
June 30, 2024

Glenrock's Strongest Man 2024


Glenrock, WY

Glenrock's Strongest Man

Welcome to the 2024 Noah "Sport" Young Jr. Glenrock's Strongest Man Contest at Deer Creek Days! This will be Wyoming's first ever officially sanctioned, drug-free strongman competition!

The contest will be held June 30th, 2024 Glenrock Town Park, on the south baseball diamond. Please access the park via Millar Drive and park in the large dirt lot south of the baseball field. There will be food trucks, other activities and vendors, full bathrooms, and shelter for the athletes on site.

Check-in starts at the dugout at 8 AM, contest starts at 11 AM. Weigh-ins will be held at check-in. Feel free to hit up the pancake breakfast in the park after weighing in, starting at 8.

Contest Sanction and General Rules

This contest is sanctioned by the 100% RAW Powerlifting Federation. All athletes are required to be 100% RAW members and show their membership card or sign up for a membership at check in. 

Get your 100% RAW memberships here.

The Draft Strongman Technical Rules will be followed unless otherwise specified. Please review the Draft Strongman Technical Rules here. Please note that these rules are subject to change.

As specified in the Draft Strongman Rules, the 100% RAW General Rules will be followed for Weight-ins, General Rules of Conduct, and Drug Testing. A minimum of 10% of athletes will be drug tested at the contest. Please review the 100% RAW General Rules here. 


Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each division based on point totals across all five events. In-kind prizes from our sponsors will be distributed along with these awards.

Best Lifter Awards (male, female, male teen, female teen) will be awarded based on a Wilks coefficient adjusted score for each lifter’s combined total weight lifted on Log Clean & Press, Double-Overhand Axle Deadlift, and Stone-to-Shoulder.

The Noah “Sport” Young Jr. Glenrock’s Strongest Man Award will be awarded to the lifter with the greatest absolute total weight lifted on Log Clean & Press, Double-Overhand Axle Deadlift, and Stone-to-Shoulder.

Training Days

We will be hosting a series of Strongman Saturday open training days with the contest implements at the Glenrock Barbell Club: April 20th, May 18th, June 1st, June 15th, and June 22nd, from 9 AM to 12 Noon, at 412 S 4th Street in Glenrock, WY. These will be dedicated to helping new athletes learn and practice the techniques of how to lift and/or throw the contest implements. All registered athletes or those who are still thinking about it are welcome to attend. 

Lifts and Rules of Performance:

All weights subject to change based on equipment availability. 

Log Clean & Press for Max Weight 

  • Each athlete will find their max using a rising bar, last man standing format with unlimited attempts.
  • Contest implement: Open and Masters Men will lift a 12" log - Women and Teens will lift a 10" log
  • Rules as specified for the Log Clean & Press in the Strongman Technical Rulebook

Double-Overhand Axle Deadlift for Max Weight

  • Each athlete will find their max using a rising bar, last man standing format with unlimited attempts.
  • Contest implement: All athletes will lift a 2" axle bar.
  • Rules as specified for the Double-Overhand Axle Deadlift in the Strongman Technical Rulebook

Braemar Stone Put for Max Distance

  • Each athlete will have three attempts to put (throw) the implement for max distance, best attempt counts for score.
  • Contest implement: All athletes will put a natural stone weighting appoximately 1 stone (14 lbs), 1 1/2 stone (21 lbs), or 2 stone (28 lbs).
  • Rules as specified for Braemar Stone in the NASGA Rules for Scottish Heavy Events competition 

Keg Toss Series for Fastest Time

  • 60-second time limit to get all five kegs over the bar
  • Athletes will start with a hand on the apparatus. Kegs will be standing up 10' from the apparatus.
  • The athlete may use one or two hands to toss the kegs.
  • One keg at a time. Athletes are not allowed to bring multiple kegs closer to the implement they are throwing over.
  • Height crossbar: 8' for women and 9' for men
  • Athletes must start with the lightest keg and work their way up to the heaviest keg.
  • If the keg gets stuck on top of the apparatus for 5 seconds or more, that counts as a successful throw. If the keg gets stuck at the top for less than 5 sec and falls towards the athlete, it will count as no good.
  • Contest implement: All athletes will be throwing tall quarter kegs, approximately 24" in height and 12" in diameter.
  • Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, knee sleeves, wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, a protective helmet may be worn.
  • Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky

Atlas Stone to Shoulder Series for Max Weight 

  • Athletes will have 60 seconds to pick and shoulder as many atlas stones as possible ascending in weight.
  • The stone must be lifted to the shoulder. with the opposite arm extended for the rep to count.
  • Athletes must maintain control of the stone at the top until they receive the "DOWN" command.
  • Athletes may start with their hands on the first stone and will wait for the judge's "DOWN" command before continuing to the next heavier stone.
  • Athletes can start with any stone but can only ascend in weight for their next stone. Once you have attempted a stone you cannot attempt a lighter stone. You can skip weights up to a heavier stone.
  • Athletes who successfully lift the heaviest stone available may continue to rep out that stone within the 60 second time limit.
  • Your score will be the total weight of all stones and reps completed.
  • Contest implement: All athletes will be lifting spherical concrete atlas stones, with the exception that the 60 lb implement will be a spherical rubber slam ball.
  • Equipment allowed: Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, Gloves, Belt, Stone sleeves or duct tape on the arms. Chalk, spray tacky, and tacky towels will be acceptable.
  • Equipment not allowed: Deadlift suits, grips shirts or trunks, briefs, knee wraps.


Town Park
E Birch St
Glenrock, WY 82637
View Map
Jun 30, 2024

Start Time
11:00 AM
Meet Director
Jim Chappelow

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Events and Weights
Division Log Clean & PressDOH Axle DeadliftBraemar Stone PutKeg Toss SeriesStone to Shoulder
Open W LW (130-)Starts at 70, 10 lb jumpsStarts at 751 1/2 stone20, 25, 30, 3560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Open W MW (160-)Starts at 70, 10 lb jumpsStarts at 751 1/2 stone20, 25, 30, 3560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Open W HW (190-)Starts at 70, 10 lb jumpsStarts at 751 1/2 stone25, 30, 35, 4060, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Open W SHW (190+)Starts at 70, 10 lb jumpsStarts at 751 1/2 stone25, 30, 35, 4060, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Masters W SHW (190+)Starts at 70, 10 lb jumpsStarts at 751 stone20, 25, 30, 3560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Masters W LW (130-)Starts at 70, 10 lb jumpsStarts at 751 stone20, 25, 30, 3560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Masters W MW (160-)Starts at 70, 10 lb jumpsStarts at 751 stone20, 25, 30, 3560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Masters W HW (190-)Starts at 70, 10 lb jumpsStarts at 751 stone20, 25, 30, 3560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Teen W SHW (190+)Starts at 70, 10 lb jumpsStarts at 751 stone20, 25, 30, 3560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Teen W LW (130-)Starts at 70, 10 lb jumpsStarts at 751 stone20, 25, 30, 3560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Teen W MW (160-)Starts at 70, 10 lb jumpsStarts at 751 stone20, 25, 30, 3560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Teen W HW (190-)Starts at 70, 10 lb jumpsStarts at 751 stone20, 25, 30, 3560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Open M SHW (250+)Starts at 100, 20 lb jumpsStarts at 752 stone35, 40, 45, 5060, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Open M LW (160-)Starts at 100, 20 lb jumpsStarts at 1152 stone30, 35, 40, 4560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Open M MW (200-)Starts at 100, 20 lb jumpsStarts at 1152 stone30, 35, 40, 4560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Open M HW (250-)Starts at 100, 20 lb jumpsStarts at 1152 stone35, 40, 45, 5060, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Masters M SHW (250+)Starts at 100, 20 lb jumpsStarts at 1151 1/2 stone30, 35, 40, 4560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Masters M LW (160-)Starts at 100, 20 lb jumpsStarts at 1151 1/2 stone30, 35, 40, 4560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Masters M MW (200-)Starts at 100, 20 lb jumpsStarts at 1151 1/2 stone30, 35, 40, 4560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Masters M HW (250-)Starts at 100, 20 lb jumpsStarts at 1151 1/2 stone30, 35, 40, 4560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Teen M SHW (250+)Starts at 100, 20 lb jumpsStarts at 1151 1/2 stone30, 35, 40, 4560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Teen M LW (160-)Starts at 100, 20 lb jumpsStarts at 1151 1/2 stone25, 30, 35, 4060, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Teen M MW (200-)Starts at 100, 20 lb jumpsStarts at 1151 1/2 stone25, 30, 35, 4060, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300
Teen M HW (250-)Starts at 100, 20 lb jumpsStarts at 1151 1/2 stone30, 35, 40, 4560, 90, 125, 165, 205, 250, 300

Early Bird Price
Available until Apr 30, 2024

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jun 01, 2024

Refund Policy
Refunds available until 30 days prior to event.
This event is limited to 50 athletes.
28 spots remain.