March 25, 2023
Big Tex Classic
Austin, TX
Big Tex Events is Proud to Present:
Big Tex Classic
Come on out on 03/25/2023 and prove your stuff against the strongest guys and gals around! You all know the Big Tex Classic is one of the best shows every year and this year is no different. As always, we will have fun for both competitors and spectators alike:
- Vendors
- Live DJ
- Food Trucks
- Badas* Trophies with Cash Prizes
USS MEMBERSHIPS CAN BE PURCHASED AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: USS Membership | usstrongmaninc (unitedstatesstrongman.com)
Meet Director: Aaron Moeller
Executives: Robert Impastato & Esther Chou
Contact: Aaron Moeller 361-489-6947/ amoellercf@gmail.com
Entry Deadline: Entries will be taken until the day before the event. First 20 competitors receive EARLY BIRD pricing!
---- Venue ----
Big Tex Gym- 1921 Cedar Bend Dr #A130, Austin, TX 78758
---- TIME ----
Athlete Meeting (Mandatory) - 8:30am
Contest Start Time - 9:30 AM
---- WEIGH INS ----
1. Friday March 24, 2023
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM at Big Tex Gym
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM at Big Tex Gym
2. Saturday March 25, 2023 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM at Big Tex Gym
---- COMP SHIRT ----
Must enter before March 13, 2023 to guarantee a FREE contest shirt, ALL athletes must wear contest shirt on the day of competition to fulfill our sponsors' contractual obligations.
Shirt will be for sale @ $20 on event day. (Accepting Cash, Cards, Venmo, Cashapp, PayPal, just not Check)
---- SPECTATORS -----
(Early Bird Pricing) $12.00 (Ends on March 12th)
Please show proof of purchase at the door
$15 - @ the door on the day of competition (Accepting Cash, Cards, Venmo, Cashapp, PayPal, just not Check)
Children under age 10 get in free.
----- AWARDS -----
$400 for top OPEN male and female athletes.
PLUS, a chance of being sponsor by Big Tex Gym for a FULL YEAR. (more exciting info coming soon)
$150 for all OPEN first place winners
+Medals & Goody bags for 1-3rd place in all divisions/classes.
***There must be 5 in each weight class for the cash prize***
$500 for 1st place male and female in Pro Class
$300 for 2nd place male and female in Pro Class
$200 for 3rd place male and female in Pro Class
Winner of the Pro Class goes to Pro Internationals as well!
Pro class must have a minimum 6 athletes to receive an invite. Minimum of 5 to receive prize money to the top 3, but no invite.
If there are 4 or less, you can go into your respective weight class in the amateurs for a chance to win prize money there and go to amateur's nationals.
*Divisions/weight classes will be combined if there are fewer than 5 competitors
Weight classes:
LW Novice women <165>
HW Novice Women >165
LW Open Women <132>
MW Open Women <165>
HW Open Women <181>
SHW Open Women >181
Masters Women
LW Novice Men <220>
HW Novice Men >220
LE Open Men <181>
LW Open Men <198>
MW Open Men <220>
HW Open Men <242>
HW Open Men <275>
SHW Open Men >275
Masters Men
---- EVENTS & RULES ----
Event 1.) Overhead Atlas Stone Press Away: (Time limit 60 sec)
Atlas stones will be used - Athlete will begin with the stone at their feet, hands off the stone. Once given the START command, the athlete will lift the stone overhead in any manner they so choose. Both arms must be fully extended and locked out to get the down command. Once the down command is given, the stone will be returned to the front rack position (chest) and pressed as many times as possible (press away). If the athlete drops the stone or has to return it to the ground, they may continue to attempt additional presses until time expires. No dropping implements from overhead - tree topping will result in a ZERO for the event...no warnings will be given.
If you have a joint issue that prohibits full lockout, you must describe and demonstrate that for the judge prior to attempting your lifts.
Allowed: Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Elbow/Knee Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, Tacky Towel, Chalk, Grip Shirt (No OSG/SC).
Not Allowed: Wraps, Suits, TACKY, SPRAY TACKY, Other Grip Aids of Any Kind.
Event 2.) Max Farmer's Handle Deadlift: (Time limit 60 sec) Athlete may begin strapped in with hands on implement. When given the START command, they will attempt one rep. Wessels Rules - rising bar, three 60 second attempts per athlete, miss an attempt and you're out. Triple extension must be achieved to get the down command. Pick height will be between 14 and 16 inches.
Women: Starting at 160/hand. 20 lb weight increases/hand
Men: Starting at 200/hand. 50 lb weight increases/hand
Allowed: Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Elbow/Knee Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, Lifting Straps, Figure 8's.
Not Allowed: Suits, Squat/DL Briefs, Tacky, Tacky Towel, Knee Wraps.
Event 3.) Axle Wagon Wheel Squat: (Time limit 60 sec) The athlete will begin under the bar ready for the start command. Once the START command is given, the athlete will squat until both wagon wheels touch the platforms designated for depth to get the UP command. Once both wagon wheels touch the platforms, the athlete will return to the start position and a rep is counted.
Allowed: Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Elbow/Knee Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, Knee Wraps, Grip Shirt (No OSG/SC).
Not Allowed: Suits, Squat/DL Briefs, Tacky, Tacky Towel
Event 4.) Revis Sandbag Load Medley: (Time Limit 60 sec) Three Revis Sandbags will be positioned approximately 30 feet from the platform. When given the START command, the athlete will pick up the LIGHTEST Revis sandbag and carry it to the platform then load it onto the platform. The athlete will repeat this, carrying and loading the sandbags in order from lightest to heaviest. The athlete's time will stop once the last sandbag is loaded onto the platform and the athlete's hands are removed from the bag.
Males: 52" , Females: 48"
Allowed: Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Elbow/Knee Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, Grip Shirt (No OSG/SC).
Not Allowed: Suits, Squat/DL Briefs, Elbow/Knee Wraps, Tacky, Tacky Towel, Gloves
Event 5.) Granite Fitness Saxon Bar Hold For Time: (No Time Limit) The athlete will begin with the loaded Granite Fitness Saxon Bar on the ground at his/her feet. When given the START command, the athlete will grip the Saxon bar and deadlift it, standing with the Saxon bar held under control using only the hands - no resting the bar on the legs. Athlete will continue to hold the bar for as long as possible. Once the athlete loses grip, their time stops. Longest hold wins. If the athlete cannot lift the bar, they will get a ZERO for the event.
Allowed: Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Elbow/Knee Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, Chalk.
Not Allowed: Suits, Squat/DL Briefs, Elbow/Knee Wraps, Tacky, Tacky Towel, Gloves, Grip Aids of Any Kind.
Events and Weights
Division | Atlas Stone Overhead Press | Max Farmer's Handle Deadlift | Axle Wagon Wheel Squat | Revis Sandbag Load Medley | Granite Fitness Saxon Bar Hold |
Novice W HW (165+) | ~75 | Max | 225 | ~130, ~150, ~170 | 85 |
Novice W LW (165-) | ~75 | Max | 185 | ~100, ~130, ~150 | 75 |
Open W LW (132-) | ~75 | Max | 205 | ~130, ~150, ~170 | 85 |
Open W MW (165-) | ~95 | Max | 225 | ~150, ~170, ~190 | 95 |
Open W HW (181-) | ~95 | Max | 245 | ~170, ~190, ~210 | 105 |
Open W SHW (+) | ~115 | Max | 285 | ~210, ~220, ~250 | 125 |
Masters W MW (165-) | ~75 | Max | 205 | ~130, ~150, ~170 | 85 |
Masters W HW (+) | ~95 | Max | 225 | ~150, ~170, ~190 | 95 |
Hero Women (Single Class) | ~75 | Max | 205 | ~130, ~150, ~170 | 85 |
Pro Women | ~135 | Max | 335 | ~220,~250,~300 | 150 |
Novice M LW (220-) | ~135 | Max | 335 | ~210, ~220, ~250 | 125 |
Novice M HW (220+) | ~135 | Max | 355 | ~250, ~275, ~300 | 125 |
Open M LW (181-) | ~145 | Max | 375 | ~220,~250, ~275 | 145 |
Open M MW (220-) | ~160 | Max | 405 | ~250, ~275, ~300 | 155 |
Open M HW (242-) | ~175 | Max | 425 | ~275, ~300, ~330 | 165 |
Open M HW (275-) | ~175 | Max | 425 | ~275, ~300, ~330 | 175 |
Open M SHW (+) | ~200 | Max | 475 | ~275, ~300, ~350 | 185 |
Masters M MW (220-) | ~145 | Max | 375 | ~220,~250, ~275 | 145 |
Masters M HW (+) | ~160 | Max | 405 | ~250, ~275, ~300 | 155 |
Hero Men (Single Class) | ~145 | Max | 335 | ~220,~250, ~275 | 125 |
Pro Men | ~230 | Max | 505 | ~300,~350,~400 | 210 |
Regular Price
Registration Closes Mar 24, 2023
No refunds.
48 spots remain.