February 22, 2025
Natural Strongman Worlds East Coast Qualifier II
Eatontown, NJ
Natural Strongman World's Qualifier
This is a qualifying event for Natural Strongman World’s 2025
Membership is required to compete in this sanctioned event.
Membership are available at https://www.naturalstrongman.org/store/p/natural-strongman-membership
approximately $50 USD
Drug Testing
10% of athletes will be tested via urinalysis for anabolic steroids. Banned substance list can be provided (email me).
More comprehensive testing will take place at Natural Worlds if you qualify
Read more about Natural Strongman’s Drug Anti-Doping Policies
Qualifying Spots for Natural World’s:
1-3 people in the weight class = 1 qualification spot
4-6 people in the weight class = 2 qualification spots
7+ people in the weight class= 3 qualification spots
Competitors will receive a competition T Shirt.
Top 3 finishers in each weight class will receive trophy or medal.
24 hour weigh ins are allowed.
Weight classes:
Women: U57kg, U64kg, U73kg, U82kg, Open, LW Master(40+) U73kg, HW Masters (40+) , Juniors (u23)
- U64, HW Masters, Juniors do the same weights in competitions
Men: U80kg, U90kg, U105kg, Open, Master(40+) LW U90kg, Masters(40+) HW, Juniors (u23)
- U90kg, HW Masters, Juniors do the same weights in competitions
- Athletes will weigh-in in kilograms. must be on the number of less. No rounding. For instance 105kg men must weigh 105.00kg or less*
The Pit Gym
749 Hope Rd Ste A, Eatontown, NJ 07724
You are permitted to park by the gym entrance (side of building). Do not park in front of the building (by the monster mini golf, etc). There is overflow parking at 745 Hope rd.
Weigh ins:
2/21 at The Pit Gym 10am-12pm or 4-5pm
2/22 at 8:30-9:30am
Drug Testing:
Bring a photo ID
Winners/podium will be tested after contest
9:30 am
Spectator Fee:
Instagram: @cooney_strength_conditioning
-for info and updates
IG: @ashley.marie.visuals
Email: ashleymarievisuals@gmail.com
Digital Photo Packages: $65
Link for order:
Packages will include 12-15 pics of the athlete on comp day. Pictures will be available for purchase after the show individually too.
Event 1: Press Medley (Axle, Log, Circus Dumbbell for Reps)
Athlete will clean and press an axle, then a log, and then a circus dumbbell for max reps. There is a 60 second time limit. Circus DB will be clean and pressed every rep. No time splits will be taken. Athletes will be credited with total reps performed. Athlete must stand erect, feet together, and wait for a down command from the judge after each rep.
Women: 10" log and 10" CDB
*57kg women will use 8” CDB
Men: 12' log and 12" CDB
Soft belt, hard belt, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, belt cleans
Not Allowed:
Resting on head, tree topping, grip shirt
Event 2: Max Deadlift
Athletes will perform a 1 rep max for a conventional deadlift. Athlete will get up to 3 attempts, but if athlete misses an attempt they are done. In order for each rep to count athlete must stand erect, ankles, knees, hips locked out, and wait for the down command from the judge. Athletes will use a deadlift bar. 45-50lb jumps for men, 20lb jumps for women. Athletes will have 30 seconds to take their attempt.
Soft belt, hard belt, straps, hitching
Not allowed:
Sumo, suits, bouncing
Event 3: Yoke (100 ft)
Athletes will carry a yoke 50ft down, repick and carry 50ft back for a total of100ft. Athlete is credited with the fastest time or furthest distance. Clock stops when front of yoke crosses the line. Unlimited drops allowed. 60 second time cap.
Soft belt, hard belt, knee sleeves
Not allowed:
Knee wraps, suit, or briefs, grip shirt
Event 4: Tire Flip (50ft)
Athletes will flip a tire for 50ft. Fastest time to complete the distance wins. If you cannot complete the distance, total number of flips will be counted. Time stops when tire hits the ground. 60 second time cap.
Approximate Flips for 50ft:
300lb tire 8 flips
400/500 tire 7 flips
600/700 tire 6 flips
*subject to change +/- 1 flip depending on spacing of facility
Soft belt, hard belt, knee sleeves
Not allowed:
Grip shirt, anything sticky
Event 5: Sandbag Loading Medley (3 bags)
Athletes will carry and load 3 bags over a bar. Athletes may carry bag upright, horizontally, or on the shoulder. Fastest time or most bags wins. Bags will be placed 20ft from the yoke and will be loaded lightest to heaviest bag. 44” bar height for women. 48” bar height for men. No grabbing the post to help you load. 60 second time cap.
Soft belt, hard belt, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, chalk
Not allowed:
Grip shirt, anything sticky
For sponsorship opportunities email cooneystrength@gmail.com
Anyone interested in volunteering email cooneystrength@gmail.com
Late Entry:
Anyone interested in competing past the registration deadline can email matthewacooney01@gmail.com for late entry.
Events and Weights
Division | Press Medley (Axle, Log, CDB) | Deadlift (Max) | Yoke (100ft) | Tire Flip (50ft) | Sandbag Carry and Load Medley (3 bags) |
Open W LW (57-) | 110, 120, 60 | Max | 300 | 300 | 100, 125, 150 |
Open W LW (64-) | 120, 130, 70 | Max | 350 | 300 | 125, 150, 175 |
Open W MW (73-) | 130, 140, 80 | Max | 400 | 400 | 125, 150, 175 |
Open W HW (82-) | 140, 150, 90 | Max | 450 | 400 | 150, 175, 200 |
Open W HW (+) | 150, 160, 100 | Max | 500 | 500 | 150, 175, 200 |
Masters W SHW (+) | 120, 130, 70 | Max | 350 | 300 | 125, 150, 175 |
Masters W LW (73-) | 110, 120, 60 | Max | 300 | 300 | 100, 125, 150 |
Teen W SHW (+) | 120, 130, 70 | Max | 350 | 300 | 125, 150, 175 |
Open M SHW (+) | 260, 280, 190 | Max | 750 | 700 | 250, 275, 300 |
Open M LW (72-) | 180, 200, 130 | Max | 525 | 500 | 175, 200, 225 |
Open M LW (80-) | 200, 220, 130 | Max | 525 | 500 | 175, 200, 225 |
Open M MW (90-) | 220, 240, 150 | Max | 600 | 600 | 200, 225, 250 |
Open M MW (105-) | 240, 260, 170 | Max | 675 | 700 | 225, 250, 275 |
Masters M SHW (+) | 220, 240, 150 | Max | 600 | 600 | 200, 225, 250 |
Masters M LW (90-) | 200, 220, 130 | Max | 525 | 500 | 175, 200, 225 |
Teen M SHW (+) | 220, 240, 150 | Max | 600 | 600 | 200, 225, 250 |
Regular Price
Registration Closes Feb 10, 2025
No refunds.
28 spots remain.