
October 5, 2024

Forged By Iron


Round Rock, TX



Weigh Ins/Athlete Check In:

  1. EVERYONE MUST check-in on the 4th (weigh-ins are NOT allowed the day of the event), including SHW Classes - under age of 18 must have parent at check in
  2. Location: Iron Forge Gym 2000 S I-35 Frontage Rd Suite J1, Round Rock, TX 78681
  3. Date: October 4th 2024
  4. Time:  Start at 8a.m.-11a.m. then 3p.m.-6p.m.

Rules Meeting:

  1. DATE: October 5th 2024
  2. TIME: 9:00 am (Event Start 10:00am)

Early Bird Entry Fee (First 50 signups): $95

Entry Fee: $110

If you sign up after 9/14/24, contest shirt is not guaranteed.


Registration Deadline: 

  1. October 3rd 2024 at 11:59pm.  Online entry must be submitted by this date.
  2. Contest will cap at 100 Athletes
  3. Any entries after September 14th will not be guaranteed a competition shirt!
  4. Iron Podium is the only way to Register.
  5. www.ironpodium.com

Spectator Admission:

  1. All tickets will be sold at door (Price to be determined)

Qualifying for Nationals/Arnolds: 

  • If there is 1 athlete in a class, they will get combined with another class or just get a Regionals bid.
  • Novice and Masters athletes do not qualify for Nationals/Arnolds
  • There must be a minimum of 10 athletes registered and present on competition in order for 1st place to qualify for an invite to the Arnold Amateur World Championships (2025).

If there are 2-5 athletes in a class:

  • 1st place - qualifies for Nationals (2024)

If there are 6+ athletes in a class:

  • 1st - qualifies for Nationals (2024)
  • 2nd - qualifies for Nationals (2024)

If there are 10+ athletes in a class:

  • 1st - qualifies for Arnold Amateur World Championships (2025) Nationals (2024)
  • 2nd - qualifies for Nationals (2024)




Max Log

Athletes will have 30 seconds per attempt to clean and press a log off pads and press it overhead. Athletes will each get 3 attempts

  1. Athletes will get 3 attempts for max weight.
  2. Log will go up in increments of 10/20lbs so know your starting weight and give it to the score keeper.
  3. Athletes will have 30 seconds to clean and press the log overhead.
  4. Grip shirts are allowed (Must be Strongman Corporation or Cerberus Strength)


Deadlift Medley

Athletes will complete a series of 3 bars finishing with as many reps as possible (specific bars to be determined)

1st bar: 1 rep (Power Bar)

2nd bar: 1 rep (Power Bar)

3rd Bar: As many reps as possible (Deadlift Bar)

  1. Athletes will start off platform.
  2. 60 second time limit.
  4. NO Sumo Allowed
  5. Athlete will be given a down command once fully locked out.
  6. Hitching is allowed. Bar cannot stop at the knees/rest before finishing the rep.
  7. Score will be total number of deadlifts completed and time. Split times are taken at each successful lift.

Equipment not allowed: Deadlift suits, built up belts (a single hard belt worn over a single soft belt is acceptable), tacky, spray adhesives, tack towels, or any other sticky substance.

Farmers/Sandbag Medley

Athletes will carry Farmers Handles 50’ down then run 50’ back to pick up a Sandbag and run it back 50’once again to finish.

  1. Athletes will compete head-to-head (2 lanes) starting at a line.
  2. 60 second time limit
  3. Athletes will start hands off the implements.
  4. Front of the Farmers Handles must cross the line before proceeding to pick the sandbag.
  5. Unlimited drops allowed.
  6. Fasted time wins
  7. Athletes who slide the Farmers will be penalized with a 2 second slide penalty.
  8. Time will stop when the entirety of both implements cross the start line for a full 100ft.
  9. Athletes who do not complete the course in 60 seconds will be given a distance measurement.

Equipment not allowed: Tacky, spray adhesives, straps, tack towels or any other sticky substance.

Arm over Arm Sled Pull

Athletes will pull a sled or similar implement arm over arm 50ft.

  1. Athletes will start in position with hands on rope.
  2. Athletes will have 60 seconds to pull a truck 50ft.
  3. Fastest time wins, if you do not finish distance will be taken.

ITEMS ALLOWED: gloves, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, 1 soft belt, 1 hard belt either a leather or a hard Velcro belt (one or the other, not both), shoes must be worn at all times.


Sandbag Toss 

Athletes will toss 4 sandbags over a bar (13’ for women, 15’ for men).

  1. Athletes will start with their hand on the cross bar implement.
  2. 60 second time limit
  3. Once the “GO” command is given, athletes will run to the lightest bag first and continue down the line to the heaviest bag.
  4. Fastest time to get all 5 bags over wins.
  5. Heights will be at at 13’ for Women and 15’ for Men.
Iron Forge Gym
2000 S I-35 Frontage Rd
Round Rock, TX 78681
View Map
Oct 05, 2024

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Eric Carlson
Events and Weights
Division Max Slater Log PressDeadlift LadderFarmers/Sandbag MedleySled Pull (Arm over Arm)Sandbag Toss
Novice W MW (180.4-)MAX205/225/255140/150HEAVY15,20,20,25
Novice W LW (140.4-)MAX185/205/225125/125HEAVY15,15,20,20
Novice W HW (180.5+)MAX225/245/275180/175HEAVY20,20,25,25
Open W LW (120.4-)MAX250/275/300140/150HEAVY15,15,20,20
Open W LW (140.4-)MAX270/295/320160/170HEAVY15,20,20,25
Open W MW (160.4-)MAX290/310/320180/190HEAVY20,20,25,25
Open W MW (180.4-)MAX310/330/350200/220HEAVY20,20,25,30
Open W HW (180.5+)MAX330/350/370200/220HEAVY20,25,30,35
Masters Women 40+MAX205/225/255125/150HEAVY15,20,20,25
Novice M MW (200.4-)MAX385/405/425175/200HEAVY20,25,30,35
Novice M MW (231.4-)MAX405/425/455200/225HEAVY25,30,35,40
Novice M HW (264.5-)MAX425/455/505225/250HEAVY30,35,40,45
Novice M HW (264.5+)MAX445/475/505250/250HEAVY30,35,40,45
Open M LW (175.4-)MAX445/475/505235/250HEAVY20,25,30,35
Open M MW (200.4-)MAX475/505/535255/250HEAVY30,35,40,45
Open M MW (231.4-)MAX505/535/565265/275HEAVY30,35,40,45
Open M HW (265.5-)MAX535/565/595285/300HEAVY35,40,45,50
Open M HW (264.5+)MAX565/595/625300/325HEAVY35,40,45,50
Masters Men 40+MAX425/455/495235/235HEAVY25,30,35,40

Early Bird Price
Only 50 available.

Regular Price
Registration Closes Oct 03, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 100 athletes.
100 spots remain.