
December 9, 2023

Mississippi's Strongest Man and Women: Presented by Cerberus Strength USA


Hattiesburg, MS

PLEASE EMAIL jaimecdouglas7@gmail.com to be added to the waitlist! 

(Strongman Corporation Membership required of all Contestants)


Revolution Fitness
14 Lamar Blvd
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
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December 9th, 2023

Start Time
8:00 AM final weigh ins. 8:30am Rules meeting. 9am Start time.

Meet Director
Jaime Douglas, Thomas Martin, and John Micka

WEIGH-INS: Friday 8-10am and again from 4-6pm and Saturday 8am if needed.


HOTEL:TBD-will post on Facebook event page (Mississippi's Strongest)


DIVISIONS for Mississippi's Strongest Man: 

Women Novice (once class)

Women Open (LW 140 MW180 HW 180+)

LW Novice (under 231)

HW Novice ( over 231.5)

Masters (LW under 231 HW over 231) Will combine if not enough

LW Open (under 175)

MW Open  (under 200)

MW Open (under 231)

(Will add a 265 and under HW if enough need it)

HW/SHW Open(232+)


(*There will be a 50 competitor cap for Mississippi’s Strongest Man*)


  1. Fat back Farmers: 50 TOTAL feet.  Chalk, wrist wraps, sleeves, belts and grip shirt are all allowed. Athlete will start, pick the farmers, go 25ft. They will stop in a designated area, do 3 Deadlifts then on the 3rd deadlift finish the last 25ft of the course, and finish with 3 more deadlifts. Time will stop when the 3rd deadlift hits the ground. No straps allowed.
  2. (Trump and Mercy) Natural Stone Press: Athletes will clean and press a stone to for as many reps as possible in 60 sec. Clean and Press every rep. Must show control of the rock in the locked out position and wait for the down command before dropping the stone back to the ground. You will have a heavy option and a lighter option. Any rep with the heavier will count more that any amount with the lighter. 1 rep with heavy is better than 100 reps with the lighter. Also, this is not a combo of reps. If two people get 1 rep with the heavy, any reps with the lighter will not help your total score. Chalk, grip shirts (as stated in the carry event), belts, sleeves etc are all allowed. Tacky towels are fine but no regular tacky. **You are allowed to use Will Development's Secret Sauce Tacky (wet) use discount MSM2023 on his website to save some money. That is the only approved tacky.
  3. Sleigh pull/ Truck Pull (harness only. No lead rope) 50ft. 60 sec time limit. Athlete will start in harness and will start pulling on go. We will have a mark that the harness will have to cross for time to stop. Will take distance if not completed. 
  4. Front Rack yoke carry (25ft) to a Sandbag Load. (Your rack height is your load height). This is NOT A ZERCHER CARRY. It must be in a front rack position, like a front squat. Hands must be on the cross bar. You can cross yours hands and have it underneath the bar like your front squat position would be, but it must stay in contact with your shoulders and hands have to be on the crossbar. Athlete will carry the yoke in that position for 25 ft, then go back 25ft and get the sandbag, carry the sandbag 25ft and load over the crossbar. Time will stop when the sandbag hits the ground. (Sandbag can be carried in any way you want). Grip shirts are fine, just no USS shirts. Gloves, chalk, belts and sleeves are all fine. No tacky.
  5. Head 2 Head 2" deficit axle bar deadlift. Max reps in 60 seconds. NO TOUCH AND GO ALLOWED. Must wait for the up and down command. Strap in on your own time. No suits. Belts, straps, etc are all fine. 


*All events/weights are subject to change 

AWARDS:  Top 3 in each class

Revolution Fitness
14 Lamar Blvd
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
View Map
Dec 09, 2023

Start Time
8:00 AM
Meet Director
Jaime Douglas, Thomas Martin, and John Micka

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Fat Back Farmers (50ftTotal)Sleigh Pull (50ft)Head to head 2" Deficit Axle Bar DeadliftFront Rack Yoke Carry/Sandbag loadNatural Stone Press (Trump/Mercy)
Novice W HW (+)115/handTruck225165/100Light/Heavy
Open W LW (140.4-)130/handTruck300275/132Light/Heavy
Open W MW (180.4-)150/handTruck315315/155Light/Heavy
Open W HW (+)170/handTruck330345/176Light/Heavy
Masters W HW (+)130/handTruck300285/132Light/Heavy
Teen W HW (200-)85/handTruck200165/75Light/Heavy
Novice M MW (231.4-)185/handTruck385285/176Light/Heavy
Novice M SHW (+)205/handTruck400385/200Light/Heavy
Open M LW (175.4-)225/handTruck450400/220Light/Heavy
Open M MW (200.4-)225/handTruck475420/220Light/Heavy
Open M MW (231.4-)250/handTruck500450/250Light/Heavy
Open M SHW (+)275/handTruck550500/275Light/Heavy
Masters M MW (231.4-)205/handTruck475385/200Light/Heavy
Masters M SHW (+)205/handTruck475385/200Light/Heavy
Teen M HW (250-)175/handTruck275265/176Light/Heavy

Regular Price
Registration Closes Nov 21, 2023

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 50 athletes.
10 spots remain.