
October 19, 2024

Jurassic Showdown 2024


Portland, OR

This is a sanctioned Strongman Corporation contest and as such, you will have the ability to earn a Strongman Corporation Nationals and/or a regionals invitation if you are in a qualifying class. Jurassic Showdown is the first opportunity you will get to qualify for Strongman Corp Nationals 2025. Come compete and get your nationals invite early so you can train freely and don't have to worry about it later in the year. This is the first step to getting your invitation to compete at the Arnolds! Don’t miss your chance to get on the big stage.

****Jurassic Showdown is a Nationals and Regionals qualifier****

If there are 2-5 athletes in a class:

1st place - Nationals (2025) and Regionals (2025) invites

2nd - Regionals (2025)

3rd - Regionals (2025)

If there are 6+ athletes in a class:

1st - Nationals (2025) and Regionals (2025)

2nd - Nationals (2025) and Regionals (2025)

3rd - Regionals (2025)

4th - Regionals (2025)

All athletes must have a valid Strongman Corporation membership to compete. At weigh ins, you will be required to log into your strongman corporation account and show that you have an active/valid membership. If you do not have a membership, you will not be able to compete. A Strongman Corporation membership can be bought on the day of weigh ins. If you do not currently have a Strongman Corporation membership and have no plans to compete in a Strongman Corporation event before this competition, I recommend waiting until the day of weigh ins to purchase it. Unlike USS, Strongman Corporation memberships are good for a full year from the day that you purchase the membership.


Ironside Training

935 SE Ankeny St
Portland, OR 97214


Weigh-ins will be from 3-8pm on 10/18 and from 7:30-8:15am on 10/19 at Ironside Training. Athletes will be required to show their Strongman Corporation membership at this time. If you plan to weigh in on the day of competition, please already have your Strongman Corporation membership purchased before you arrive to the gym.

Briefing/rules meeting will start at 8:15am.

Competition will start at 9:00am. 

****Events and Rules:****

Farmers Carry Drag Race - Two Lengths of 50ft ascending weight

Event will be run in two lanes. Athletes will start between one set of Farmer’s handles, behind the starting line, with hands on the implement, grip taken. An overall timekeeper will blow a whistle to start your 60 second time limit; however, each individual lane will have its own judge/timer. Once the time starts, athlete will pick up the farmer’s implements and proceed towards the opposite end line. You must have BOTH implements break the end line before this length is considered finished and you can proceed to the second set of farmer’s implements. If you drop the handles during the length of the floor (either direction), pick them up and continue working towards the opposite endline at your own pace. The floor will be a rubber platform so sliding should not be an issue. Once you complete the first length of the floor, you will then pick up the second set of farmer’s implements and proceed back to the start line where you began. Again, repicking if/as needed. The front of both implements must cross the finish line to stop your time. Your score will be a completion time or distance. Please note that the start line will be alternating from athlete to athlete to help in reset times. False start will result in a 5 second penalty OR 5 feet penalty, if you are unable to complete the course.

Wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves and belts are allowed. Tacky/tack cloth is not allowed.

Max Log Clean No Press– Rising Log

You get three attempts. The log will go up in 10lb increments. The log will only go up, never down. If you have to go back to back, you will be given 90 seconds to rest between attempts.

On the start command, the athlete will have 30 seconds to complete their rep. Down command will be given by the judge once they see that you are completely upright and in control. We want to see that you are completely stable and in a pressing position. If the legs have not become completely stable or the log is shifting side to side, you will not be given a down command.  Do your best to control the log back down to the floor. You have 30 seconds to attempt the weight. If you fail during the 30 seconds, you may re-attempt the weight within the time limit.

Women and novice will be using a 12in pitbull log.

Open and master's men will be using 12in log from 200-280, 13in log from 290-360, 14in log from 370+.

Wrist wraps, grip shirts, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves and belts are allowed. Tacky/tack cloth is not allowed.

Deadlift Ladder

Athletes will have a 90 second time limit to complete as many rungs of the ladder as possible. If all rungs are completed, the completed time will be your score. We are taking split times.  

Athlete will start at the start line. Once the start command is given, the athlete will proceed to the first bar and complete a deadlift. Once the down command is given, athlete will proceed to the second bar. This is repeated until all rungs of the ladder are completed or there is no time remaining. You must go in ascending order. No changing of the order of bars is allowed.

Down command will be given by the judge once they see that you are completely locked out and in control. We are looking for solid lockouts. Down command will not be given if your knees and hips are soft or if you aren’t able to stand fully erect with the shoulders back. Dropping the bar from lockout will result in a failed lift. Do not drop the bar, do your best to control it back down to the floor. Hitching is allowed.

  • Bar 1: 7in Deadlift (Deficit)
  • Bar 2: 9in Deadlift
  • Bar 3: 13in Deadlift
  • Bar 4: 15in Deadlift
  • Bar 5: 18in Deadlift
  • Bar 6: Trap Bar Deadlift

Suits, straps, briefs, sleeves, wrist wraps, and belts are allowed. Tacky/tack cloth is not allowed.

Overhead Medley

Athletes will have 75 seconds to complete the medley. If all implements in the medley are completed, the completed time will be your score. We are taking split times. You can go in any order of the implements that you wish. You can split jerk, push jerk, or push press as long as your feet are together and your head is through when the weight is locked out. Down commands will not be given unless you are completely stable.

  • Implement 1: Mouser Block
  • Implement 2: Sandbag
  • Implement 3: Circus Dumbbell
  • Implement 4: Axle
  • Implement 5: Log

Wrist wraps, grip shirts, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves and belts are allowed. Tacky/tack cloth is not allowed.

Sandbag Over Bar Shuttle Run

Athlete will start at the start line/yoke. They will sprint to the first sand bag approximately 20 ft out. They will pick up the sandbag and carry anyway possible back to the start line and load over yoke bar. They will sprint to the second bag approximately 40 ft out. They will pick up the sandbag and carry anyway possible back to the start line and load over yoke bar. They will sprint to the third sand bag approximately 60 ft out. They will pick up the sandbag and carry anyway possible back to the start line and load over yoke bar. Once the third bag is successfully loaded, the time will stop and this will be your score. If you are not able to complete the run, your total distance will be taken as your score.

Women and novice will load to 48 inches.

Open and master men will load to 52 inches.

Wrist wraps, grip shirts, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves and belts are allowed. Tacky/tack cloth is not allowed.


Weights are subject to change. Weight classes are subject to be combined.

935 SE Ankeny St
Portland, OR 97214
View Map
Oct 19, 2024

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Brian Bain

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Events and Weights
Division Farmers Carry Drag RaceMax Log CleanDeadlift LadderOverhead MedleySandbag Over Bar Shuttle Run
Novice W MW (160.4-)100/125Max135:185:225:275:315:36590:75:60:95:120100/120/140
Novice W HW (+)125/150Max135:185:225:275:315:36590:100:60:95:120100/120/140
Open W LW (140.4-)150/180Max185:225:275:325:375:42590:100:60:120:140120/140/180
Open W MW (180.4-)180/210Max225:275:325:375:425:475100:130:120:140:170140/180/200
Open W HW (+)210/240Max275:315:375:425:475:525100:130:120:160:200140/180/220
Masters W MW (160.4-)150/180Max185:225:275:325:375:42590:100:60:120:140110/140/180
Masters W HW (+)180/210Max225:275:325:375:425:475100:130:120:140:170140/180/200
Novice M MW (231.4-)210/240Max275:315:375:425:475:525100:130:120:160:200140/180/220
Novice M SHW (+)240/275Max405:455:500:550:600:650120:180:120:210:240220/240/270
Open M LW (175.4-)240/275Max405:455:500:550:600:650120:180:120:210:240220/240/270
Open M MW (231.4-)275/315Max500:550:600:650:700:750160:220:140:260:300240/270/310
Open M SHW (+)315/350Max550:600:650:700:750:800180:240:172:300:330270/310/350
Masters M MW (231.4-)240/275Max450:500:550:600:650:700120:180:120:210:240220/240/270
Masters M SHW (+)275/315Max500:550:600:650:700:750160:220:140:260:300240/270/310

Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 28, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 40 athletes.
18 spots remain.
View Scoreboard