July 8, 2023
Midwest Strongest Man Presented by Minnesotas' Strongest Realtor
Andover, MN
This competition is part of the Andover Annual Fun Fest. This is a family friendly event, athletes are expected to act within the USS code of conduct and be ambassadors of the sport.
Registration closes 6/24. If you wish to enter after that date, email Tim Kovach for availability and late fee.
Awards: First place in each division will receive a trophy and cash prize. Second and third place division winners will receive medals. Novice winner will receive a trophy.
Weigh ins are 7/7/23 from 9am-12pm and 7/8/23 from 8am-10am. If you need to weigh in outside of those times, contact Tim.
Rules Meeting will be 7/8/23 at 9:30am. Every athlete must check in prior to the rules meeting.
Log Press: Athletes will clean a log and press for as many reps as possible in 60 seconds. Athlete may put the log down and reclean at any point during the 60 seconds. No built up belts, no pressing off the head, chalk only. Athletes must wait for the down command from the judges to be awarded with a good lift. Push jerk, split jerk, push press, strict press, and viper press are all allowed.
18" Max Deadlift: Athletes are able to break national as well as MN state records in this event. Athletes will have 3 attempts using a deadlift bar from 18". Hitching is allowed. All straps are allowed, however the entire hand must be wrapped around the bar. Athletes will strap in and be given a "lift" command, and will have 30 seconds to complete each attempt. Deadlift suits and briefs are allowed. Athlete must wait for a down command to be awarded with a good lift. Rising bar, athlete calls attempts, Wessels rule applies, 20lb jumps.
Truck Pull: Athletes wear a harness and pull a truck 50' for fastest time with a rope assist. 60 second time limit. Distance will be taken if the athlete cannot complete the course.
Farmers Walk: Athletes will pick up and carry a set of farmers handles down a course. Course is 50' with two 180 degree turns, 150' total distance. Athlete must make the turns with the farmers. Setting down farmers, turning around, and repicking is not allowed. 60 second time limit, distance will be taken if the athlete cannot complete the course. Chalk only.
Squat Lift: The setup will be with an axle and truck tires set up on squat stands. Athlete will squat so the tires stop on jerk blocks set at a depth predetermined by your height. Both tires must contact the blocks at depth to be given credit for the rep. There are two weights to choose from. One rep with the heavier weight beats any number or reps with the lighter weight. 60 sec time limit. Knee wraps, knee sleeves, etc are allowed. Squat suits not allowed.
All events are subject to change.
This is an outdoor event. I will have a limited number of tents set up for athlete use only.
There is no fee for spectators to attend anything in the festival grounds. There are plenty of things for kids to do as well as food trucks. Athletes and spectators are encouraged to bring their own chairs.
Cash will not be paid out to novice class or divisions with only one athlete.
1785 Crosstown Blvd NW
Andover, MN 55304
View Map
Start Time
10:00 AM
Events and Weights
Division | Log Press | 18" Max Deadlift | Truck Pull | Farmers Walk | Squat Lift |
Novice Women (Single Class) | 100 | Max | 10,000 | 125 | 195/225 |
Open W LW (132-) | 115 | Max | 10,000 | 135 | 225/265 |
Open W MW (165-) | 135 | Max | 10,000 | 155 | 285/315 |
Open W HW (198-) | 175 | Max | 10,000 | 185 | 315/355 |
Open W SHW (+) | 195 | Max | 10,000 | 205 | 355/405 |
Masters Women (Single Class) | 135 | Max | 10,000 | 155 | 285/315 |
Novice Men (Single Class) | 195 | Max | 10,000 | 205 | 365/405 |
Open M LW (181-) | 215 | Max | 40,000 | 225 | 405/455 |
Open M MW (220-) | 245 | Max | 40,000 | 245 | 455/515 |
Open M HW (275-) | 265 | Max | 40,000 | 265 | 515/575 |
Open M SHW (+) | 285 | Max | 40,000 | 285 | 555/605 |
Masters M MW (220-) | 215 | Max | 40,000 | 225 | 405/455 |
Masters M HW (+) | 245 | Max | 40,000 | 245 | 455/515 |
Registration Closes Jun 23, 2023
No refunds.
1 spots remain.