
July 2, 2023

Monsters in Monona 2023


Monona, WI

General Info

We're excited to be back for Monsters in Monona at the Monona Community Festival on Sunday, July 2nd, 2023! This is a Strongman Corporation sanctioned event.

Facebook link for event and community discussion here: https://fb.me/e/11k6K91Tw.

Weigh-Ins and Yoke Height

Saturday July 1st

12:00 - 1:30 pm - weigh ins @ Digman Fitness, 6729 Seybold Rd, Madison, WI 53719

4:30 - 6:00 pm - weigh ins @ Digman Fitness, 6729 Seybold Rd, Madison, WI 53719

Sunday July 2nd

10:00 - 11:15 am - at contest site

You must check in on contest day regardless of when you weighed in.

You must have a Strongman Corporation Membership Card or you will not be allowed to compete: https://tinyurl.com/yc8rk9v5



Press Medley

Athlete may start with hands on the log. Athlete will receive "Ready, set, lift" command. Athlete will clean and press the log, receive down command, and move to the axle. Athlete will clean and press the axle, receive down command, and move to the heaviest axle. Athlete will clean the axle once and can press away, with down commands for each full rep. Athlete may set the implement down if needed. 60 total seconds. Total reps counted across all implements. Belt cleans allowed. Allowable equipment includes knee wraps and sleeves, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, double belt, chalk, and grip shirt. No straps, tacky, or spray tack.

Women's log is 10-inch. Men's log is 12-inch.

Yoke Squat for Reps

Height determination and weights listed are very close to final as of April 15. The height listed is the bottom of bar height above the floor. 60 second time limit.

Height of the yoke bar will be your height as measured with no shoes upon weigh-in. Bar heights above the floor are as follows:

4'-11" - 5'-3" = 40" (14 holes showing on yoke)

5'-4" - 5'-8" = 42" (13 holes showing on yoke)

5'-9" - 6'-1" = 44" (12 holes showing on yoke)

6'-2" - 6'-5" = 46" (11 holes showing on yoke)

6'-6" - 6'-9" = 48" (10 holes showing on yoke)

Athlete will start with their hands on the yoke, NOT under the yoke bar. Athlete will receive "Ready, set, lift" command and will immediately get under the yoke bar and begin squatting (first rep similar to a pin squat or bottoms up squat). Athlete will receive a down command when hips are successfully locked out and athlete shows control. No down command = no rep. 60 total seconds. All corners of the yoke must touch the ground in order to receive an up command.  Allowable equipment includes knee wraps and sleeves, double belt, chalk, grip shirt. No squat or deadlift suits, briefs, "beginner" support gear, tacky, or spray tack allowed.

Yoke will be a Beast Metals yoke with an approximately 3-inch diameter crossbar.

Farmers Walk for Distance

Athlete will start with hands on the implements. Athlete will receive "Ready, set, lift" command, and will carry the farmers walk implements as far as possible. This will be a roughly 75 foot course with turns. You may not set the implements down except for the first 10 feet of your run. At least one implement must cross the end lines partially (not fully) for each turn, and distance will be taken as a straight line from the closest end line. There will be room to take very wide turns if you choose, you just may not set the implements down except as noted above. Top loading handles will be used with smaller weight plates (25s and 35s) so the plates don't bang into each other on the turns.  Allowable equipment include double belt, chalk, knee sleeves and wraps. No straps, suits, tacky, or spray tack.

Handles will be Mike Bartos' Power Center Pro-Conomy handles.

Sandbag Toss Over Bar

Athlete will start with one hand on the yoke upright. Athlete will receive "Ready, set, start" command. Sandbags will be set up roughly 8 feet away from the overhead crossbar. Athlete will throw the sandbags over the crossbar as fast as possible. Athlete is responsible for picking up bags that do not make it over. Must throw bags from lightest to heaviest. 60 seconds total. Time splits will be taken as each bag hits the ground. Allowable equipment includes everything except tacky or spray tack.

Bags will be a mix of Rogue and Cerberus.

Yoke Run and Drag Medley

Athlete will start under the yoke implement. Athlete will receive "Ready, set, lift" command. Athlete will run the yoke 50 ft until the front crosses the line, then immediately grab nearby "V" handle for sled and drag it backwards. The front of the sled must cross the line, and judges will be nearby. You must drag it backward and may not run forward with the sled behind you. 60 second time limit. Allowable equipment includes knee sleeves, knee wraps, belts, chalk, and grip shirt. Tacky, spray tack and suits are not allowed.

Yoke will be a Beast Metals yoke with 3-inch diameter crossbar.

Weight Class Clarifications

Note that the Novice and Masters classes list Super Heavyweight. This means that there is no weight class, it is just one Novice class for men and one for women. Masters is the same. For the Open classes, we are using the traditional "Arnold" weight classes. You'll see them when you sign up. Novice class athletes do not qualify for the regionals and nationals events noted below.

Strongman Corporation Membership

Current Strongman Corporation membership is required and will be verified for all individuals upon weigh-in / check-in. Memberships will be available for purchase on site. Memberships may be renewed or purchased in advance or day of here: 


Event Location

Northeast corner of Winnequah Park in Monona, near the corner of Nichols Road and Healy Lane. 


Nichols Road will be closed. Expect to park on Healy Lane or Winnequah Road to the south, or one of the other nearby residential streets. Expect to walk up to three or four blocks, depending on parking availability.

Winnequah Park

Monona, WI 53716
View Map
Jul 02, 2023

Start Time
12:00 PM
Meet Director
Ryan Imbach

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Events and Weights
Division Press Medley, Log, Axle, Axle; Press Away Last Implement, 60 SecondsYoke Squat for Reps, 60 secondsFarmers Walk for Max DistanceSandbag Toss Over Bar, 4 Bags in 60 secondsYoke Carry / Drag Medley, 60 seconds
Novice W MW (180.4-)110, 120, 13028014015, 20, 25, 30, 12 ft250 / 145
Novice W HW (+)110, 120, 13028014015, 20, 25, 30, 12 ft250 / 145
Open W LW (140.4-)110, 120, 13028015015, 20, 25, 30, 12 ft300 / 190
Open W MW (180.4-)120, 130, 14030017015, 20, 25, 30, 12 ft350 / 190
Open W HW (+)130, 140, 15032019015, 20, 25, 30, 12 ft410 / 190
Masters W HW (+)110, 120, 13028014015, 20, 25, 30, 12 ft300 / 190
Novice M MW (231.4-)170, 190, 21038020025, 30, 35, 40, 14 ft460 / 235
Novice M SHW (+)180, 200, 22040022025, 30, 35, 40, 14 ft510 / 280
Open M MW (200.4-)200, 220, 24044025025, 30, 35, 40, 15 ft620 / 280
Open M MW (231.4-)200, 220, 24044025025, 30, 35, 40, 15 ft620 / 280
Open M SHW (+)250, 260, 27048027025, 30, 35, 40, 15 ft680 / 325
Masters M SHW (+)180, 200, 22038022025, 30, 35, 40, 14 ft510 / 235

Early Bird Price
Available until Apr 03, 2023

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jun 26, 2023

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 60 athletes.
28 spots remain.