
October 26, 2024

Mayhem's Haunted Showdown


Bristol, VA



Thank you for reading this event information. This competition will take place on Piedmont AVE outside of the historic Burger Bar in Bristol, VA. 

This competition will be athlete-centered and a positive experience for everyone that attends. 


For further questions, please contact listed meet directors on this page.


Viking Press: 

Athlete will start with both hands on implement. When athlete signals to judge they're ready, athlete will have one full minute to fully press and lockout implement. Upon lockout, judge will give down command. 

Allowed: Wrist straps, wrist wraps elbow sleeves/wraps, knee sleeves, soft/hard belt.

Not allowed: Any type of shirt or performance gear that enhances overhead pressing power.

18" Max Axle Deadlift:

Athlete will strap in, get set, and signal start to the judge. Once that signal is made, the judge will start the time. The athlete will have one minute to deadlift a 2" diameter axle bar at an 18" height for max weight. For a rep to count: Athlete must have their knees, hips, and shoulders locked out. Each competitor will get three attempts to deadlift the heaviest weight possible. Wessel's rule will apply. Rising bar format-Weights will not be lowered. Attempts do not need to be known beforehand. 

Allowed: 2 belts, one hard and one soft, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, mouthguard, chalk, straps, suits, hitching, wrist wraps and straps.

Not allowed: Athlete will receive a no-rep if they drop the bar at the top of the lift. Must control the down. No sumo stance, baby oil, or tacky allowed. No hook grips.

Atlas Stone Loading Medley:

Athlete will place both hands on top of loading platform and signal ready to judge. Once athlete signals ready, the judge will start the time. The athlete will have one full minute to load five atlas stones onto the loading platform. The atlas stones will be arranged in ascending weight from start to finish. Athlete must load lightest to heaviest stone, in that order.  Athlete will have time before starting to adjust the stones in the manner they prefer. If stone(s) fall from loading platform prior to one minute time cap, athlete will be required to re-load the stone before time is stopped.'

Allowed: Soft belt, hard belt, knee sleeves, knee wraps, elbow sleeves, elbow wraps, stone sleeves, grip shirt, grip shorts. Chalk, Tacky towel will be permitted.

Not Allowed: NO TACKY!!!! NO TACKY!!!!! 

Yoke Walk:

Athlete will get set underneath a yoke and upon their signal, the judge will start the timer. Upon start, the athlete will have one minute to pick the yoke and walk 50' down, set the yoke down, turn around, re-pick the yoke, and carry it back 50'. This event will be for time. Split distances will be measured in the case of non-finishes. 

Allowed: Hard belt, soft belt, knee sleeves, knee wraps, elbow sleeves, elbow wraps, grip shirt, grip shorts.

Not Allowed: Dragging, sliding, pushing, or any other type of moving to the yoke without having it fully picked will not be allowed. A 2 second add-on will be accrued for each instance of these infractions, as noted by the judge. 

Sandbag Toss Over Bar:


Iron Mayhem Strength and Conditioning LLC
120 Piedmont Ave
Bristol, VA 24201
View Map
Oct 26, 2024

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Claude Mumpower, Austin Crumpton, Peyton Stallard

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Events and Weights
Division Viking Press18" Max Axle DeadliftAtlas stone Loading MedleyYoke Walk Sandbag Toss Over Bar
Novice W LW (165-)100MAX50, 80, 110, 122, 125250MAX
Novice W HW (165+)100MAX50, 80, 110, 122, 125250MAX
Open W LW (132-)100MAX50, 80, 110, 122, 125250MAX
Open W MW (165-)100MAX50, 80, 110, 122, 125250MAX
Open W HW (198-)150MAX80, 100, 125, 150, 162375MAX
Open W SHW (+)165MAX80, 110, 125, 150, 162375MAX
Masters W LW (132-)100MAX50, 80, 110, 122, 125250MAX
Masters W MW (165-)100MAX50, 80, 110, 122, 125250MAX
Masters W HW (+)125MAX50, 80, 110, 125, 135250MAX
Teen W LW (165-)100MAX50, 80, 110, 125, 135200MAX
Teen W HW (165+)100MAX50, 80, 110, 125, 135200MAX
Novice M HW (220+)200MAX110, 125, 150, 170, 205450MAX
Novice M LW (220-)165MAX110, 125, 150, 170, 205400MAX
Open M LW (181-)200MAX 125, 150, 170, 205, 230500MAX
Open M MW (220-)275MAX150, 170, 205, 230, 250550MAX
Open M HW (275-)300MAX170, 205, 230, 250, 270600MAX
Open M SHW (+)315MAX205, 230, 250, 270, 300650MAX
Masters M MW (220-)200MAX125, 150, 175, 200, 225450MAX
Masters M HW (+)225MAX125, 150, 175, 200, 225500MAX
Teen M LW (220-)100MAX90, 125, 150, 162, 175350MAX
Teen M HW (220+)100MAX90, 125, 150, 162, 175350MAX

Regular Price
Registration Closes Oct 12, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 25 athletes.
No spots left.