
May 17, 2025

Natural Strongman USA West Coast Championship


Poulsbo, WA

Natural Strongman World Qualifier returns to the Pacific Northwest for the West Coast Championship. This is a Drug Tested,  Sanctioned Event and winners of their class will receive an invite to the Natural Strongman 2025 World Championship.  It will be held at Poulsbo Waterfront Park and will be a Main Event at the Annual Vikingfest. 

Event 1 Fingal Fingers:

Athlete will pick and flip the implement back and fourth as many times as possible in 1min implement must touch down for rep to count. Athlete may touch implement after start command. You will be allowed to pick and flip in any method you choose but cannot rest on implement on your head. Knee and elbow sleeves allowed, belts, grip shirts and or shorts, compression shorts, gloves and chalk are fine but No tacky allowed.

Event 2 Farmers Carry: 

Athletes may start with hands on handles. Once the start command is given athlete will be given 90 seconds to pick and carry implements across the finish line 25' away ( entire implement must cross ) once implement has crossed the line athlete will self load plates to the next weight jump 20lbs per handle for women and 50lb jumps for men then carry back 25' so on and so fourth until time expires or until athlete drops one or both implements during the 25' carry. This will be judged by max distance carried, in the case of a tie whomever went the distance the fastest will win. All equipment besides wrist straps or tacky  are allowed.

Event 3 Max Distance Bag Toss:

Athletes will be given 1 min from the time they are called up to perform a single max distance bag toss. We will be using a rogue single handle sand bag similar to what is used for max height bag toss. The Athlete will have an 8' x8' mat they must stay within during their attempt. There will be a 10' wide x 100' long lane the bag must land within to earn points. Distance will be measured from Mat to the front of where the bag lands. If the athlete throws the bag out of the Lane they will receive 0 points. If athlete steps off the mat they will also receive 0 points. Farthest throw within the lane will win. Athletes may chose to throw in any style they choose ( single hand, two hand, overhead etc. )  Only the athletes hand may be on the handle,  No other equipment restriction.

Event 4 Truck Tire/Wagon Wheel Deadlift:

We will use 2.5" Axles for this event, bar height will be 18". Athlete will have 60 seconds to perform as many reps as possible and will need to receive an up and down command for each rep to count. Athletes will start with hands off the axle and must grip the bar/ strap in after the start command. Must pull conventional, no suits allowed, no briefs allowed, no tacky allowed. sleeves, straps, compression shorts will be allowed along with chalk.  

Event 5 Hercules Hold: 

Athlete will position themselves on the platform, take their grip and then receive a start command from the judge. Athlete will then assume full weight of the implements. The weight for all athletes will be the same but the handle thickness will get thicker for the heavier weight classes. It will start at 1in diameter for Women's divisions and work up to a 2" handle for SHW men.  Athlete will then hold implements for max time. Time will end when one or both implements leaves athletes hand. Only equipment restrictions are no tacky or any other grip assistance besides chalk.


More Details to come, follow Official Dungeon Fitness on Instagram or check DFstrength.com and IronPodium.com for updates.

Liberty Bay Waterfront Park
18809 Anderson Pkwy
Poulsbo, WA 98370
View Map
May 17, 2025

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Ryan Turgano

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Events and Weights
Division Fingal Fingersfarmers carry max distance bag tossTruck Tire DeadliftHercules Hold
Novice Women (Single Class)350 (empty)7525280350/hand
Open W SHW (+)37514525440350/hand
Open W LW (125-)350 (empty)10525320350/hand
Open W MW (141-)350 (empty)11525350350/hand
Open W HW (180-)37512525390350/hand
Masters W LW (165-) 50+TBDTBDTBDTBDTBD
Masters W HW (165+) 50+TBDTBDTBDTBDTBD
Teen W LW (165-)3507525280350/hand
Teen W HW (165+)3507525280350/hand
Novice Men (Single Class)37512545410350/hand
Open M LW 176-37514545520350/hand
Open M MW (198-)37518545570350/hand
Open M HW (231-)40020045610350/hand
Open M SHW (+)42520045660350/hand
Masters M LW (220-) 50+TBDTBDTBDTBDTBD
Masters M HW (220+) 50+TBDTBDTBDTBDTBD
Teen M LW (220-)35012545410350/hand
Teen M HW (220+)37512545460350/hand

Regular Price
Registration Closes Apr 04, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 80 athletes.
57 spots remain.
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