October 28, 2023
Gainiac Nutrition presents: A Strongman Halloween
Lubbock, TX
Current Texas State Records: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nYLAIfdN8VvzZaRiBtVzXel78BkjoM4h05SxwfeVcYg/edit#gid=0
Event 1: Max log *Texas State Record*
This will be Wessel's Rules. Every competitor will have 3 attempts and 60 seconds per attempt to complete a rep once given the start command. If the lift is not successful within the 60 second time limit you cannot attempt again. The weight will not be lowered once loaded. 20lb jumps for men & 10lbs for women. Athletes do not have to complete every weight jump. A successful lift will have the competitor standing with hips through, locked knees and elbows with head through. The athlete can attempt the press as many times as needed within the allotted time.
Competitor must wait for judge’s down command. There will be no leniency on down commands.
Allowed - chalk, grip shirts, wrist wraps, belt
Not allowed - Strongman corp grip shirts
Event 2: The Power Sloth’s Super Medley (Farmers, Keg, Sandbag, Tire)
Athletes will start with hands on the implement, upon go command, athlete will pick the farmers handles and run 20'. Once the tip of the handles cross the finish line, the athlete puts the farmers handles down and runs back to pick the keg and load onto the platform. Athlete will then run back 30' to pick the sandbag and load it onto the platform. Athlete will then run back for the tire and load it onto the platform. The sandbag, keg, and tire must be successfully loaded (without falling off) for a completed lift. The time stops after 90s or when all implements have been successfully loaded. The tire can not be rolled or flipped - it must be carried.
Farmers and keg carry is 20'
Sandbag and tire carry is 30'
Allowed - wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, belts, chalk
Not allowed- tacky, straps
Event 3: Day of the Dead-lift (for reps)
Athletes can begin with hands on the bar, upon the go command, athlete will complete as many reps as possible in 60 seconds. Touch and go is allowed. Conventional stance only, no sumo.
Competitor must wait for judge’s down command.
Allowed - belts, knee sleeves, figure-8 straps, standard straps
Not allowed - tacky, oil
Event 4: Stone Series
Athletes will start with hands off of the stone, upon the command, athletes will lift three stones of increasing weight onto the platform as fast as possible. The time will stop when the last stone hits the platform. You will have 60s to compete the series.
Women's platform height: 40"
Men's platform height: 48"
Allowed: Wrist wraps, sleeves, chalk, grip shirts, belt, tacky, tacky towels
- Tacky will NOT be provided. Bring your own.
- We will have a tacky station set up outside. You may only remove tacky outside.
Event 5: Sandbag Throw (max weight) *Texas State Record*
Every competitor will each have 3 attempts and have 60 seconds to complete each attempt once given the start command. Competitor will start with their hand on the yoke. Every competitor will start with their hands on the yoke. If a bag is missed, it can be re-thrown as many times as needed to complete the lift - if not successfully over bar by the time limit the lift can not be attempted again.
Women will throw over 10'
Men will throw over 13'
Allowed: Belts, chalk, sleeves, wrist wraps
Not Allowed: Tacky, spray grip
FRIDAY OCTOBER 27TH: 8:30am - 10am & 5pm - 7pm
Address: 14103 Ave S Lubbock, TX 79423
SATURDAY: 8am - 8:30am
Address: 4723 W Loop 289 Acc Rd, Lubbock, TX 79414
All competitors must have a valid 2023 USS Membership Card to be able to compete the day of the event.
Membership information: https://www.unitedstatesstrongman.com/uss-membership
-events and weights are subject to change-
Events and Weights
Division | Log *Texas State Record* | The Power Sloths’ Super Medley (Farmers, Keg, Sandbag, Tire) | Deadlift | Sandbag Throw *Texas State Record* | Stone Series |
Novice W LW (165-) | MAX | 100, 90, 90, tire | 200lbs | MAX | 80, 100, 120 |
Novice W HW (165+) | MAX | 120, 110, 110, tire | 225lbs | MAX | 100, 120, 140 |
Open W LW (123-) | MAX | 120, 110, 110, tire | 250lbs | MAX | 100, 120, 140 |
Open W LW (132-) | MAX | 120, 110, 110, tire | 250lbs | MAX | 100, 120, 140 |
Open W MW (148-) | MAX | 150, 140, 140, tire | 275lbs | MAX | 120, 140, 160 |
Open W MW (165-) | MAX | 150, 140, 140, tire | 275lbs | MAX | 120, 140, 160 |
Open W HW (181-) | MAX | 180, 160, 160, tire | 315lbs | MAX | 140, 160, 180 |
Open W HW (198-) | MAX | 180, 160, 160, tire | 315lbs | MAX | 140, 160, 180 |
Open W SHW (+) | MAX | 180, 160, 160, tire | 330lbs | MAX | 140, 160, 180 |
Masters Women (Single Class) | MAX | 150, 140, 140, tire | 275lbs | MAX | 120, 140, 160 |
Teen W LW (165-) | MAX | 110, 100, 100, tire | 150lbs | MAX | 75, 95, 100 |
Teen W HW (165+) | MAX | 120, 100, 100, tire | 175lbs | MAX | 75, 95, 100 |
Novice M LW (220-) | MAX | 180, 160, 160, tire | 350lbs | MAX | 140, 160, 180 |
Novice M HW (220+) | MAX | 200, 180, 180, tire | 400lbs | MAX | 160, 180, 220 |
Open M LW (165-) | MAX | 200, 180, 180, tire | 400lbs | MAX | 140, 160, 180 |
Open M LW (181-) | MAX | 200, 180, 180, tire | 400lbs | MAX | 140, 160, 180 |
Open M MW (198-) | MAX | 220, 200, 200, tire | 450lbs | MAX | 220, 240, 260 |
Open M MW (220-) | MAX | 220, 200, 200, tire | 450lbs | MAX | 220, 240, 260 |
Open M HW (242-) | MAX | 250, 225, 225, tire | 500lbs | MAX | 240, 260, 300 |
Open M HW (275-) | MAX | 250, 225, 225, tire | 500lbs | MAX | 240, 260, 300 |
Open M SHW (+) | MAX | 250, 225, 225, tire | 550lbs | MAX | 240, 260, 300 |
Masters Men (Single Class) | MAX | 220, 200, 200, tire | 450lbs | MAX | 220, 240, 260 |
Teen M LW (220-) | MAX | 150, 140, 140, tire | 275lbs | MAX | 100, 120, 140 |
Teen M HW (220+) | MAX | 180, 160, 160, tire | 300lbs | MAX | 120, 140, 160 |
Available until Sep 01, 2023
Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 14, 2023
No refunds.
6 spots remain.