August 27, 2022
EFInStrong 2022.2
alabaster, AL
Our event is for those that want to dip their toe in the strongman pool. If you are a seasoned strongman this may seem like a breeze to you, but all experience levels are welcome. We will have divisions based on number of entries. This is the second EFInStrongman hosted by Ellison Fitness Innovations. The first was so much fun we decided to do it again.
Divisions: For now, we will leave them as single weight classes and if we begin to grow enough, we will divide into light and heavy weight classes for each division. Teens may be combined into novice if not enough entries.
Men's Novice has been reopened!
Refunds: Will only be available if a class/division is dissolved and the competitor in the class/division does not choose to join an available class/division.
*Events/weights subject to change.
Prizes: We have several prizes donated from our amazing sponsors so every division will receive at least gift cards among other items. As for the cash prizes, they will be based off the number of entries.
Division Entries = cash prizes
*Less than 5 entries = no cash prizes
*5-6 entries = top 2 will receive cash prizes
*7 or more top 3 will receive cash prizes .
Events: (all listed weight will be based on single weight classes if we are able to divide into Heavy and Light the listed weights will be for the light weight and the Heavy weight will have a level up.)
1.) Truck Pull- Truck Pull will be 100ft for fastest time or farthest in under 60 seconds. The Teen and Women's division will be a pickup truck with added weight in the bed. For the Men's division we have secured a Fire Truck thanks to Alabaster Fire Department.
2.) Load Medley- This will be a 50ft stretch with progressively heavier items. Items will include Sandbags donated by our sponsor Strength Shop USA, Duck Walk, Famers Carry Handles, and a Yoke. This will be for fastest time, or most items moved in the time limit.
3.) Car Deadlift- This will be for max reps. We have had some limitationsof vehicles so the novice divisons will be lifting sandbags and weights on the deadlift platform vs a vehicle.
4.) Viking Press- This will be for max reps. We will be using an elevated landmine set up.
5.) Stones over Bar- We will have yokes set up with accompanying stones of progressively heavier weight. This will be the fastest to lift all stones over bar or the heaviest stone in the allotted time.
Women- 100, 120, 165, 200, 205
Teen- 120, 165, 200, 205, 225
Men - 165, 200, 225, 250, 285
Open - 225, 250, 285, 320, 350
Location: Interstellar Ginger Beer in Alabaster, AL
Time: Events kick off at 12:00PM Check in will be from 10AM-11AM
Facebook Event for more details: https://fb.me/e/1P7YY7v84
Sponsor this event: https://form.jotform.com/ellisonfitnessinnovations/sponsor-application
260A Regency Park Dr
alabaster, AL 35007
View Map
Start Time
12:00 PM
Events and Weights
Division | Truck Pull | Load Medley Sandbag/Duckwalk/Farmers Per Hand/Yoke | Car Deadlift | Viking Press | Stones over the bar |
Novice Women (Single Class) | Truck (7000lbs) | 90lbs/100lbs/75lbs/200lbs | Frame Plus Sandbags and weight | 95lbs | 100, 120, 165, 185, 205 |
Novice Men (Single Class) | Fire Truck | 175lbs/200lbs/175lbs/500lbs | Frame Plus Sandbags and weight | 185lbs | 165, 200, 225, 250, 285 |
Open M (Single Class) | Fire Truck | 265lbs/250lbs/250lbs/600lbs | Small SUV | 225lbs | 225, 250, 285, 320, 350 |
Teen Men Open Class | Truck (8000lbs) | 135lbs/150lbs/150lbs/300lbs | Frame Plus Sandbags and weight | 135lbs | 120, 165, 200, 205, 225 |
Regular Price
Registration Closes Aug 27, 2022
No refunds.
5 spots remain.