
August 27, 2022

Beer Muscles 2022


Aston, PA

Beer Muscles 2022

THE ORIGINAL Beer-Themed Strongman Competition held ON SITE at an operational brewery!


Join us at 2SP Brewing Company for the 6th year lifting heavy things, eating yummy food, drinking tasty craft beer, and raising money for Delaware County Special Olympics. 

In celebration of our "6-Pack Edition," this year's competition includes some of our most exciting implements to date - including GIANT CORNHOLE and a max UKRAINIAN KEG DEADLIFT. 

Beer Muscles has sold out the past 5 years, and there will be NO WAITLIST this year, so grab your spot early!


This is a Strongman Corporation sanctioned event. Qualifications will be available for 2022 Nationals and 2023 Regionals. Qualifications are based on the number of competitors in each class on competition day. ALL COMPETITORS are required to have an active Strongman Corporation membership to compete. You can purchase your membership here, on the Strongman Corporation website.


Weigh-in Info:

These are the ONLY times available, NO exceptions. ALL competitors (including Novice and Heavyweight) must weigh in.

- Friday 8/26 at Power Plant Gym: 7:30-9am, 4-6pm

- Saturday 8/27 at 2SP Brewing: 7-8am


You can find pictures and videos of the implements on the Facebook Event Page and on the Power Plant Instagram page.


Event Descriptions

  1. Viking Press (reps): Athlete will press Viking implement for as many reps as possible in 60 seconds. Strict press, push press, and power jerk ARE all allowed. NO split jerks. Athlete will receive a "down" command when elbows and knees are fully locked out overhead and feet are in a straight line. You may set down the implement during your time, but you may NOT drop it from the top - you'll get one warning, and then you'll receive a 0 for the event. Viking press is neutral grip, and athlete will face in toward the implement. Weights listed in the chart are the weights added to the implement, not "weight in hand." Belt, wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, and chalk (liquid or powder) are all allowed.
  2. Ukrainian Keg Deadlift (max): Athlete will have 3 attempts (Wessels rules) to lift a max Ukrainian Deadlift. The lift is complete when the athlete is standing with knees and hips open and receives a "down" command from the judge. Weight must be CONTROLLED to the floor - any dropping will result in immediate disqualification. Athlete will perform the lift standing on boxes (one foot on each box). The handle is about 7.5" from the boxes (i.e. a small deficit). The lift will be weighted with kegs and plates. Men will make 50# minimum jumps. Women will make 20# minimum jumps. Official weight jumps coming soon - right now we know lightest available will be about 170# and heaviest will be quite heavy. Straps are allowed (figure-8 or standard). No hooks, no tacky, no other grip assistive devices. No suits, briefs, or knee wraps (anything considered "geared" in "geared powerlifting). Belts (hard and soft), knee sleeves, and elbow sleeves are all allowed. Chalk (liquid or powder) is allowed.
  3. Giant Cornhole (time): Athlete will have a max of 60 seconds to throw 4 sandbags from behind a designated line towards a giant cornhole board. Any throwing "method" is fine (backwards, forwards, whatever) as long as the athlete stays in the designated throwing area. Athlete will receive points for throwing farther and bonus points for getting the bag in the hole. Point values will be: 1 point 14-16ft, 2 points for 16-19ft, 3 points for 19-27ft (not in hole), 5 points for in the hole (center of hole at 25ft). All of the following will result in 0 points: throwing past the board, throwing outside the sidelines (throwing lane will be roughly 8ft wide), or any part of foot touches the throwing line at any time. If the bag lands on a point line (ex. right on the line between 1 point and 2 points), we'll round up. If the bag lands touching the sideline it will count. Points will be totaled for all 4 bags. Highest points wins. No gloves, nothing sticky. Belt, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, and chalk (liquid or powder) are all allowed.
  4. Keg Press (reps): Athlete will have 60 seconds to "clean" and press a keg overhead as many times as possible. Some part of the keg must touch the ground at the start of each rep and end overhead with athlete's elbows and knees locked out, hips open, and feet on a straight line. Athlete must wait for a "down" command for each rep. Kegs will be standard metal kegs. Up to 150lbs will be filled with water; over 150lbs will be filled with combo of sand, lead, etc. No grip shirts allowed, and nothing sticky. Belt, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, gloves (free of any tacky or grip aid), and chalk (liquid or powder) are all allowed.
  5. Sled Push + Arm-Over-Arm Pull (time): Athlete will have a max of 60 seconds to push a sled 50ft, return to start line, and pull the sled back 50ft using an arm-over-arm technique (seated or standing). The back of the sled must cross the line at each end. Fastest time wins. Athlete may not start pulling the sled back until they return to the start line, and athlete must stay behind the start line for the entire arm-over-arm pull. We're using a Rogue Dog Sled. Weights listed are added to the sled. No gloves, no tacky, nothing sticky allowed. Chalk (liquid or powder), belt, knee sleeves, elbows sleeves are all allowed.

Weights will be posted as we test them.

Volunteer Registration (volunteers receive a free t-shirt, donuts, and raffle tix): https://forms.gle/YV1YmCo5Nd87vJrt7

As part of our fundraising efforts for the Special Olympics team, we have a dunk tank (!!!) and hold a raffle of cool items on competition day. ***All of the proceeds from raffle ticket sales go directly to the Delaware County Special Olympics Powerlifting Team to help them fund equipment, competition, and travel for their athletes! ***

Raffle Basket Donations: Shout-out to Let’s Roam and Adventure’s from Scratch for their generous donation of awesome scavenger hunt packages, Scratch Off Adventure Books and team building events (a $700 retail value) to our raffle!  https://www.letsroam.com/

Questions? Email info@thepowerplantgym.com

2SP Brewing Company
120 Concord Rd
Aston, PA 19014
View Map
Aug 27, 2022

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Katie Feeley

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Events and Weights
Division Viking PressUkrainian Keg Deadlift (Max)Giant Cornhole (Sandbag Toss)Keg Press (reps)Sled Push + Arm-Over-Arm Pull
Novice W LW (140.4-)65#TBD25#65#sled + 200#
Novice W MW (180.4-)85#TBD25#85#sled + 225#
Novice W HW (+)105#TBD25#100#sled + 250#
Open W LW (140.4-)85#TBD25#125#sled + 250#
Open W MW (180.4-)105#TBD30#150#sled + 300#
Open W HW (+)125#TBD30#175#sled + 325#
Masters W LW (140.4-)70#TBD25#85#sled + 195#
Masters W MW (180.4-)70#TBD25#85#sled + 195#
Masters W HW (+)110#TBD30#150#sled + 250#
Teen W Open (+)70#TBD25#100#sled + 225#
Novice M LW (175.4-)170#TBD30#150#sled + 300#
Novice M MW (200.4-)190#TBD40#175#sled + 350#
Novice M MW (231.4-)190#TBD40#175#sled + 350#
Novice M HW (264.5-)210#TBD40#175#sled + 400#
Novice M SHW (+)210#TBD40#175#sled + 400#
Open M LW (175.4-)210#TBD40#175#sled + 400#
Open M MW (200.4-)220#TBD40#200#sled + 500#
Open M MW (231.4-)230#TBD40#225#sled + 500#
Open M HW (265.5-)240#TBD50#250#sled + 600#
Open M SHW (+)250#TBD50#250#sled + 600#
Masters M LW (175.4-)190#TBD40#175#sled + 350#
Masters M MW (231.4-)210#TBD40#200#sled + 375#
Masters M SHW (+)220#TBD40#200#sled + 400#
Teen M Open (+)105#TBD25#100#sled + 250#

Regular Price
Registration Closes Aug 01, 2022

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 95 athletes.
17 spots remain.