
January 25, 2025

Maine State Record Breakers


Augusta, ME

Come and try to set or break a Maine state record! This will be a USS sanctioned competition. There will be a $5 spectator fee at the door. Competitors can choose to do as many events as they want, but need to do at least three in order to qualify for nationals. 

You will email me your opening attempts and events you are planning on competing in. 

Weigh-ins will be Friday on 1/24 from 1PM-5PM, and the day of competition from 8AM-9AM at Gevolution Fitness. 

Just a reminder that you also NEED an up to date USS membership in order to compete. Make sure it's the same email that's linked to your Iron Podium account. 


If anyone is coming from out of town or worried about a potential storm, there will be discounted hotel rates at Hampton Inn, which is about a two minute drive to the gym!

Calling In: If guests would like to make reservations at Hampton Inn by Hilton Augusta, please call (207) 622-4077 and ask to make a reservation at the “Sports Team Corporate Rate” for the dates they’re coming in or by providing the Sports Team Corporate ID #: 0560058711

Booking Online: If guests would like to book online at our Hampton Inn by Hilton Augusta, please click the link below, choose the check in/check out date, and that will bring you to our Hilton website and to the Sports Team discounted rate!




  • Top three men/women for total weight lifted
  • Top three men/women for best lifter (will factor in weight and possibly age)
  • Everyone who sets or breaks a record will receive a custom certificate with their name and weight lifted for that event
  • Top three in each class will qualify for nationals in June, if they did at least three events



Allowed: 2 belts - one hard and one soft, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, wraps, mouthguard, chalk, grip shirts
Disallowed: No SC/OSG grip shirts, no tacky allowed, no straps, no slingshots 

- Men will be using a 12" log, women will be using a 10" log

- You may use any press variation to get the weight up (split jerk/push jerk/ pushpress/ect.)

- Competitor will have 60s PER ATTEMPT to complete one rep.
- Competitor will have 3 attempts to lift the most weight

- Competitor can begin with hands on the implement

- A successful lift will have the implement pressed fully overhead with hips through, elbows and knees locked and head through, feet parallel to eachother
- The log should not rest on the top of the competitors head at any point during the lift
- Competitor must wait for the down command for the lift to count
- *Wessels Rules are in effect: miss an attempt and you're out
- Return log down with reasonable control, no letting go or "tree topping" of the implement or you will not get points for that press (an excessive amount can be cause for DQ)

- The competitor will receive a zero for the event if they:
- “Tree top” the implement after warnings (Drop from overhead, the down must be controlled)
- Use profanity in an aggressive manner toward a judge or volunteer 


Allowed: 2 belts - one hard and one soft, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, mouthguard, chalk , straps, hitching and wrist wraps
Disallowed: The competitor will receive a no rep if they drop the bar at the top of the lift. Must control the down. No sumo stance, bouncing the weight, suits, baby oil or tacky

- This will be done on 18" wagon wheels and a deadlift bar

- Competitor has 60s PER ATTEMPT to complete one rep

- Competitor will have 3 attempts to lift the most weight
- Competitor can begin strapped in
- A good rep will have the competitor's hips through, knees locked and shoulders back
- Competitor must wait for the judge's down command
- The competitor will receive a no rep if they drop the bar at the top of the lift. Must control the down.
- *Wessels Rules are in effect: miss an attempt and you're out
- The competitor will receive a zero for the event if they:
Use profanity in an aggressive manner toward a judge or volunteer


Allowed: 2 belts - one hard and one soft, chalk, sleeves, wrist wraps
Disallowed: Gloves, Tacky or straps

- This is a set weight for max time. Handles will be from Titan (top loaded with the knurled handles)

- Competitor may start touching the implement

- Time will begin once the judge feels the competitor is standing upright with hips through and knees locked
- Clock stops when the competitor drops the farmers handles
– The competitor will receive a zero for the event if they:
- Use profanity in an aggressive manner toward a judge or volunteer


Stone weights:

40, 65, 70, 75, 100, 110, 115, 125, 150, 160, 165, 170, 180, 195, 210, 215, 225, 235, 250, 260, 275, 290, 305, 330, 345, 355, 365, 390, 415

Allowed:  2 belts - one hard and one soft, chalk, tacky, sleeves, wraps, grip shirts
Disallowed: Straps, built up belts, OSG/SC grip shirts, putting hands on bar and leveraging body into stone to push over 

- Mens height will be 48", womens height will be 44"

- 60 seconds per attempt- 3 stone attempts to one height or over bar
- Competitor must start with back of hands on platform/bar
- Judge will give "Go" command and time will start
- Once attempt is complete- competitors hands must be off of stone for time to be called
- Stone cannot rest on the belt at any time
- Attempts will not be taken consecutively

– The competitor will receive a zero for the event if they:
- Use profanity in an aggressive manner toward a judge or volunteer
- No spectators/coaches on the stone mats at any time



Hope to see you there! Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns!

GEvolution Fitness
16 Edison Dr
Augusta, ME 04330
View Map
Jan 25, 2025

Start Time
9:30 AM
Meet Director
John Winter

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Events and Weights
Division Max LogMax 18" DeadliftMax Farmers HoldMax Stone
Open W LW (123-)TBDTBD120TBD
Open W LW (132-)TBDTBD120TBD
Open W MW (148-)TBDTBD150TBD
Open W MW (165-)TBDTBD150TBD
Open W HW (181-)TBDTBD180TBD
Open W HW (198-)TBDTBD180TBD
Open W SHW (242-)TBDTBD210TBD
Masters W LW (132-)TBDTBD120TBD
Masters W MW (165-)TBDTBD120TBD
Masters W LW (165-) 50+TBDTBD120TBD
Masters W HW (+)TBDTBD150TBD
Masters W HW (165+) 50+TBDTBD150TBD
Teen W LW (165-)TBDTBD120TBD
Teen W HW (165+)TBDTBD150TBD
Open M LW (165-)TBDTBD220TBD
Open M LW (181-)TBDTBD220TBD
Open M MW (198-)TBDTBD250TBD
Open M MW (220-)TBDTBD250TBD
Open M HW (242-)TBDTBD280TBD
Open M HW (275-)TBDTBD280TBD
Open M SHW (308-)TBDTBD310TBD
Masters M MW (220-)TBDTBD220TBD
Masters M LW (220-) 50+TBDTBD220TBD
Masters M HW (242-)TBDTBD250TBD
Masters M HW (+)TBDTBD250TBD
Masters M HW (220+) 50+TBDTBD250TBD
Masters Men 60+TBDTBD180TBD
Teen M LW (220-)TBDTBD180TBD
Teen M HW (220+)TBDTBD220TBD

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jan 12, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 30 athletes.
8 spots remain.