
February 22, 2025

Black Frost Showdown 6


Nampa, ID

Black Frost 6 get your entries in ASAP as the first to sign up in each class will go last in the first event.


Press Medley:

4 implements (Circus Dumbbell, Sandbag, Block and Log) will be placed in the corner of a square.  Athlete will stand in the center of the square and will lift each implement in order.  There is a 60 second time limit.

  • Allowed: chalk, wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, belts, knee sleeves, grip shirts, soft belt+ regular belt
  • Not allowed: liquid chalk, tacky, straps, dropping from overhead, grip shirts from other federations, resting on head


Frame Carry:

80 foot carry with a 60 second time limit.  If 80 feet is not reached within the 60 second time limit, distance will be measured.

  • Once both feet of the front of the frame pass the 80' line, time will be called
  • This event is scored via distance and time. Two drops are allowed.
  • Allowed:  chalk, wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, belts, knee sleeves
  • Not allowed: tacky, liquid chalk, straps

Max Deadlift:

 (Wessels rules)  3 attempts and if an attempt is missed, athlete is out.

  • The judge will give a down command once the athlete stands fully upright with knees locked, hips through and shoulders back. There will also be an up command.
  • A no rep will be given if the athlete begins to descend prior to receiving the down command
  • Allowed: chalk, straps, knee sleeves, soft or hard belts
  • Not Allowed: tacky, deadlift suits


Last Man Standing Sandbag for height:

If an attempt is missed, athlete is out.


Atlas Stone Over Bar for reps:

48" height for women, 52" for men, 60 second time limit.

  • Allowed: tacky, belts, briefs, wrist wraps, chalk.
  • Not Allowed: grip shirts.


Berserker Strength and Conditioning
2730 Sundance Rd
Nampa, ID 83651
View Map
Feb 22, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Berserker Strength and Conditioning
Events and Weights
Division Press MedleyFrame CarryMax DeadliftMax Height Sandbag Over BarAtlas Stone Over Bar
Novice Women (Single Class)45lb Circus Dumbbell, 45lb sandbag, 45lb Block, 75lb log120lbs135lbs20lb bag 9' bar start90lb stone
Open W LW (132-)65lb Circus Dumbbell, 75lb sandbag, 75lb Block, 100lb log180lbs185lbs25lb bag 9' bar start185lb stone
Open W MW (165-)65lb Circus Dumbbell, 100lb sandbag, 100lb Block, 120lb log200lbs185lbs25lb bag 9' bar start185lb stone
Open W HW (198-)65lb Circus Dumbbell, 100lb sandbag, 100lb Block, 120lb log200lbs185lbs25lb bag 9' bar start185lb stone
Open W SHW (+)65lb Circus Dumbbell, 100lb sandbag, 100lb Block, 120lb log200lbs185lbs25lb bag 9' bar start185lb stone
Masters Women (Single Class)65lb Circus Dumbbell, 100lb sandbag, 100lb Block, 120lb log180lbs185lbs20lb bag 9' bar start135lb stone
Teen W LW (165-)45lb Circus Dumbbell, 45lb sandbag, 45lb Block, 75lb log120lbs135lbs20lb bag 9' bar start90lb stone
Teen W HW (165+)45lb Circus Dumbbell, 45lb sandbag, 45lb Block, 75lb log120lbs135lbs20lb bag 9' bar start185lb stone
Pro Women120lb Circus Dumbbell, 150lb sandbag, 150lb Block, 180lb log400lbs225lbs30lb bag 10' bar start240lb stone
Novice M LW (220-)100lb Circus Dumbbell, 150lb sandbag, 150lb Block, 180lb log350lbs225lbs30lb bag 10' bar start185lb stone
Novice M HW (220+)120lb Circus Dumbbell, 150lb sandbag, 150lb Block, 180lb log450lbs315lbs30lb bag 10' bar start240lb stone
Open M LW (181-)120lb Circus Dumbbell, 185lb sandbag, 185lb Block, 220lb log450lbs315lbs35lb bag 10' bar start300lb stone
Open M MW (220-)140lb Circus Dumbbell, 185lb sandbag, 185lb Block, 220lb log 500lbs375lbs35lb bag 10' bar start300lb stone
Open M HW (275-)160lb Circus Dumbbell, 220lb sandbag, 220lb Block, 260lb log 700lbs405lbs45lb bag 10' bar start365lb stone
Open M SHW (+)160lb Circus Dumbbell, 220lb sandbag, 220lb Block, 260lb log 700lbs495lb45lb bag 12' bar start365lb stone
Masters Men (Single Class)120lb Circus Dumbbell, 185lb sandbag, 185lb Block, 220lb log 500lbs315lbs30lb bag 10' bar start240lb stone
Teen M LW (220-) 100lb Circus Dumbbell, 150lb sandbag, 150lb Block, 180lb log400lbs225lbs20lb bag 10' bar start185lb stone
Teen M HW (220+)120lb Circus Dumbbell, 150lb sandbag, 150lb Block, 180lb log 400lbs225lbs30lb bag 10' bar start200lb stone
Pro Men210lb Circus Dumbbell, 240lb sandbag, 240lb Block, 320lb log 800lbs550lbs50lb bag 12' bar start400lb stone

Regular Price
Registration Closes Feb 18, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 40 athletes.
19 spots remain.
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