
July 27, 2024

Ragnarok - (Liberty Brawl 4)


American Fork, UT

Weights and events are subject to change at anytime.

You must have a valid United States Strongman membership for this event.

Athlete shirt included in registration.

Spectator passes are available for $10 and can be prepurchased below or at the door, however space is limited. Please purchase in advance. Thank you! 

Max CDB:

 Wessels Rule*  

20 lb increment jumps for men

10 lb increment jumps for women and men under 220 lbs

Athlete will have 3 attempts with 60 seconds to perform a clean and press from the floor at the chosen weight. A down command must be given from the judge for the rep to count. 

Grip shirts, belts, wrist wraps, elbow, knee sleeves permitted. Strongman corp grip shirts, straps and tacky not allowed.

*Wessels Rule:

Implement will be loaded in set increments (rising bar). Athlete will jump in at desired weight for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd attempts. If the athlete fails an attempt, they do not move on to the next attempt, and will zero the event if no successful rep is achieved on previous attempts. Athlete must be ready for the attempt at the time the implement is loaded. Plan accordingly. 


Yoke Run

50ft for time. Unlimited drops, 60 second time cap. 5 second penalty for slides. 

Grip shirts, belts, wrist wraps, elbow, knee sleeves permitted. Strongman corp grip shirts, straps and tacky not allowed.

Carry Medley

Farmers carry, sandbag, and chain drag will begin on one end. The athlete will carry each item down in the order listed and run back. Farmers - 50ft Sandbag - 50ft Chain drag - 25ft. Event is completed when the chain is dragged  over the finish line. 

Split time for each implement.

Grip shirts, gloves, belts, wrist wraps, elbow, knee sleeves permitted. Strongman corp grip shirts, straps and tacky not allowed.

Car Deadlift:

Athlete will have 60 seconds to deadlift the car for as many reps as possible. No bouncing. You will get one warning, then reps may be rejected at the judges discretion.  Athlete must complete full lockout. A down command must be given from the judge for the rep to count. 

Belts, wrist wraps, straps/ figure 8's, elbow, and knee sleeves permitted. No deadlift suits. 

Sandbag over bar

Athlete will load 5 bags over bar for split time. Must be loaded in order of lightest to heaviest.
Women‘s height: 48" Men’s height: 52"

Grip shirts, belts, wrist wraps, elbow, knee sleeves permitted. Strongman corp grip shirts, straps and tacky not allowed.

Valhalla Strength Gym
1375 S 500 E unit 123
American Fork, UT 84003
View Map
Jul 27, 2024

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Van Hatfield
Events and Weights
Division Max CDBYoke runFarmer/sandbag/chain dragCar DeadliftSandbag over bar
Novice Women (Single Class)Wessel Rules300100/100/lighterTire100/100/125/125/150
Open W LW (132-)Wessel Rules325100/125/lighterTire100/125/150/175/200
Open W MW (165-)Wessel Rules400125/155/lighterTire125/150/175/200/225
Open W HW (198-)Wessel Rules450145/185/lighterTire150/175/200/225/250
Open W SHW (+)Wessel Rules500165/200/lighterSedan150/175/200/225/250
Masters Women (Single Class)Wessel Rules400125/155/lighterTire125/150/175/200/225
Novice Men (Single Class)Wessel Rules550185/175/lighterManageable200/225/250/275/300
Open M LW (181-)Wessel Rules600225/200/heavierHeavy225/250/275/300/325
Open M MW (220-)Wessel Rules700255/250/heavierHeavy225/250/275/300/325
Open M HW (275-)Wessel Rules750285/275/heavierHeavier250/275/300/325/350
Open M SHW (+)Wessel Rules800300/300/heavierHeaviest250/275/300/325/350
Masters Men (Single Class)Wessel Rules700255/250/heavierHeavy225/250/275/300/325

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jul 25, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 60 athletes.
39 spots remain.