
June 7, 2025

Celtic Bison 2025


Cheyenne, WY

Event Logistics

Event will be held outside at Lions Park in Cheyenne. Maps to demonstrate the location of the competition and parking information will be published to the event page on Facebook and sent out via email to registered athletes in the weeks before the competition. There will also be a link posted here to this section of the Iron Podium Event Description. 

Lifters Meeting will be held at 9:30AM, and lifting will start at 10AM.

Hotel Details are pending, but we’ll announce them via email and on the Facebook Event Page as they become available. 

Early Bird Registration

For early bird pricing, please register on or before May 10th. Registration will remain open if spots remain after May 10th.


Note that during the events only an Event Shirt, or Non SC Grip Shirt will be allowed. Please discuss with the Meet Director if you have any questions. 

Refund Cut Off

Registration refunds will only be given at the discretion of the Meet Director’s after May 17th. 

Weigh Ins

Weigh Ins will be held the day before the event at ATR Training Systems. The address is below. Weigh Ins will be open from 10AM-12PM and from 4PM to 6:30PM. 

On the day of the event, check-ins and weigh-ins will open at 8AM at the park. Information regarding the exact location will be noted on the maps published in the weeks before the competition. Check-in will close at 9AM with no exceptions. We must close the weigh ins at this time to give the scorekeeper time to have everything prepared at the start of the event. 

Please reach out if you need to weigh in outside of these posted times. We will do our best to accommodate you.

Description of Events

Please note that all stones are being manufactured here in house at ATR. As production ensues, all elements of the competition are subject to change. The intention here is to adhere as closely to the description and weight matrix as possible. Any deviations will be disclosed as soon as possible here, to the Facebook Event Page, and to the ATR Instagram page. 

Event 1: Atlas Stone Viking Press

Max Reps for time. You’ll have 60 seconds.

Athletes will start behind a marked starting line and only be allowed to approach the implement when given the start command by the judge. Down commands will be given when reps are completed. The implement should be controlled back down to the start position. If you drop the implement, you will lose reps. If you drop it multiple times, the judge will end your run. 

No jerk techniques will be allowed. You must complete the reps with only one knee dip per rep. That means you must either use a push press or a strict press technique to complete the rep. Please reach out if you have questions here. 

Equipment Allowed: One soft belt, one hard belt, chalk, belts, wraps, straps. 

No grip shirts. No tacky of any kind. 

An Atlas Stone will be sleeved onto the bar end of the viking press. 

Event 2: Trump Atlas Stone Deadlift

Athletes will start behind a marked starting line and only be allowed to approach the implements when given the start command by the judge. Two axle bars will be placed in front of the athlete. 

Max reps for time. You’ll have 60 seconds.  

This is a trump event. That means that one rep at the heavier implement will win out over any number of reps at the lighter implement.

Equipment Allowed: One soft belt, one hard belt, chalk, wraps, straps. 

No deadlift suits. No tacky of any kind.

The matrix lists the size of the stone on the bar. Please note that further information is available at the following link: 


We posted to Instagram with the event. Note that in the competition we will be using Axle Bars: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8dVkzfAveY/

Event 3: Stone Carry for Max Distance

Implement will start on the ground. Once the implement leaves the floor, your run begins. No drops. The course will be a 25 foot square marked off into sections. Your score will be the number of these sections that you manage to cross before the end of the allotted time. We will not take a distance. We will count the number of these sections that you crossed. 

Note that as the event is designed, updates will be shared through the Facebook event and on the ATR Instagram (@atrtrainingsystems). 

Equipment Allowed: One soft belt, one hard belt, chalk, wraps, straps.

No grip shirts, no gloves, no tacky of any kind.

The stone that we'll be using for this event will be an atlas stone with a handle cut into the bottom side of the stone. 

Here is a Reel with some athltes showing the stone in action: https://www.instagram.com/p/DCKBv15OlOO/

Event 4: Natural Stone Lift

Athletes will have 75 seconds to accumulate as many points as possible. 

Points will be rewarded for completing the following tasks: 

Lapping the stone: 1 Point

Standing with the stone on chest: 10 Points

Getting the stone to your shoulder: 100 Points.

Note that points do not accumulate. Points will be rewarded when the stone is back on the ground, and you will receive points for the work done in that rep. If you shoulder the stone, you will not get 111 points, you will get 100 points.  

Points will be rewarded at the judge’s discretion. A definition of what constitutes a successful lap position, chest position, and shoulder position will be posted to the event page on Facebook, and to ATR’s Instagram (@atrtrainingsystems). 

Equipment Allowed: One soft belt, one hard belt, chalk, wraps, grip shirt.  

No gloves, no tacky of any kind, no straps.

Event 5: Stone Throw Series

Bar will be set at 12’ for women and 14’ for men. 

Athletes will have 40 seconds to throw all 5 implements over the bar. Split times will be taken for this event, and times will be recorded when the implement hits the ground on the other side of the bar. If the implement is in the air when your run ends, you will not be awarded the rep. 

Both a one handed, and a two handed technique will be acceptable. You may only throw one implement at a time. 

You will start with one hand on the base of the cross bars and then move to the first implement when given the start command by the judge. 

You do not have to throw the implements in any order. They will be arranged with the lightest implement on “stage left” and the heaviest on “stage right”. Athletes can start on either side. The athlete will not be able to alter the position of the implements or handles before the run. 

Equipment Allowed: One soft belt, one hard belt, chalk, wraps. 

No gloves, no tacky of any kind, no straps.

Here is an image that shows what the implement is roughly going to look like: https://www.instagram.com/p/C92gKooJLZ1/

Connect with ATR 

Announcements pertaining to the event will be made on ATR’s social media. Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook @ATRTrainingSystems. In addition, please follow the Facebook Event Page.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Meet Director, or message ATR directly. 

Looking to Get Involved? 

If you’re looking to get involved by sponsoring the event, please contact Travis or David directly for more information. We look forward to working with you. 

Lions Park
789-829 S Lions Park Dr
Cheyenne, WY 82001
View Map
Jun 07, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
David keetley

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Atlas Stone Viking PressTrump Atlas Stone DeadliftMax Distance Stone CarryNatural Stone LiftStone Throw Series
Novice W HW (165+)14513" Stone, 12" Stone17516515, 20, 25, 25, 30
Novice W LW (165-)11513" Stone, 12" Stone14514515, 15, 20, 20, 25
Open W LW (132-)11514" Stone, 13" Stone14514515, 15, 20, 20, 25
Open W MW (165-)14515" Stone, 14" Stone17516515, 20, 25, 25, 30
Open W HW (198-)17516" Stone, 15" Stone19018515, 20, 25, 25, 30
Open W SHW (+)19016" Stone, 15" Stone22020515, 20, 25, 30, 35
Masters W MW (165-)11514" Stone, 13" Stone14514515, 15, 20, 20, 25
Masters W HW (+)14515" Stone, 14" Stone17516515, 20, 25, 25, 30
Novice M HW (220+)22518" Stone, 16" Stone25024025, 30, 35, 40, 45
Novice M LW (220-)20017" Stone, 15" Stone22020525, 25, 30, 35, 40
Open M LW (181-)22517" Stone, 16" Stone25024025, 25, 30, 35, 40
Open M MW (220-)25018" Stone, 17" Stone30027025, 30, 35, 40, 45
Open M HW (275-)27519" Stone, 18" Stone33030025, 30, 35, 40, 45
Open M SHW (+)30019" Stone, 18" Stone36033030, 35, 40, 45, 50
Masters M MW (220-)22517" Stone, 16" Stone22024025, 25, 30, 35, 40
Masters M HW (+)25018" Stone, 17" Stone25027025, 30, 35, 40, 45

Early Bird Price
Available until May 10, 2025

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jun 07, 2025

Refund Policy
Refunds available until 14 days prior to event.
This event is limited to 70 athletes.
51 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard