
April 13, 2024

Pioneer Belts and Accessories Presents: 2024 Kansas Strongest Man and Woman. Pro, Open, and Novice Divisions


Shawnee, KS

Pioneer Belts and Accessories Presents

2024 Kansas Strongest Man and Woman

Rules Meeting: 8:30am, competition will start promptly at 9:00

AWARDS: Trophies/Medals for 1st-3rd in each class. All Open and Masters class winners will get free entry into the 2025 KSM Event.

Pro Class Minimum of 6 competitors to qualify for pro card and cash prizes.

Minimum prize Money 1st $500, 2nd $250. 

National Qualifier: 1st-3rd in each class, as well as first place in the novice divisions will qualify for the 2024 United States Strongman Nationals.

Weigh In Details: 
Friday, April 12th 
9-11am at Strong Barbell Club
5-6 pm at Strong Barbell Club|

Saturday, April 13th
7:30-8:00 am at Strong Barbell Club

Events and Rules: 

All events and rules are subject to change*

*For all events:

  1. No Bare feet (skin to mat)
  2. Contest shirt must be worn for all events except log press for reps and loading medley
  3. No build up belts (Only 1 hard and 1 soft allowed)
  4. Tacky, tacky towel, spray tacky, stickem, or any other kind of adhesive like substance. If you are caught using this you will be asked to leave the competition, given 0s for remaining events, and no refund.
    **Rules and Event Weights are subject to change**

Kinda Kinda Apparel Presents: Frame Carry Into Standing Arm Over Arm Pull for Time

Athlete will start with hands on the frame. On the start command of the judge, athlete will carry the implement down 50ft. Once the frame has crossed the line, athlete will exit the frame and transition into a standing arm over arm. Athlete must stay behind the line during the arm over arm.  Time will be counted when sled is pulled across line. Time splits will be taken. Unlimited drops on frame. 

Equipment allowed: hard belt, soft belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, hot pants, briefs.

Max Silver Dollar Deadlift- Kabuki Power Bar

This event will be a rising bar max event. Wessel Rules: Athlete will have up to 3 attempts to find their max. If any attempt is unsuccessful the athlete will not be allowed to take additional attempts. Athletes will have up to 60 second to complete their attempt. Athletes will be given a down command when rep is satisfactory and making eye contact with judge. A satisfactory rep is when knees, hips, and shoulders are locked in a straight position and the lifter is standing erect. Weight jumps to be determined. 

Equipment allowed: figure 8s, axle straps, barbell straps, oly straps, hard belt, soft belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, hot pants, briefs, suits are allowed.

Highland Games Weight Over Bar for Height

Inspired by the Highland Games weight over bar event. Athlete will attempt to throw a Highland Games weight over a bar for max height. Athlete will have 3 attempts and can jump in at whatever heights they want to attempt.  When attempting a height, the competitor will get 2 tries or 45 seconds what ever comes first, to get it over the bar.  If both tries are unsuccessful, the athlete is out, and will get credit for their previous highest throw. You may attempt or skip any height that you want, however the bar will only go up in height. Starting height will be 10ft and we will make 1ft jumps.

Equipment allowed: hard belt, soft belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, hot pants, briefs.


Keg and Sandbag Load Medley for Time

Athlete will start with hands on the first implement. On the start command of the judge, athlete will pick the first implement and the athlete will load it over the bar set at 48” for women and 52” for men.  The athlete will then transition into loading the other implements. The kegs will be staggered 10ft away from bar while sandbags will remain underneath. Time is counted when the final implement hits the ground after being loaded. Split times will be taken.

Equipment allowed: hard belt, soft belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, hot pants, briefs, grip shirts, and gloves. 


Log Clean and Press for Reps - Pitbull Strongman Log & MBPC 12” log

Athlete will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible. Each rep will be cleaned then pressed. Athlete will make eye contact with the judge while showing control. Feet parallel. Arms fully locked out. Athlete will then recieve a down command. Athlete must then control the log back down to the ground. If the log is dropped from overhead to the ground the rep will not be given to the athlete.

Equipment allowed: hard belt, soft belt, wrist wraps, 1 pair of knee sleeves, 1 pair of elbow sleeves, hot pants, briefs, grip shirts.

Strong Barbell Club
4209 Merriam Dr
Shawnee, KS 66203
View Map
Apr 13, 2024

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
JP Price, Orlando Mijares, Joshua Karnes

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Events and Weights
Division Frame Carry Into Standing Arm Over Arm Pull for TimeSilver Dollar Deadlift for MaxHighland Games Weight Over Bar for HeightKeg and Sandbag Load Medley for TimeLog Clean and Press for Reps
Novice Women (Single Class)255, Sled + 120MAX14 for MAX75, 100, 100, 13280
Open W LW (132-)300, Sled + 150MAX14 for MAX125, 132, 155, 15095
Open W MW (165-)320, Sled + 180MAX14 for MAX125, 150, 155, 175105
Open W HW (198-)340, Sled + 210MAX28 for MAX155, 175, 175, 200125
Open W SHW (+)360, Sled + 240MAX28 for MAX175, 175, 200, 200135
Masters W MW (165-)300, Sled + 150MAX14 for MAX125, 125, 155, 155105
Masters W HW (+)340, Sled + 210MAX28 for MAX125, 150, 155, 175 125
Pro Women400, Sled + 270MAX28 for MAX200, 200, 225, 225150
Novice Men (Single Class)400, Sled + 250MAX28 for MAX200, 200, 225, 245165
Open M LW (181-)450, Sled + 275 MAX28 for MAX200, 200, 225, 250195
Open M MW (220-)500, Sled + 300MAX28 for MAX200, 200, 225, 250215
Open M HW (275-)550, Sled + 325MAX42 for MAX250, 250, 275, 310245
Open M SHW (+)600, Sled + 350MAX42 for MAX250, 310, 275, 330265
Masters M MW (220-)525, Sled + 300MAX28 for MAX225, 245, 250, 250205
Masters M HW (+)550, Sled + 325MAX42 for MAX 250, 250, 275, 310235
Pro Men650, Sled + 400MAX42 for MAX275, 330, 300, 360305

Regular Price
Registration Closes Mar 16, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 100 athletes.
44 spots remain.