
March 15, 2025

Leprechaun Lift Off II


Lafayette, IN

Leprechaun Lift Off TAKE 2!!

if you sign up after deadline, I will not be able to get you a shirt. our orders need to be submitted by a certain time to get all the shirts in

  • Event 1: Press Medley - Athletes will have three implements to press. 2 Thompson Fatbells, 1 Rogue Kettlebell, and a Log Clean and Press for reps in the remaining time.
    • How it will go: Athlete stands ready at the Thompson Fatbells. On "go" the athlete will clean and press the Fatbells. After the down command, the athlete will then clean and press the Kettlebell. The clean is however you would like, but it must be pressed and stabilized with 1 hand. After the down command, you will clean and press the log for reps with whatever time you have remaining. 60 seconds on the clock. Clean and Press each Log Rep.
    • Wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, soft and hard belts, grips shirts (USS Logo), Knee sleeves, Lifters, chalk are acceptable
    • Tacky is not


  • Event 2: Max Trap Bar Deadlift: 3 attempts to find your max deadlift on the trap bar. We will ask for your opener on weigh in day or before the meet so make sure to have an idea.
    • How it will go: Athlete will have their opener logged already and will perform their maximum deadlift attempts in order of lightest to heaviest pulls. Athlete will have 30 seconds after the start command to complete the lift. Anything goes for this aside from deadlift suits and tacky. Belt up, Strap up, PR.
    • We will have two Trap Bars set up with rising weights. You will come in when your weight is loaded to the bar. 10lbs jumps for women, 20lbs jumps for men


  • Event 3: Loading Medley: 3 Sandbags and 1 Keg to platform
    • How it will go: Athlete will be started at the short end of the loading platform. On the start command, athlete will run to the lightest sandbag on the far end of the loading platform and load it. Once loaded, they will move to the next sandbag at the next lower platform and load it. This will continue until time elapses, or you load all four implements.
    • The keg at the end will be loaded to a standing position with the hands off of the implement for time to stop. If any of the sandbags or keg fall from the platform, you will have to reload it.


  • Event 4: Sandbag Toss for Height: Throw a sandbag really high
    • How it will go: Athlete will have given their starting height the day prior, or before the show. When the start command is given, the athlete will have 30 seconds to get the sandbag over the bar at their decided height. We will be using a yoke and a home made sandbag over bar implement. The adjustments will be roughly 3-4" at a time. If we get to a point where there is no more room to go up and two people have successfully thrown, it will result in a tie.
    • There will only be 3 attempts to find your maximum height. You may jump in and out as you please as the bar rises.
    • Bar will start ~ 12' for women and ~14' for men (the ~ is to account for 4-6")


  • Event 5: Farmer/Sandbag Medley: Famers carry, with 2 sandbags that need to be shouldered.
    • How it will go: Athletes will start with their hands on the farmers implement. On the start command, athlete will pick farmers and carry 25' to their first sandbag. They will politely set the farmers down, and shoulder the sandbag. After a completed shoulder, athlete will repick the farmers and carry 25' to their next sandbag. Set the farmers down, with passion, and then shoulder than next bag. After that last down command, repick and carry the farmers implement the remaining distance of the course (25-30')
    • In total: 90-100' farmers carry/ 2 sandbag to shoulders
    • No tacky, anything else that you think will help you through this hellacious event, try it.
    • No tacky though Loading Medley: 3 Sandbags and 1 Keg to platform
    • How it will go: Athlete will be started at the short end of the loading platform. On the start command, athlete will run to the lightest sandbag on the far end of the loading platform and load it. Once loaded, they will move to the next sandbag at the next lower platform and load it. This will continue until time elapses, or you load all four implements.
    • The keg at the end will be loaded to a standing position with the hands off of the implement for time to stop. If any of the sandbags or keg fall from the platform, you will have to reload it.


Weigh Ins:

March 14th from 9a-5p

March 15 from 7a-8a

@ 2841 Concord Road Lafayette Indiana 47909

You can search Premeditated Health and Performance on you maps to find us as well!

We will hold the Rules meeting as close to 9:00 am as possible on comp day. It will be held after everyone has checked in and the 8am deadline has passed. The goal is to have 30 minutes to warm up after rules meeting (9:30-10:00).



SR 26 is located about 7 minutes from the gym if you are traveling and need a place to stay! It is close and by a lot of essential places.



The plan is to have a food and dessert truck, and other vendors to come and provide services for spectators and athletes alike!

We will have a Photographer!! 

  • Email drosos@purdue.edu for individualized photos

If there are any questions reach me via email @ premeditatedhp@gmail.com


Premeditated Health and Performance
2841 Concord Rd
Lafayette, IN 47909
View Map
Mar 15, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Tyler Pruitt

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Events and Weights
Division Press MedleyMax Trap Bar DeadliftLoading MedleySandbag Toss for HeightFarmers/Sandbag to Shoulder Medley
Novice W HW (165+)44/53/105Max100/125/150/15015135/125/150
Novice W LW (165-)26/35/75Max75/100/125/15015115/100/125
Open W LW (123-)35/44/95Max75/100/125/15015115/100/125
Open W LW (132-)35/44/95Max75/100/125/15015115/100/125
Open W MW (148-)44/53/105Max100/125/150/15015135/125/150
Open W MW (165-)44/53/115Max100/125/150/15015135/125/150
Open W HW (181-)53/53/125Max125/150/175/18520135/125/150
Open W HW (198-)53/53/125Max125/150/175/18520135/125/150
Open W SHW (242-)53/62/145Max150/175/200/18520155/150/175
Open W SHW (+)62/62/165Max150/175/200/18520155/150/175
Masters W MW (165-)35/44/95Max100/125/150/15015115/100/125
Masters W HW (+)44/53/110Max150/175/200/18515135/125/150
Teen W LW (165-)26/35/75Max75/100/125/15015115/100/125
Teen W HW (165+)35/44/95Max100/125/150/15015115/100/125
Novice M HW (220+)70/80/210Max175/200/225/21525225/175/200
Novice M LW (220-)70/80/180Max150/175/200/18525185/175/200
Open M LW (165-)70/80/180Max150/175/200/18525225/175/200
Open M LW (181-)70/80/210Max175/200/225/21525225/200/225
Open M MW (198-)80/88/210Max175/200/225/21525225/200/225
Open M MW (220-)80/88/210Max175/200/225/21525225/200/225
Open M HW (242-)80/97/250Max200/225/250/22530225/225/250
Open M HW (275-)80/97/250Max200/225/250/22530225/225/250
Open M SHW (308-)88/106/280Max200/250/275/22530275/225/250
Open M SHW (+)88/106/280Max200/250/275/22530275/250/275
Masters M MW (220-)70/80/180Max150/175/200/18525185/175/200
Masters M HW (+)80/88/250Max200/225/250/22530225/200/225
Teen M LW (220-)70/80/160Max150/175/200/18530185/175/200
Teen M HW (220+)70/80/180Max150/175/200/18530185/175/200

Regular Price
Registration Closes Mar 01, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 40 athletes.
13 spots remain.