September 10, 2022
Rosemount, MN
Come and compete in Minnesota in a GREAT venue, doing exciting events! Athletes of all levels welcome, including Novice athletes!
MEMBERSHIP: Strongman Corp membership required at time of check-in. NEW Novice memberships available on the Strongman Corp website for $25 for first-time athletes!
AWARDS: given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in all classes.
OPEN CLASSES: If there is only 1 athlete in a class, they will get combined with another class or just get a regionals bid (we will leave combining of classes up to the promoter).
If there are 2-5 athletes a class:
- 1st place - Nationals (2022) and Regionals (2023) invites
- 2nd - Regionals (2023)
- 3rd - Regionals (2023)
If there are 6+ athletes in a class:
- 1st - Nationals (2022) and Regionals (2023)
- 2nd - Nationals (2022) and Regionals (2023)
- 3rd - Regionals (2023)
- 4th - Regionals (2023)
MASTERS CLASSES: 1st-3rd qualify for Masters Nationals
WEIGH-INS: Friday, September 9, 2022 5-7pm at Sutherlin Fitness; Saturday, September 10, 2022 8am-9am at Venue
HOTEL INFO: Crowne Plaza Suites Mall of America; 3 Appletree Square, Bloomington, MN 55425
Use this link for the hotel discount or use the phrase Strongman Corporation, when you call to register:®ionCode=1&hotelCode=mspia&checkInDate=09&checkInMonthYear=082022&checkOutDate=12&checkOutMonthYear=082022&rateCode=6CBARC&_PMID=99801505&GPC=STR&cn=no&viewfullsite=true
PARKING: Free at the Venue.
Event Rules:
Max Log Clean & Press
Log Clean and Press for Max weight.
10” log for women; 12” log for men
Women – starting weight 75#; Men – starting weight 135#
All classes in each lane will compete together for this event and it will be a rising bar. Weights will be called out in increments (10# jumps for women; 20# jumps for men) – those wanting to attempt the weight called will signal/line-up, if more than one athlete. Athlete is responsible to jump in at the weight called. The weight on the log will NOT go down, if missed.
30 second time limit per weight attempt. Time starts when hands touch the log.
You do not need to attempt every weight. Once a lift is failed, athlete is done. If you fail to get a down command on your first attempt, you will receive a zero for the event.
Highest successful weight will be recorded for score.
Strict press, push press, jerk press allowed – rep will not count until feet are together and control shown. Athlete must wait for down command from judge. No resting on head.
Log dropped from a fully locked out position will result in a no rep for that attempt.
Gear allowed: grip shirts, wraps, elbow/knee sleeves, belts, chalk, no tacky of any kind
Car Deadlift
Athletes will have 60 seconds to complete as many deadlifts as possible with a side-handle car deadlift. (13-14” pick height) Athletes will be allowed to strap in before time starts. Athletes must wait for judges down command for rep to count. Up commands will not be given.
Gear allowed: wraps, elbow/knee sleeves, straps, belts, chalk, no tacky of any kind, No suits or multi-ply briefs will be allowed
Carry Medley (Keg, Sandbag, Frame)
Each object must be carried 40ft across a line.
60 second time limit; unlimited drops on all objects
Keg / Sandbag / Railroad Tie Frame - pick height 16”
Keg and Sandbag will be lined up on one side of course, Frame on the other. Athlete will start behind a line. On go, they’ll grab the keg, carry it 40’ and set it on a Titan mat (or similar). They’ll then run back and get the Sandbag. Athlete then takes the sandbag and crosses the line, and takes the Frame back. Just the front of the implement has to cross the line for both sandbag and frame. Keg must land on the mat. Athlete must not “throw” object across the line.
Athlete will get a time if they completed the course, or a number of implements and a distance if they didn’t. No split times per implement.
Gear allowed: elbow/knee sleeves, chalk, wraps, belt, grip shirts, no tacky of any kind
Conan's Wheel
Max distance in 60 seconds
Once the time expires or the implement touches the ground, distance will be taken.
Gear allowed: elbow/knee sleeves, chalk, wraps, belt, no tacky of any kind
Max Sandbag Over Bar
Women 50” bar load height
Men 54” bar load height
All classes in each lane will compete together for this event and it will be a rising bag. Bag weights will be called out in increments – those wanting to attempt the weight called will signal/line-up, if more than one athlete. Athlete is responsible to jump in at the weight called. The weights will NOT go down, if missed.
30 second time limit per lift attempt. Time starts when hands touch the bag.
Only your highest successful attempt will count for score on the event.
You do not need to attempt every weight. Once an attempt is failed, athlete is done. If you fail to load the bag on your first attempt, you will receive a zero for the event.
Gear allowed: wrist straps, gloves, elbow/knee sleeves, belts, chalk, tacky towel only
Events and Weights
Division | Max Log | Car Deadlift | Carry Medley (keg-sandbag-Frame) | Conan's Wheel | Max Sandbag Load |
Novice W HW (+) | Max | ATV | 80-100-250 | 250 | Max |
Open W LW (120.4-) | Max | ATV | 100-125-300 | 270 | Max |
Open W LW (140.4-) | Max | ATV | 100-125-300 | 290 | Max |
Open W MW (160.4-) | Max | ATV | 150-150-350 | 310 | Max |
Open W MW (180.4-) | Max | ATV | 150-150-350 | 330 | Max |
Open W HW (+) | Max | ATV | 175-175-400 | 350 | Max |
Masters W HW (+) | Max | ATV | 100-125-300 | 270 | Max |
Novice M SHW (+) | Max | SUV | 200-205-475 | 400 | Max |
Open M LW (175.4-) | Max | SUV | 220-235-500 | 425 | Max |
Open M MW (200.4-) | Max | SUV | 220-235-500 | 450 | Max |
Open M MW (231.4-) | Max | SUV | 260-265-600 | 500 | Max |
Open M HW (265.5-) | Max | SUV | 260-265-600 | 550 | Max |
Open M SHW (+) | Max | SUV | 280-300-650 | 600 | Max |
Masters M SHW (+) | Max | SUV | 220-235-500 | 425 | Max |
Available until Jul 05, 2022
Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 05, 2022
No refunds.
15 spots remain.