
May 18, 2024

Long Island's Strongest Spring Throwdown


Rockville Centre, NY

Check-in, registration and weigh-in will be between available between 4-8pm Friday 5/17 and Sat 5/18 between 730-845am. 

Athlete briefing starts at 9am and the 1st event begins  no later than 930am. 

Division/classes and event/weights are subject to change. Weights for each event will be announced as soon as available. Those interested in practicing the events, may do so during our Strongman club training, which meets every other Saturday - or by appointment. 

This is a USS sanctioned event, so you need to be registered through USS to compete.



All events starts hands off

OH Medley

For time: Axle - Log - CDB - Log - Axle

Athlete must wait show lockout and control and wait for down command.  Time will be used as a tiebreaker for the completion of the last axle lift only.   Athlete must police their own equipment ( control the drop) 

Mammoth Bar Deadlift

Wessle’s rule - entry for women & teen men is 150 / entry for men is 330

Athlete must demonstrate lockout and control at the top and wait for the judges down command.  Straps and chalk allowed. No tacky, suits.  

Athletes may jump in for warm-ups - but must be clear to judge that they're performing a warm-up lift.

Keg Load to Cart Drag (Bootleggers Medley)

Athlete will pick and carry 3 kegs of progressing load 40' each and place them in the back of a truck. After the 3rd keg has been loaded they will push the vehicle to the finish.  Fastest time wins.  Tiebreak will be distance cart moved at time cap and/or #'s of kegs successfully moved to the cart at the time cap.  The push distance will be 40' for all Women's Categories and 50' for all Men's classes

Max Distance Farmer’s Carry

Athlete will have :90 seconds to move the farmers handles a max distance over a 25’ length. Athlete will drop the axles and re-pick the handles at each turn. Front plates must fully cross the line.  Failure between the lines ends the run. Final score will be total distance covered. Handles must be dropped and lifted after each length. No turning.

Stone to Shoulder Ladder -

Athlete will have 6 stones in a line.  Athlete will have :30 to successfully complete the lift with a :15 transition to the next stone. Athlete progresses to a heavier stone if successful. Athlete is done when not successfully competing a successful lift or completing the last stone.  A successful lift will be showing control with only 1 arm touching. The stone and other arm extended out.  Athlete must wait for a judges down command.  Heaviest stone wins.


CrossFit Seize the Day
94 S Long Beach Rd
Rockville Centre, NY 11570
View Map
May 18, 2024

Start Time
9:30 AM
Meet Director
Jeff Blasko

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Events and Weights
Division OH MedleyMammoth Bar Deadlift Bootleggers MedleyMax Distance Farmer’s CarryStone to Shoulder Ladder -
Novice W LW (165-)70/70/50/70/70TBD50/75/1009090/115/135/150/175/190
Novice W HW (165+)80/80/55/80/80TBD50/75/10011090/115/135/150/175/190
Open W LW (132-)90/90/60/90/90TBD75/100/125120115/135/1560/175/190/210
Open W MW (165-)110/110/65/110/110TBD100/125/150130135/1560/175/190/210/240
Open W HW (198-)130/130/70/130/130TBD100/125/150140135/1560/175/190/210/240/270
Open W SHW (+)130/130/70/130/130TBD100/125/150140135/1560/175/190/210/240/270
Masters Women (Single Class)90/90/60/90/90TBD75/100/125120115/135/150/175/190/210
Teen W LW (165-)60/60/40/60/60TBD25/50/757075/90/115/135/1560/175
Teen W HW (165+)60/60/40/60/60TBD25/50/757075/90/115/135/1560/175
Hero Women (Single Class)90/90/60/90/90TBD75/100/125120115/135/150/175/190/210
Novice M LW (220-)140/140/90/140/140TBD100/125/150180115/135/150/175/190/210
Novice M HW (220+)170/170/100/170/170TBD100/125/150200135/150/175/190/210/240
Open M LW (181-)180/180/120/180/180TBD175/200/225230135/150/175/190/210/240
Open M MW (220-)200/200/140/200/200TBD200/225/250260175/190/210/240/270/300
Open M HW (275-)220/220/160/220/220TBD200/225/250290190/210/240/270/300/335
Open M SHW (+)220/220/160/220/220TBD200/225/250290190/210/240/270/300/335
Masters Men (Single Class)180/180/120/180/180TBD175/200/225230175/190/210/240/270/300
Teen M LW (220-)130/130/70/130/130TBD75/100/125160115/135/150/175/190/210
Teen M HW (220+)130/130/70/130/130TBD75/100/125160115/135/150/175/190/210
Hero Men (Single Class)180/180/120/180/180TBD175/200/225230175/190/210/240/270/300

Early Bird Price
Available until Apr 01, 2024

Regular Price
Registration Closes May 16, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 50 athletes.
22 spots remain.