
October 15, 2022

Clash of New Mexico's Strongest


Albuquerque, NM

Weigh-Ins: Friday, October 14, 8am-9am and 6pm-7pm and Saturday October 15, 7am-730am at event location

Athlete Meeting: 830am- first event at 9am 

Awards for 1st - 3rd in each divisions. Divisions subject to change and/or combining.

No fee for spectators.


  • 60 second time limit - as many reps as possible
  • Athlete will begin strapped to/gripping deadlift handles
  • Down command will be given at top - no command at bottom
  • Straps, belts, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, chalk allowed
  • NO deadlift suits

AXLE CLEAN AND PRESS -State Record Event

  • 3 attempt to achieve max clean and press.
  • Women: 95lb starting weight; 10lb weight increases
  • Men: 155lb starting weight; 20lb weight increases
  • Wessel's Rule- jump in at desired starting weight, 3 attempts, elimination after first failed attempt.
  • Continental Cleans allowed. Belt Cleans NOT allowed
  • Strict press, push press, push jerk, split jerk allowed
  • Belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, chalk allowed
  • Straps not allowed


  • 60 sec time limit
  • 100' distance
  • Athlete will begin gripping attachment handle
  • Time will stop once attachment handle crosses 100' mark
  • Scoring based on time OR distance, if 100' is not achieved in 60 seconds
  • Belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, chalk allowed
  • Straps not allowed


  • Women: 250lb minimum; 40-50lb weight increases
  • Men: 350lb minimum; 40-50lb weight increases
  • Wessel's Rule- jump in at desired starting weight, 3 attempts, elimination after first failed attempt.
  • Implement must be carried in crook of elbow- no shouldering allowed.
  • Unlimited drops, 30 sec time limit to complete full revolution per attempt
  • Belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, chalk allowed


  • 60 second time limit
  • Women: 44" height/Men: 50" height
  • Athlete will begin with hands on cross bar of yoke
  • Rep will be counted once stone hits ground
  • Athlete may not grab yoke to assist loading stone over bar
  • Belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, tacky allowed


Evolution Strength and Conditioning ABQ
201 San Pedro Dr SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
View Map
Oct 15, 2022

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Sara Hernandez

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Events and Weights
Division Car DeadliftAxle Clean and Press Truck PushMax Conan's WheelStone Over Bar
Open W LW (132-)TBD95lb minTBD250lb min135
Open W MW (165-)TBD95lb minTBD250lb min150
Open W HW (198-)TBD95lb minTBD250lb min175
Masters Women (Single Class)TBD95lb minTBD250lb min135
Open M LW (181-)TBD155lb minTBD350lb min255
Open M MW (220-)TBD155lb minTBD350lb min275
Open M HW (275-)TBD155lb minTBD350lb min305
Open M SHW (+)TBD155lb minTBD350lb min330
Masters Men (Single Class)TBD155lb minTBD350lb min275

Early Bird Price
Available until Aug 20, 2022

Regular Price
Registration Closes Oct 08, 2022

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 75 athletes.
41 spots remain.