
May 17, 2025

Kansas City's Strongest Man and Woman 2025


Shawnee, KS

2025 Kansas City's Strongest Man and Woman

Spectator fee $10

Rules Meeting: 8:45am, competition will start promptly at 9:30am

AWARDS: Trophies/Medals for 1st-3rd in each class. All Open and Masters class winners will get free entry into the 2026 KSM Event.

National Qualifier: 1st-3rd in each class, as well as first place in the novice divisions will qualify for the 2026 United States Strongman Nationals.

Weigh In Details: 
Friday, May 16th 
9-11am at Strong Barbell Club
5-6 pm at Strong Barbell Club|

Saturday, May 17th
7:30-8:00am at Strong Barbell Club

Events and Rules: 

All events and rules are subject to change*

*For all events:

  1. No Bare feet (skin to mat)
  2. Contest shirt must be worn for all events unless grip shirt is specified.
  3. No build up belts (Only 1 hard and 1 soft allowed)
  4. Tacky, tacky towel, spray tacky, stickem, or any other kind of adhesive like substance on events that don't specify it. If you are caught using this you will be asked to leave the competition, given 0s for remaining events, and no refund.
    **Rules and Event Weights are subject to change**

Event 1

Mammoth Bar Deadlift for Max

  • Wessel rules apply.  The lifter has up to three attempts. The lifter will give their opening weight  during check-in.  If during an attempt the lifter fails to complete a lift they will not get another attempt. The judge will award a good lift when the knees, hips, and shoulders are locked in a straight position and the lifter is standing erect.
  • The men’s bar will start at 315lbs and the women’s will start at 135lbs.
  • Each bar will rise by 25lb jumps.
  • Belts, straps, sleeves, & figure 8 straps are allowed.
  • Suits are allowed

Event 2

Yoke/Husafell Medley for Time

  • The competitor will set yoke height during check-in.  The competitor will start under the yoke, pick it up and go a distance of 50'.  Once the yoke crosses the line (no sliding) you will transfer over to the Husafell.  Pick it up and go back the 50'.  Your time will stop when your foot crosses the line.  If you fail to complete the total distance, your score will be your distance completed. You can drop the yoke and Husafell as many times as needed.  You have 60 seconds to complete the event.
  • Hard belt, soft belt, sleeves, wrist wraps, briefs allowed.

Event 3 

Log Press for Max

  • Wessel rules apply.  The lifter has up to three attempts. The lifter will give their opening weight  during check-in. If during an attempt the lifter fails to complete a lift they will not get another attempt. A  judge will award a good lift when the lifters elbows and knees are locked out, and feet are inline. The log weight will increase at a rate of 10lbs for men and 5lbs for women.
  • Belts, sleeves, wrist wraps, & grip shirts are allowed.
  • 12" log for men, 10" for women
  • National and State record up for grabs!!
  • Athletes must announce state/national record attempt to judge.
  • NOTE: Records CANNOT be broken/set in Novice Classes

Event 4

Farmer's Hold for Time

  • This is a max time event in attempt to set or break the National or KS state record for your weight class. You may start with hands on the handles. Time will start when the farmers handles are completely off the ground. Once you’ve held it for as long as you can, time will end when they touch the ground. Same lockout position in a standard deadlift applies to this event. TRAIN THAT GRIP!!
  • Belts, sleeves, wrist wraps allowed.
  • Athletes must announce state/national record attempt to judge.
  • NOTE: Records CANNOT be broken/set in Novice Classes

Event 5

Trump Stone Over Bar for Points

  • The competitor will have the choice of two stones, a lighter and a heavier option. Any reps with the heavier stone will trump any reps of the lighter stone. A competitor may go back and forth between the two stones if they wish. The competitor will load a stone over a bar (40" for women, 48" for men).  You will have 60 seconds to load the stone for as many points as possible. The number of points you load will be your score.
  • Belt, stone sleeves, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, grip shirt, briefs, & tacky are allowed.
  • Heavy Stone: 10 points
  • Light Stone: 1 point
  • Grip shirt must be USS grip shirt, EA, Cerberus, A7. No Strongman Corp.
  • All tacky must be applied and removed outside the facility!  If you use the restroom to remove tacky, you will be disqualified from the competition!! 

More classes can be added if needed (Teen both men and women, Masters 50+, 60+, Heroes, and adaptive both men and women).  Please reach out to me if you fall within one of these categories. These are the only divisions that will be added if asked.

Strong Barbell Club
4209 Merriam Dr
Shawnee, KS 66203
View Map
May 17, 2025

Start Time
9:30 AM
Meet Director
Joshua Karnes, JP Price

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Events and Weights
Division Mammoth Deadlift for MaxYoke and Husafell Medley for TimeLog Press for MaxFarmer's Hold for TimeTrump Stone Over Bar
Novice W HW (165+)MAX 350, 150MAX 150135, 165
Novice W LW (165-)MAX 300, 135MAX 150105, 135
Open W LW (132-)MAX350, 150MAX120135, 165
Open W MW (165-)MAX375, 175MAX150165, 195
Open W HW (198-)MAX400, 190MAX180170, 195
Open W SHW (+)MAX430, 205MAX210195, 225
Masters W LW (132-)MAX325, 150MAX120105, 135
Masters W MW (165-)MAX350, 150MAX150135, 165
Masters W LW (165-) 50+MAX300, 135MAX120135, 165
Masters W HW (+)MAX375, 175MAX120165, 195
Masters W HW (165+) 50+MAX350, 150MAX120165, 195
Teen W LW (165-)MAX250, 135 MAX12065, 105
Teen W HW (165+)MAX275, 135 MAX150100, 135
Novice M LW (220-)MAX500, 200MAX220205, 225
Novice M HW (220+)MAX550, 225MAX250225, 250
Open M LW (181-)MAX550, 225MAX220235, 250
Open M MW (220-)MAX600, 250MAX250250, 290
Open M HW (275-)MAX650, 275MAX280290, 330
Open M SHW (+)MAX700, 300MAX310330, 350
Masters M MW (220-)MAX550, 250MAX220225, 250
Masters M LW (220-) 50+MAX500, 200MAX180225, 250
Masters M HW (+)MAX600, 250MAX250250, 290
Masters M HW (220+) 50+MAX550, 225 MAX250235, 250
Teen M LW (220-)MAX450, 175 MAX180170, 205
Teen M HW (220+)MAX500, 200MAX220225, 250

Regular Price
Registration Closes Apr 12, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 120 athletes.
91 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard