
January 18, 2025

AZ Beer Bullies VIII


Phoenix, AZ

Welcome back to AZ Beer Bullies! We hope you'll join us for our 8th annual contest on January 18th for this USS Nationals 2025 qualifier! 


Stay tuned for weight announcements, prizes, and more!

*weights subject to change



This three implement press medley begins with a Log Clean + Press for one rep, followed by an Axle Clean + Press for one rep, followed by a Circus DB Clean + Press for AMRAP. This 60 second event begins with the athlete's hands off the first implement. Athlete's must receive the "down" command for each rep to count. Implements must be controlled to the floor. Each rep of the Circus DB must return to the floor between reps, touch and go is acceptable. Women will use a 10" Log and a 10" Circus DB. Men will use a 12" Log and a 12" Circus DB

Grip shirts, wrist wraps, lifting shoes, soft belts, hard belts, layered belts, elbow sleeves, and knee sleeves are allowed. 

Suits, briefs, wrist straps, and tacky are NOT allowed.

Most reps wins!



This year our Deadlift event will be a single implement AMRAP with a 60 second time limit. Our 10' Mammoth Bar will be used, using standard barbell plates. Each rep must receive a "down" command, AND each rep must come to rest on the floor for each rep to be successful. Touch and go reps will be "no rep". Athlete's may strap in before the "Go!". 

Grip shirts, wrist wraps, wrist straps, lifting shoes, soft belts, hard belts, layered belts, elbow sleeves, and knee sleeves are allowed if preferred. 

Tacky, suits, and briefs are NOT allowed.

Most reps wins!



This single implement carry for time event will begin with the athletes taking their grip on the farmers handles. Athlete's will begin by deadlifting the handles x2 (NO touch and go, touch and go will be "no rep"), then pick and carry the implement for 40'. The entire implement must cross the line. Athlete's will then turn and repeat 2 more reps (no touch and go) before lifting and carrying the implement back to the start. Once the front end of the implement crosses the line on the return, time will stop. This event will be on a 60 second time limit. Weight shown in chart is per hand, not total.

Sliding the implement will result in a 3 second time penalty. 

Grip shirts, wrist wraps, lifting shoes, soft belts, hard belts, layered belts, elbow sleeves, and knee sleeves are allowed. 

Suits, briefs, wrist straps, and tacky are NOT allowed.

Fastest time wins!



This single implement carry for max distance will begin with the athlete's hands off the bag, with the bag on the floor. With a 90 second time limit, athletes will pick and carry the sandbag with turns every 40 feet. If the athlete turns before touching the line, they must return to the line before continuing. NO shouldering of the bag, and NO drops are allowed. Once the bag drops, or time runs out, distance will be scored. 

Grip shirts, wrist wraps, lifting shoes, soft belts, hard belts, layered belts, elbow sleeves, and knee sleeves are allowed. 

Suits, briefs, wrist straps, and tacky are NOT allowed.

Farthest distance wins!



For this classic Strongman event, athlete's will have 60 seconds to load 4 stones in ascending weight onto 4 platforms of descending height. Athlete's will have 60 seconds to complete all four reps. Platform Heights: 60", 56", 52", 48". 

Grip shirts, wrist wraps, lifting shoes, soft belts, hard belts, layered belts, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, and tacky* are allowed. 

Suits, briefs, wrist straps, are NOT allowed.

Fastest time wins!

*Liberty will not provide tacky. We will provide a tacky clean-up area including degreaser and towels. Any unreasonable mess as a result of tacky misuse may result in penalties as severe as receiving a zero in this event, or even being DQ'd from the contest. These penalties are put in place to avoid permanent damage of Liberty's property, or the property of other competitors and spectators.

Liberty Performance Training
2313 N 24th St
Phoenix, AZ 85008
View Map
Jan 18, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Zac Miller
Events and Weights
Division Press MedleyMammoth Bar Deadlift AMRAPFatback FarmersMax Distance Sandbag CarryKing of the Stones
Novice W HW (165+)120, 130, 45250130100TBD
Novice W LW (165-)90, 100, 45225110100TBD
Open W LW (132-)130, 140, 45245120100TBD
Open W MW (165-)140, 150, 45265140100TBD
Open W HW (198-)140, 150, 80285150150TBD
Open W SHW (+)150, 160, 80315160150TBD
Masters W LW (132-)90, 100, 45225110100TBD
Masters W MW (165-)100, 110, 45245130100TBD
Masters W LW (165-) 50+80, 90, 45225110100TBD
Masters W HW (+)120, 130, 80265140150TBD
Masters W HW (165+) 50+120, 130, 80245130150TBD
Masters Women 60+80, 90, 45225110100TBD
Novice M LW (220-)180, 190, 90335160200TBD
Novice M HW (220+)190, 200, 100365190225TBD
Open M LW (181-)190, 200, 100355160200TBD
Open M MW (220-)220, 240, 110445190225TBD
Open M HW (275-)240, 260, 140515240250TBD
Open M SHW (+)250, 270, 160545260300TBD
Masters M MW (220-)190, 200, 110385160225TBD
Masters M LW (220-) 50+180, 200, 100335150225TBD
Masters M HW (+)200, 210, 110405170250TBD
Masters M HW (220+) 50+190, 200, 100365160225TBD
Masters Men 60+160, 170, 80335150200TBD

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jan 18, 2025

Refund Policy
Refunds available until 14 days prior to event.
This event is limited to 70 athletes.
59 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard