July 20, 2024
Green River Sports Festival Strongman
Green River, WY
Welcome to the second annual Green River Sports Festival Strongman!!!
Our first year we had an amazing turnout and hope to have another one this year! We will be back at Expedition Island in Green River, Wyoming. We are kicking it up a notch this year! Bring your family and friends to enjoy the vendor fair, food trucks, and beer wagons. There is a 5k/10k and a powerlifting event going on as well on the island.
Weigh Ins day before 4:30 pm at Expedition Island
Day of weigh Ins 7am-8am at Expedition Island
Event 1 - Press Medley - Fastest Time
You must perform one successful rep on each implement in order to move onto the next one. They must be completed in order Circus Dumbbell (possible dumbbell for women), Axel Bar, Log Press, Double Dumbbell, Natural Stone. Fastest Time for all implements wins. Grip Shirts and chalk will be allowed.
Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt
Event 2 - Max Deadlift
The athlete will start strapped into the bar. On the start command of the judge, the athlete will begin pulling and have 45 seconds to complete the lift. Athlete will be given a down command once a good rep is completed. Judges are looking for shoulders back, hips through, and knees locked. Hitching is allowed. No Sumo pulls. This is scored using Wessels Rule. You have 3 attempts but if you miss one, you're done. After each attempt, you'll tell your judge / score keeper your next attempt. If the bar is dropped before the down command, no rep will be given. No finger-tipping the bar while using straps. Thumbs must be in contact with the barbell. Deliberately dropping the barbell from the top will result in a ZERO for the event. Please respect the equipment. This event will be ran using a deadlift bar.
Equipment Allowed: Straps, belt, chalk, knee wraps or sleeves.
Event 3 - Loading Medley - Fastest Time
Equipment Allowed: chalk, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, soft belt, hard belt, grip shirt, gloves (wide receiver style is okay)
Event 4 - Conan's Wheel - Max Distance
90-second time limit. Athlete will pick up the implement and walk in a circle around the pivot point of the implement for max distance. Once the athlete picks the implement and passes the start line where they drop it will be there distance. Athlete can find their grip with multiple picks but once past the line NO DROPS.
Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Gloves
Event 5 - Stone Over Bar Last Man Standing
Athletes will be paired up based off points leading into event. Upon the whistle the lead athlete will pick the stone over bar to competitor. The competitor will have 30 sec. to return the stone back. If the time elapses the last one to have picked the stone is the winner. NOTE: There will be a tacky removal station set up.
Equipment Allowed: Tacky, Tacky Towel, Chalk, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, stone sleeves, tape for forearms, grip shirts, Olympic lifting shoes, hard belts, soft belts.
Events and Weights
Division | Press Medley (circus dbell, axel, log, double dbell,stone) | Max Deadlift | Load Medley | Conans Wheel | Stone Over Bar Head 2 Head |
Novice Women (Single Class) | 80/100/100/45/TBD | 135 | TBD | 150 | 175 |
Open W LW (180-) | 80/100/100/45/TBD | 135 | TBD | 150 | 175 |
Open W HW (+) | 90/120/120/60/TBD | 135 | TBD | 180 | TBD |
Novice Men (Single Class) | 110/150/160/70/TBD | 225 | TBD | 260 | 250 |
Open M SHW (+) | 165/240/280/110/TBD | 225 | TBD | 300 | 330 |
Open M LW (240-) | 125/200/250/90/TBD | 225 | TBD | 260 | 250 |
Open M HW (280-) | 145/220/260/100/TBD | 225 | TBD | 280 | 330 |
Registration Closes Jul 19, 2024
No refunds.
16 spots remain.