
October 29, 2022

Day of the deadlifts (Día de los pesos muertos) 2022


Augusta, ME

Event details

  • Please read: This event is sold out. We are also sold out of extra T-shirts
  • We understand in strength sports that accidents can happen. If at any point a bodily fluid finds a new home outside your body; please clean up after yourself. This is not meant to embarrass anyone, but simply to keep everyone healthy and safe. We will provide cleaning supplies
  • Weigh-ins will be available the night before (October 28th) from 5:30 pm until 7 pm on site. All competitors must be weighed in by 9:15 Saturday morning
  • The athlete’s meeting will begin at 9:30 on October 29th, 2022. Lifting will begin as close to 10 am as possible
  • Please plan on staying a few minutes after for prize giving
  • Spectators will be asked to make a $5 donation at the door

Log Press

  • Implement will start from the ground
  • It must be cleaned and pressed for EVERY rep
  • Implement will be returned to the ground in a controlled manner after the judge has given the "down" command
  • Lowering the implement before the command is given will not be counted as a successful lift
  • Allowed: chalk, belts, grip shirts, wrist wraps, knee and elbow sleeves
  • Not allowed: tacky, tack wipes, lifting suits
  • The time limit is 60 seconds
  • This event is scored by the rank of which competitor achieves the most clean and presses within the time limit

Last Man Standing Deadlift

  • Every increase in weight will be done by each athlete until one athlete remains
  • Implement will be returned to the ground in a controlled manner after the judge has given the "down" command
  • Lowering the implement before the command is given will not be counted as a successful lift
  • 20lbs jump for women’s classes
  • 30lbs jump for men’s classes
  • Shins must be covered during this event
  • Allowed: chalk, baby powder, belts, wrist wraps, straps (traditional and figure 8), long socks, knee and elbow sleeves
  • Not allowed: tacky, tack wipes, lifting suits, grip shirts
  • 30 seconds time limit will be given for each weight per athlete
  • This event is scored by the rank of which competitor achieves the highest height

Triple Sled Pull

  • 3 sleds will be attached to each other with 10ft chains in a row
  • All 3 sleds will hold the same weight and are listed per sled
  • A rope will be connected to the first sled
  • At the command of the judge, the competitor will begin pulling the rope toward themselves
  • Competitors must remain standing in a designated area marked on the floor
  • The pulling distance is 30ft
  • Allowed: chalk, baby powder, belts, wrist wraps, knee and elbow sleeves.
  • Not allowed: gloves, tacky, tack wipes, lifting suits, grip shirts
  • The time limit is 60 seconds
  • This event is scored by the rank of which competitor pulls the first sled for the greatest distance, then by the shortest time taken if the distance is equal

Carry Medley

  • Weights listed in order: Husafull, sandbag, keg
  • All three implements will begin in a line on the ground
  • Competitors may choose any implement to begin with and may complete the carries in any order
  • The competitor's time will begin at the judge's command with hands off all implements
  • Time will end when all three implements have been placed in the upright position across the finish line
  • Distance is 25ft
  • Allowed: chalk, baby powder, belts, wrist wraps, knee and elbow sleeves.
  • Not allowed: tacky, tack wipes, lifting suits, grip shirts
  • The time limit is 60 seconds
  • This event is scored by the rank of which competitor carries the implements for the greatest distance, then by the shortest time taken if the distance is equal

Stone over bar

  • The stone will start on the ground in front of the competitor
  • The stone may be lifted in any manner to clear the bar
  • The competitor's time will begin at the judge's command
  • Volunteers will do their best to assist the competitor in recovering the stone. It is ultimately each competitor’s responsibility to get the stone into their preferred lifting position before another lift is attempted
  • The bar will be set at 48 inches  for female weight classes, and 54 inches for male weight classes
  • Allowed: tacky, tack wipes, grip shirts, chalk, baby powder, belts, wrist wraps, knee and elbow sleeves
  • Not allowed: lifting suits
  • The time limit is 60 seconds
  • This event is scored by the rank of which competitor lifts their stone successfully over the bar the most within the time limit
GEvolution Fitness
16 Edison Dr
Augusta, ME 04330
View Map
Oct 29, 2022

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Chad Mitchell
Events and Weights
Division Log PressLast Man Standing DeadliftTriple Sled PullCarry MedleyStone Over Bar
Novice W HW (165+)105275120120, 80, 100110
Novice W LW (165-)95255120120, 80, 100110
Open W LW (132-)125275130120, 80, 100130
Open W MW (165-)135315140140, 100, 120140
Open W HW (198-)145335150140, 100, 120160
Open W SHW (+)155355160140, 100, 120175
Masters Women (Single Class)125275130120, 80, 100130
Teen W LW (165-)75175110100, 60, 8085
Teen W HW (165+)75175110100, 60, 8085
Novice M HW (220+)200425155130, 120, 140200
Novice M LW (220-)190395155130, 120, 140200
Open M LW (181-)210455165150, 120, 140215
Open M MW (220-)230515175170, 160, 180230
Open M HW (275-)240545185170, 160, 180250
Open M SHW (+)260575200200, 200, 220275
Masters Men (Single Class)210455165150, 120, 140215
Teen M LW (220-)160365145120, 80, 100175
Teen M HW (220+)160365145120, 80, 100175

Early Bird Price
Available until Sep 30, 2022

Regular Price
Registration Closes Oct 28, 2022

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 61 athletes.
6 spots remain.