
April 5, 2025

Empire Gym's Southern Strongman Classic


Rincon, GA

United States Strongman Sanctioned Event.  This will be an outdoor event.  $10 spectator entry fee.  Kids 6 and under are free.  All Empire Gym members are free.  Bring chairs as outdoor seating will be limited.  All athletes must have a valid 2025 United States Strongman membership in order to compete.  No exceptions.  No refunds.

****** Weights and events subject to change without notice********


Log Press- 

Athlete will be clean the log once and press away as many times as possible in the 60 second time limit.  The athlete may sit the log down to rest and then reclean it, but not required.  The athlete must wait for the down command before dropping back to the rack position and pressing again.

60 second time Limit.   

Equipment Allowed: Belt, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, chalk, grip shirts

Equipment Not Allowed: Built up shelf in belt, tacky, Official Strongman Games or Strongman Corporation Grip Shirts


Deadlift Ladder-

Each implement will be lifted once before moving to the next implement.Athlete must wait for the down command or the rep will not count.  Upon a successful lift, athlete will proceed to the next implement.  The first three implements will only be required to lift once.The last implement will be as many reps as possible in the remaining time.  Fastest time wins. 

60 second time Limit.   

Equipment allowed: chalk, belt, wrist wraps, straps, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves/wraps, supportive suits

Equipment not allowed: tacky, straps with hooks


Yoke / Farmers Medley- 

At the judges start command, the athlete will carry the yoke 50’ to the line.  The entire implement must cross the line before proceeding to the farmers handles.  The athlete will then carry the farmers handles back across the finish line.  The entire implement must cross the line before time will stop.  Fastest time wins.  60 second time limit.  Any athlete that cannot complete the course before the time limit will get credit for their effort by measurement,

Equipment allowed: chalk, belt, wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, grip shirts.  No straps!

Equipment not allowed: tacky, Official Strongman Games or Strongman Corporation Grip Shirts


Fingal Finger- 

1 attempt for the best time. 60 second time limit. 

Competitors will start on the open end of the finger.

On the judge’s command, the athlete will attempt to flip finger to other side and repeat this effort until five completed flips have been reached.Fastest time wins.  Any athlete that does not complete the five flips within the time limit will get credit for the completed number of flips.

Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps, gloves, tacky towels. 

Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky.


Atlas Stone Series- 

3 stone series. Fixed Height yokes will be used for all classes.Women’s class stones will be loaded over a 45” yoke.  Men’s class stones will be loaded to a 52” platform.   Stones must be loaded from lightest to heaviest.  60 second time limit.  

Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps. Tacky

Equipment NOT Allowed: Gloves, elevated platform shoes, Official Strongman Games or Strongman Corporation Grip Shirts

Empire Gym
614 Towne Park Loop
Rincon, GA 31326
View Map
Apr 05, 2025

Start Time
11:00 AM
Meet Director
Lee Woody

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Events and Weights
Division Log PressDeadlift LadderYoke / Farmers MedleyFingal FingerAtlas Stone Series
Novice W HW (165+)90290, 290, 300, 300330 / 130 per hand120135, 165, 200
Novice W LW (165-)75200, 200, 225, 225240 / 100 per hand100115, 135, 165
Open W LW (123-)115250 250, 275, 275290 / 120 per hand120135, 165, 200
Open W HW (198-)155340, 340, 375, 375380 / 150 per hand150200, 230, 250
Open W SHW (+)175380, 380, 415, 415420 / 170 per hand175230, 250, 260
Open W LW (132-)115250 250, 275, 275290 / 120 per hand120135, 165, 200
Open W SHW (242-)175380, 380, 415, 415420 / 170 per hand175230, 250, 260
Open W HW (181-)155340, 340, 375, 375380 / 150 per hand150200, 230, 250
Open W MW (165-)125290, 290, 300, 300330 / 130 per hand120165, 200, 230
Open W MW (148-)125290, 290, 300, 300330 / 130 per hand120165, 200, 230
Masters W LW (165-) 50+90200, 200, 225, 225205 / 70 per hand100115, 135, 165
Masters W MW (165-)90200, 200, 225, 225240 / 100 per hand120135, 165, 200
Masters W HW (+)90250 250, 275, 275290 / 120 per hand140135, 165, 200
Masters W LW (132-)90200, 200, 225, 225205 / 70 per hand100115, 135, 165
Masters W HW (165+) 50+90250 250, 275, 275240 / 100 per hand120115, 135, 165
Masters Women 60+75200, 200, 225, 225205 / 70 per hand100115, 135, 165
Teen W LW (165-)65160,160,180,180205 / 70 per hand10095, 115, 135
Teen W HW (165+)75200, 200, 225, 225240 / 100 per hand10095, 115, 135
Novice M HW (220+)185405, 405, 425, 425510 / 200 per hand150230, 250, 260
Novice M LW (220-)185380, 380, 415, 415470 / 180 per hand140230, 250, 260
Open M LW (165-)200405, 405, 425, 425510 / 200 per hand150250, 260, 280
Open M HW (275-)255520, 520, 550, 550650 / 250 per hand200260, 280, 300
Open M SHW (+)275590, 590, 625, 625730 / 275 per hand225280, 300, 325
Open M LW (181-)200405, 405, 425, 425510 / 200 per hand150250, 260, 280
Open M SHW (308-)275590, 590, 625, 625730 / 275 per hand225280, 300, 325
Open M HW (242-)255520, 520, 550, 550650 / 250 per hand200260, 280, 300
Open M MW (220-)225470, 470, 500, 500600 / 240 per hand175260, 280, 300
Open M MW (198-)225470, 470, 500, 500600 / 240 per hand175260, 280, 300
Masters M LW (220-) 50+185380, 380, 415, 415470 / 180 per hand140200, 230, 250
Masters M HW (+)200405, 405, 425, 425510 / 200 per hand150230, 250, 260
Masters M MW (220-)200380, 380, 415, 415510 / 200 per hand150230, 250, 260
Masters M HW (220+) 50+200405, 405, 425, 425510 / 200 per hand150230, 250, 260
Masters Men 60+175380, 380, 415, 415470 / 180 per hand140200, 230, 250
Teen M LW (220-)75250 250, 275, 275330 / 130 per hand100115, 135, 165
Teen M HW (220+)90290, 290, 300, 300380 / 150 per hand125135, 165, 200

Regular Price
Registration Closes Mar 22, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 20 athletes.
4 spots remain.
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