
June 14, 2025

Delaware's Baddest 2, USS State Championship


New Castle, DE


  • champ chains for novices, 2nd and 3rd place athletes
  • 1st place open, masters and teens get a title belt for their respective weight

weigh ins 24 hour or morning of 

  • June 13th, 9am-1pm, 4-8pm
  • june 14th 8am-9am
  • must weigh in with membership prior to rules meeting otherwise you will be disqualified.

weight classes will be combined if a class has less than 2 athletes 

Log Max state record and national record attempts available 

3 attempts, Wessels rules. on a tie the athlete that opened heavier wins, miss an attempt you are done with the event. Jumps will be done on 10lbs increments for women and 20lbs jumps for Men, on a state record attempt a 5lbs jump is allowed.  Time limit 30 seconds. 

  • Men's Open Log - mike bartos log 12 in 150lbs empty
  • Men's novice log- slater  12 in log 95 lbs empty
  • Women's novice log- Titan Fitness 50lbs empty 8 in
  • women's open log Titan fitness 10 in log 70lbs empty

allowed: Grip shirt, soft belt hard belt (two tops), knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, strongman shorts are okay 

not allowed equipped lifting gear, tacky

video demonstration https://youtu.be/dN2i_IDakKE?si=45ddd9K7HDXxx4-N


Raw with straps  Frame Deadlift for reps 

  • 1 minute time limit

allowed: straps, belt, soft belt, knee sleeves, no hook straps, strongman shorts are fine

not allowed: suits, briefs, tacky or sticky stuff 

frame deadlift demonstration: 


frame deadlift 1 minute for reps, straps allowed sign up for Delaware’s baddest on iron podium



40 ft Run down and back ,1 minute time limit unlimited drops 

  • allowed - grip shirt, strongman shorts, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves 
  • not allowed - squat briefs or any geared powerlifting equipment, knee wraps


Carry Medley  to backward drag

carry two implements onto a sled once it is loaded pull it backwards 30 ft, each implement will be a 30 ft run.  

  • not allowed- tacky, or sticky stuff 
  • allowed: gloves

Time Limit 1 minute 

video demonstration: pick up some odd objects load them on a sled and pull it backwards your standard death medley 


Stone series 

4 stone series, fastest to finish receives a time. No split times, tacky is allowed. Please use the cleaning space that's designated to you. Do not use the sink until you are free of tacky, failing to do so will lead to you being permanently banned and immediately disqualified 

  • Women's Shelf- 52, 48, 44, 40
  • Men's Shelf- 56, 52, 46, 40

demo video: Stone series for Delaware’s Baddest 2 

The Training Center
71 Industrial Blvd
New Castle, DE 19720
View Map
Jun 14, 2025

Start Time
9:30 AM
Meet Director
Cosme Gonzalez

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Events and Weights
Division Log MaxFrame Deadlift Yoke carry medley Stone series
Novice Women (Single Class)Starting 50lbs 15523580bag, 100 medball 107,110,135,140
Open W LW (123-)Starting 50lbs 245250100 bag, 100 medball, 110/140/155/185
Open W LW (132-)Starting 50lbs 275275100bag. 125bag110,140,155,185
Open W MW (165-)Starting 50lbs 315325125bag,150bag140,155,185,220
Open W HW (181-)Starting 50lbs 365365150 bag, 175 bag140,155,185,220
Open W SHW (+)Starting 50lbs 405365150bag, 175 bag140,155,185,220
Masters W MW (165-)Starting 50lbs 245lbs325100, 125110,140,155,185
Masters W HW (+)Starting 50lbs 315365150 bag, 175 bag140,155,185,220
Masters W HW (165+) 50+TBD245lbs365150, 175 bags145, 155, 185, 220
Teen W HW (165+)Starting 50lbs13523580 bag, 100 medball107,110,135,140
Novice M HW (220+)Starting 135475505220, 250bag185/220/250/300
Novice M LW (220-)Starting 105lbs405435200bag, 220bag155,185,220,250
Open M LW (181-)Starting 135475505220 bag, 250 bag 185/220/250/300
Open M MW (198-)Starting 155lbs 525545250bag, firehydrant185/220/250/300
Open M MW (220-)Starting 165lbs 575635275lb firehydrant 220/250/300/33
Open M HW (242-)Starting 175lbs 625685300lbs bag firehydrant 250/300/330/375
Open M HW (275-)Starting 205lbs 655725330lbs bag firehydrant250/300/330/375
Open M SHW (+)Starting 205lbs 655775350lbs bag firehydrant250/300/330/375
Masters M MW (220-)Starting 135 405505220 bag,250 bag185/220/250/300
Masters M HW (+)Starting 185lbs 525635250, Firehydrant220/250/300/330
Masters M HW (220+) 50+TBD405455200, 220 bags155/185/230/250
Teen M LW (220-)Starting 85 345365175 bag, 200 bag155/185/220/250
Teen M HW (220+)Starting 155405400lbs200, 220 bag155/185/220/250

Regular Price
Registration Closes May 24, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 70 athletes.
46 spots remain.
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