
October 7, 2023



San Antonio, TX

Metal Mayhem 2023


Date & Time:

  • 10am     Saturday, October 7, 2023


 Mission Conception Sports Complex 

Order of Events:

  • Trump Log Clean and Press - reps
  • Max Wagon Wheel Deadlift
  • Sandbag Throw for Max Reps
  • Fatback Husafell Carry
  • Stretcher Sled Pull / Arm Over Arm Sled Pull Medley

Please note that the events, order of events, weight of the events are all subject to change at Heavy Metal's discretion.


Friday, October 6th

  • Check Ins & Weigh-Ins @ Heavy Metal Fitness: 9am - 12pm and 4pm - 7pm

Saturday, October 7th

  • Event Door Open 8:00am
  • Last Minute Check in/Weigh ins: 8am - 9am
  • Rules Meeting 9:15am
  • Athlete Group Photo: 9:50am
  • Athlete Warm Up: 8am - 9am & immediately following rules meeting until 9:50am
  • Event Start: 10am

The competition will be sanctioned through Strongman Corporation. You MUST have membership card by the time of weigh in. These can be purchased through the Strongman Corporation website linked below:


Prizes: Custom Prizes, Trophies, Cash, TBD

Event Rules: 


#1 - Trump Log Clean & Press - heaviest Log / max reps

Athletes will start behind the line and will receive "Athlete, Ready, Set, Go!" command.

There will be 3 logs for the athlete to choose from to attempt-  essentially a light / medium / and heavy option.

The athlete can choose whichever log that they would like to attempt, however- the heavier log will TRUMP the lighter log despite the number of reps.

For example: One repetition with the "heavy" log will TRUMP (beats) 8 reps with the "middle" log.  

Example: Four repetitions with the "middle" log will secure a higher placement than 10 reps with the "light" log.

If an athlete misses an attempt at heavier log, they MAY/should transition to a lighter log in order to secure a score.

If an athlete is successful at a lighter attempt, they MAY proceed to a heavier attempt to secure a higher standing.

However, if an athlete is successful at a heavier log- there is NO POINT on transitioning to the lighter log, as the repetitions with the heaviest successful attempts will be the athletes score.

The athlete with the most successful attempts, at the heaviest weight will win the event/class.

Athletes will have a 60 second time limit to perform as many reps as possible. 

You MUST clean the log each press. 

Women 10” log and Men 12” log. 

Strict, Viper, Push Press, Push Jerk, and Split Jerk allowed. 

Lockout must be completed and athlete must wait for judge to give down signal.

The log may not be rested or touch the athletes head during the rep attempt. If log is rested on the head or touches the top of the head, the athlete will receive a 'no rep' & the log will be returned to the floor and must be cleaned again. Athletes MUST maintain control of the log at all times and control the log down to floor/crash pads. It is the athlete's responsibility to retrieve the log if it rolls away from them during their 60 seconds.

Equipment Allowed: Grip Shirts, Wrist Wraps, 1 Elbow Sleeve per arm, Knee Sleeves, Chalk, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Double Belt. Buckle of belts must be worn to the side or the back.

Equipment NOT Allowed: Double Up Elbow Sleeves, Knee Wraps, Suits, Tacky of any kind. 


#2 - Max Wagon Wheel Deadlift

Athletes will be spit in to two lanes- men/women (or simply dependent on opening attempt).

Each lane will start at a corresponding weight and incrementally increase in weight with each successive attempt.

All athletes will be allotted THREE ATTEMPTS- unless, an attempt is unsuccessful in which the athlete will be eliminated from the event and their last successful attempt will be their score. 

If an athlete does not record a successful repetition, it will result in a zero for the event.

The athletes will have the opportunity to attempt or pass on each weight selection.

It is ON THE ATHLETE to be heard and make it known to the judge/score keeper that they would like to attempt a weight.

The bar weight will NOT GO BACK DOWN.

Athletes will have 30 seconds to complete their attempt. 

Deadlifts will be on standard deadlift bars (w/ Rogue Rubber Wagon Wheels).

Reps must be completely locked out and receive a down command from the judge for completion. 

Athletes MUST control the barbell back down. If the athlete drops the weight from the top of the deadlift, the judge will issue a NO REP. 

Scoring: heaviest successful attempt will be the athletes score.

Equipment Allowed: 1 Knee Sleeve Per Knee, Elbow Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, Grip Shirts, Chalk, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Compression Shorts, Straps. MUST WEAR SOCKS.

Equipment NOT Allowed: Deadlift Suits, Knee Wraps, Deadlift Briefs, Tacky of any kind. No Sumo. 


#3 - Sandbag Throw for Max Reps

Athletes will start in the designated position and will receive "Athlete, Ready, Set, Go!" command. 

Athletes will run to and attempt to throw the sandbag over the bar/wall.

With each successful attempt the athlete is to transition to the other side, and attempt to throw the sandbag back over the bar/wall.

Unsuccessful throws that end up to the side, or under the implement will result in the athlete retrieving the sandbag and attempting the throw again from the original position.

This is a max reps event.

However, upon the 3rd CONSECUTIVE unsuccessful attempt the athlete will be eliminated from the event- "3 strikes, your out".

There will be a one minute time limit for this event. 

Scoring: Athletes will be given a score based on total number of successful attempts. No split times will be assessed.

Equipment Allowed: Elbow Sleeves, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Chalk, Knee Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, Grip Shirt.

Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky of any kind, Knee Wraps, Suits



Athletes will start behind the line and receive an "Athlete, Ready, Set, Go!" command. 

The athlete will pick up the Husafell Sandbag and carry it to a designated point (@ 40ft) and DROP IT.

The athlete will then RE-PICK the Husafell Sandbag and carry it an additional 40ft (in the same direction) and drop it again.

Upon the 2nd (final) drop the athlete will turn around / re-pick the implement and attempt to successfully carry it back to the original start position (@ 80ft).

Pick --> 40ft

Drop/re-pick --> 40ft

Drop/re-pick <-- 80ft (back to the original start position)

Every "drop" will require the athlete's hands to be completely OFF of the Husafell Sandbag (no contact).

An UNINTENTIONAL drop will not be penalized. The athlete can/should attempt to re-pick the implement and continue to the designated destination.

There will be a 1 minute TIME LIMIT to complete this event.

Scoring: Fastest time of total completion of the course or the recorded distance completed at the time of expiration.

Distance will be measured based on the where the back of the implement is dropped. 

Equipment Allowed: Elbow Sleeves, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Chalk, Knee Sleeves, Wrist Wraps

Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky of any kind



Athletes will start behind the line and receive an "Athlete, Ready, Set, Go!" command. 

Athletes will run to and attempt to (reverse) drag the Spud Inc. Stretcher sled until the implement has completely passed the designated finish line. 60 ft (weight TBD)

The athletes will then sprint back to the original start position where the end of the rope will now be located and readied.

From a seated position- the athletes will forcefully pull the rope until the front of the sled passes the designated finish-line. Seated arm over arm pull- 60 ft. with 2 inch rope.

There will be a one minute time limit to complete this event.

Scoring: Fastest time of completion or the total distance measured (at the front of the sled) once time expired.

Equipment Allowed: Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Chalk, Knee Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Gloves

Equipment NOT Allowed:  Tacky of any kind 


Mission Concepcion Sports Complex
714 E Theo Ave
San Antonio, TX 78210
View Map
Oct 07, 2023

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Tim Ingram

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Events and Weights
Division Trump Log Clean and PressMax Wagon Wheel DeadliftSandbag TossFatback Husafell Sandbag CarryStretcher Sled Drag / Arm Over Arm Medley
Novice W HW (+)105-120-135185+20150135
Novice W LW (180.4-)85-100-115185+15135135
Open W LW (120.4-)105-120-135185+20150135
Open W LW (140.4-)105-120-135185+20150135
Open W MW (160.4-)120-135-150185+25175210
Open W MW (180.4-)120-135-150185+25175210
Open W HW (200.4-)135-150-165185+30200270
Open W HW (+)135-150-165185+30200270
Masters W LW (180.4-)85-100-115185+15135135
Masters W HW (+)105-120-135185+20150135
Novice M LW (231.4-)170-185-200365+20200210
Novice M HW (+)185-200-215365+25225270
Open M LW (150-)185-200-215365+30225270
Open M LW (175.4-)185-200-215365+30225270
Open M MW (200.4-)225-245-265365+35250345
Open M MW (231.4-)225-245-265365+35250345
Open M HW (265.5-)255-280-305365+40275405
Open M HW (300.4-)255-280-305365+40275405
Open M SHW (+)275-305-335365+40300480
Masters M HW (+)185-200-215365+25225270
Masters M LW (231.4-)170-185-200365+20225210

Early Bird Price
Available until Aug 07, 2023

Regular Price
Registration Closes Oct 01, 2023

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 80 athletes.
16 spots remain.