
August 2, 2024

Bailey Family Reunion


Garden City, UT



Video: coming soon


Judging for all events will happen all throughout the reunion. You can do the events in any order you choose, but you only get 1 judged attempt, come find Landen or Seth to judge your attempt.

Log Press

We will be pressing raw wood logs (no handles) in a clean and press away fashion. So on the judges command you will clean the log once, then press as many reps as you can from your shoulders, all under a minute. To count as a rep, you must raise the log above your head, lockout your elbows, and bring your head through between your elbows. Your hands must then be lowered to below your chin before starting your next rep. It will also be "trump log" style. This means that you may attempt as many reps as you wish with the heavy log. If you are unable to do the heavy log you may switch to the light log and continue. A single rep with the heavy log trumps any number of reps with the light log in scoring. Most reps wins. Refer to the video for an example of what this will look like.

Stone to Shoulder

Max effort natural stone to shoulder. Stones available include: 25lbs, 50lbs, 75lbs, 100lbs, 150lbs, 215lbs. With in your 1 attempt you can try 3 different stones to ensure you get your best lift recorded. Go as heavy as possible, heaviest stone wins. Refer to the video for an example of what this will look like.

Truck Pull

Strapping yourself into a harness, you will be hooked to a pickup truck. You will march forward pulling the truck in neutral behind you across a 50ft course. Fastest time wins. 



Garden City

Garden City, UT 84028
View Map
Aug 02, 2024

Start Time
6:50 PM
Meet Director
Landen Bailey
Events and Weights
Division Log PressStone to ShoulderTruck Pull
Valkyrie (Girls)75/25MAXHEAVY
Shield Maiden (Women)75/25MAXHEAVIER
Fullsterkur (Men)75/25MAXHEAVIEST
Halfsterkur (Boys)75/25MAXHEAVIER

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jul 29, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.