July 13, 2024
Holden On Strong 3
Holden, MA
Start time:
Check in/Weigh-in : 9:30am-10am
Rules: 10am
Start: 10:30am
Weight Classes:
LW Novice (165.0 and under)
HW Novice (165.0 and above)
LW (165.0 and under)
HW (165.0 and above)
Masters (one class)
LW Novice (220.0 and under)
HW Novice (220.0 and above)
LW (220.0 and under)
HW (220.0 and above)
Masters (one class)
$5 Spectator Fee - proceeds are going to The Shine Initiative.
This is an unsanctioned competition.
Viking Press
- 60 second time limit
- Weight can be push pressed or strict pressed. No double dips or jerking.
- Competitor must wait for judge’s down command.
- Competitor can put down viking press between reps
Allowed: Wrist wraps, sleeves, chalk, grip shirts, belt, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves
Yoke Carry and Sled Drag
- 60 second time limit
- Carry the yoke 40ft while you're attached to a sled using a truck pull harness
- Fastest time wins.
Allowed: Belt, chalk, sleeves, wraps.
Farmer Deadlift For Reps
- 60 second time limit
- Wait for Up and Down commands
- Rogue Fitness Farmer Handles, no straps allowed.
Allowed: Chalk, wraps, belt, sleeves.
Odd Object Carry
- 75 second time limit
- Competitors will have to carry a sandbag, duckwalk, and depending on class - a husafel or magnusson cross
- 40ft each implement run back for next one.
-Athlete can start with their hands on any implement
Allowed: Chalk, wraps, belt, sleeves.
Front Hold For Time
- Max Time
- Competitors will have to lift an implement out in front of them and hold at eye level for time
Allowed: Chalk, wraps, belt, sleeves.
Events and Weights
Division | Viking Press | Yoke Carry with Sled Drag | Farmer Deadlift for Reps | Odd Object Carry - Implement (H stone or cross), Sandbag, Duckwalk | Front Hold |
Novice W LW (165-) | 120lbs | 305 yoke + sled | 115/Hand | 115, 100, 135lbs | 25lbs |
Novice W HW (165+) | 160lbs | 335 yoke + sled | 125/Hand | 125, 100, 145lbs | 25lbs |
Open W MW (165-) | 160lbs | 335 yoke + sled | 135/Hand | 135, 132, 145lbs | 25lbs |
Open W HW (+) | 180lbs | 365 yoke + sled | 145/Hand | 155, 150, 155lbs | 25lbs |
Masters Women (Single Class) | 160lbs | 335 yoke + sled | 125/Hand | 125, 100, 145lbs | 25lbs |
Novice M LW (220-) | 170lbs | 455 yoke + 50 sled | 185/Hand | 195, 175, 190lbs | 35lbs |
Novice M HW (220+) | 210lbs | 495 yoke + 50 sled | 205/Hand | 215, 175, 210lbs | 35lbs |
Open M HW (+) | 260lbs | 585 yoke + 100 sled | 245/Hand | 255, 265, 250lbs | 45lbs |
Open M MW (220-) | 210lbs | 535 yoke + 75 sled | 225/Hand | 235, 220, 230lbs | 40lbs |
Masters Men (Single Class) | 210lbs | 495 yoke + 50 sled | 205/Hand | 215, 175, 210lbs | 35lbs |
Registration Closes Jul 09, 2024
No refunds.
32 spots remain.