
January 6, 2024

Massachusetts Winter Classic


Peabody, MA

The Massachusetts Winter Classic will be capped at 50 competitors this year early registration is encouraged. 


Equipment Allowed:  Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Grip Shirt

Time Limit: 60 seconds

Scoring: Max Reps

On the start command of the judge, athlete will have 60 seconds to complete as many clean and press each rep as possible.  The bell can be cleaned with two hands, but the supporting hand must be removed before the athlete begins the press.  The judge will give a down command for a good rep. If a down command is not given and the athlete drops the bell, no rep is given.  A down command will be given when the athlete has pressed the bell overhead and has a locked elbow, standing straight up and down, squared feet, control of the implement, and looking at the judge.  If any athlete has an elbow lockout issue, it is their responsibility to notify the judge before the event on their turn.  Once the athlete gets a down command, they must have the bell touch the floor before beginning the next press attempt.  The bell can be dropped overhead but MUST be done with control and guided to the floor.  A “tree drop” will result in a ZERO for the event.  Please respect the equipment.  The bell must be dropped on the mats.


2. Squat

Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Knee wraps One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Straps, Absolutely  NO Squat suits or briefs

Time Limit: 60 Seconds

Scoring: Max Reps

Much like a power lifting meet athlete will approach the bar un-rack it and walk the weight out, look at the judge and get a start command.   Judges will be giving an Up and Down command.  So there will be no question on your depth.  Athlete will be given a up command once a good depth is reached. Which will not be as strict as a powerlifting meet, but you will not get away with sky high reps either.  Judges are looking for anywhere from 1inch above parallel to parallel depth in the hole and full lock out at the top of each rep, standing straight up and down.  If you start the decent before the down command, no rep will be given.  If you start the accent before the up command is giving, no rep will be given.  There will Be spotters on each side of the bar, if you fail the lift please make sure you stay under the bar and continue to push the weight up as the spotters grab it. Do not bail on the weight unless there is an injury. Bail on the weight will result in an automatic zero for the event.  


Event 3: Log viper press

Equipment Allowed: chalk, wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, one soft belt, one hard belt, grip shirt.

Scoring: Max weight

This will be a raising bar to max. We will need starting weights for this event, powerlifting style, you will have 3 attempts, and if you fail 1 attempt, you are not out, you can repeat the same weight for your next attempt, or go up in weight but not down. You will have a full minute to make your attempt. 

You can use, chalk, grip shirt, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, wrist wraps and belt. 



Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Straps, Deadlift Suits, Deadlift Briefs

Time Limit: 60 Seconds

Scoring: Max Reps

Athlete will start standing behind the barbell.  On the start command of the judge, the athlete will strap into the barbell (if using straps) and begin pulling.  Judges will be giving an Up and Down command.  No touch and go reps.  Athlete will be given a down command once a good rep is completed. Judges are looking for shoulders back, hips through, knees locked.  If the bar is dropped before the down command, no rep will be given.  If the bar is lifted before the up command, no rep will be given.  No finger tipping the bar while using straps.  Deliberately dropping the barbell from the top will result in a ZERO for the event. Please respect the equipment. This event will be ran using a stiff bar.



Equipment Allowed: Tacky Towels, NO ACTUAL TACKY OF ANY KIND. Tacky free Stone Sleeves, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Grip Shirt, 

Time Limit: 60 Seconds

Scoring: Max Reps

Athlete will start with hands on the crossmember of the bar.  On the start command of the judge, athlete will have 60 seconds to pick and load the stone over the bar for as many reps as possible.  The bar will be set at 42” for women and 48” for men.  There will be a catcher feeding the stone back to the athlete.  If the stone is thrown at the catcher in an uncontrolled manner, the catcher will ensure their own safety.  So if the stone rolls away, that still counts against your time.  Hands are not allowed to be placed on the bar to chest bump over the bar.  Athletes are allowed to wear a grip shirt for stones or go shirtless if they choose to.


Weigh ins: 

Early weigh ins will be Friday Feb 2nd from 6am-9am, then again from 2:30pm-7pm. Then again the morning of the show from 8am-8:30

All athletes must weight in before competing, for those of you not trying to cut weight, you do not have to do early weigh ins.



As this is a small location, we ask that you do not bring more than 2 spectators with you. AKA leave your entourage at home. This is an indoor event and safety is the priority. 

Strength Discovery
200 Corporate Pl
Peabody, MA 01960
View Map
Jan 06, 2024

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
David Memont
Events and Weights
Division Circus DBSquatLog viper pressDeadliftStone over bar
Novice W HW (165+)5516560250100
Novice W LW (165-)5016560225100
Open W LW (123-)6016560275125
Open W HW (181-)10020570365205
Open W SHW (242-)12022570425225
Open W HW (198-)10020570365205
Open W SHW (+)12022570425225
Open W MW (165-)8018560315155
Open W MW (148-)8018560315155
Open W LW (132-)6016560275125
Masters W MW (165-)7018560300155
Masters W LW (123-)5516560275125
Masters W MW (148-)7018560300155
Masters W LW (132-)5516560275125
Masters W HW (+)9019560335155
Masters W HW (165+) 50+5516560275125
Masters Women 60+5016560205100
Masters W LW (165-) 50+5516560250125
Novice M HW (220+)11031590405255
Novice M LW (220-)11031590405255
Open M LW (165-)13033590495265
Open M LW (181-)13033590495265
Open M SHW (308-)22049590635340
Open M HW (275-)19045590585340
Open M SHW (+)22049590635340
Open M HW (242-)19045590585340
Open M MW (220-)16036590545305
Open M MW (198-)16036590545305
Masters M LW (220-) 50+11031590405255
Masters M MW (220-)12031590405255
Masters M MW (198-)12033590405255
Masters M HW (+)15034590455265
Masters M HW (220+) 50+11031590405255
Masters Men 60+9027590365205
Masters M HW (242-)15034590455265

Early Bird Price
Available until Nov 18, 2023

Regular Price
Registration Closes Dec 23, 2023

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 50 athletes.
36 spots remain.