Single Class) | Max | 60/115 | TBD/145 | 25 | 25 |
Novice Men (Single Class) | Max | 130/200 | TBD/200 | 30 | 45 |
Open M LW (181-) | Max | 130/200 | TBD/200 | 30 | 45 |
Open M MW (220-) | Max | 150/225 | TBD/250 | 40 | 70 |
Open M HW (275-) | Max | 170/250 | TBD/300 | 50 | 90 |
Open M SHW (+) | Max | 170/250 | TBD/300 | 50 | 90 |
Masters Men (Single Class) | Max | 130/200 | TBD/200 | 30 | 45 |
Available until Apr 08, 2023
Regular Price
Registration Closes Jun 17, 2023
No refunds.
79 spots remain.