
September 30, 2023

Bashing Timber


Trenton, ME

Bashing Timber is a lumberjack themed strongman competition set right in the Maine woods!  

$5.00 for spectators.  Pay at the competition.  

Weigh in will be from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM.  Rules meeting will be at 9:30 and lifting will start at 10:00 AM.  If you don't get weighed in, you will not compete.  

There will be sandwiches and water for athletes after the competition!  

Deadlift rules.

Last man standing.  Women will make 15 pound increases.  Men will make 30 pound increases.  Each competitor will have 60 seconds to attempt a deadlift.  Straps and chalk allowed.  No sumo, no tacky, no suits, no baby powder.  Shins must be covered.  If you get blood or other bodily fluids on the bar you will be required to clean it off.  Must wait for "down" command before dropping weight.  Weight must be controlled to the ground.  No dropping it from the top of the lift.  No bouncing the weight.  


Log press rules.

As many reps as you can do in one minute.  Wrist wraps and chalk allowed.  No tacky, grip shirts, or straps allowed.  Only have to clean once then press as many times as you can.  Elbows must be locked, head through and feet together (not staggered)  Competitor must wait for the "down" command before attempting next rep.


Log sled pull rules.

The log sled is an old style sled meant to be pulled by a horse in the snow.  We are pulling it in the fall on wood chips.  Weights will be 180lbs for all women and 240 for all men.

Sled will be attached to a rope that will be pulled 25 ft.  Athlete will sit on the ground with feet against a sandbag and pull the sled towards them.  

Chalk allowed.  No gloves, tacky or other grip enhancements.  Athlete must remain seated during the entire pull.  If you stand or come off the ground at any point, you will be told to stop and points will be counted as the distance pulled. 


Fingal's Fingers rules

We will be using natural logs for this event.  Gloves are recommended!    One weight for female competitors and one for men.  Flip the log over as many times as you can.   No resting the log on your head or shoulder.  


Chainsaw hold rules

This will be a single hand hold for time.  Hold the saw straight out in front of you by the handle with arm fully extended.  Your back will be against a climbing pole.  shoulders and buttocks must remain in contact with the pole the whole time.  Arm and saw must remain parallel to the ground.  Judges will give one warning if your arm is starting to drop or raise.  After the first warning, time will end if if happens again.  Time will stop if shoulders or buttocks comes off the pole.  


Timber Tina's Great Maine Lumberjack Show
127 Bar Harbor Rd
Trenton, ME 04605
View Map
Sep 30, 2023

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Bash Crowley and Timber Tina Scheer
Events and Weights
Division DeadliftLog pressLog sled pullFingal's FingersChainsaw hold
Novice Women (Single Class)27595180birch log8.6
Open W LW (132-)305115180birch log8.6
Open W MW (165-)325125180birch log8.6
Open W HW (198-)345135180birch log9.5
Open W SHW (+)365145180birch log9.5
Masters Women (Single Class)285115180birch log9.5
Novice Men (Single Class)435195240poplar log10.1
Open M LW (181-)455205240poplar log10.1
Open M MW (220-)495225240poplar log12.3
Open M HW (275-)525245240poplar log12.3
Open M SHW (+)565265240poplar log12.3
Masters Men (Single Class)455205240poplar log12.3

Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 01, 2023

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 35 athletes.
9 spots remain.