
November 11, 2023

New Jersey's Strongest


Flemington, NJ


-United States Strongman, Inc. Nationals 2024 Qualifier-

2023 USS, Inc. Membership required.

-1st place in novice and top 3 in open classes get bid to USS Inc Nationals 2024-

*Masters is 40+

Podium Finisher: Awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd!



Location: Nex Level Arena, 426 Case Blvd, Flemington, NJ 08822

Weigh ins: 11/10 time 4-5 PM, 11/11/2023 8:30-9:30 AM

Rules are at 9:30 AM


Entry: $90

Spectator Fee: $10 (Purchase at door)

Anyone under 12 is free! 

At Nex Level Arena they have a Ninja gym, it will be open day of show for any children that would like to have a little fun. For $10 you child can go and play while you compete. Children must be 5 years old or older. You can sign up with me before hand or at the door. 




If you are a Military Vet please email me letting me know. We will be having a cash prize TBA.  




Max Silver Dollar Deadlift 

  • 40 sec per each attempt.
  • 3 attempts
  • Wessels Rules
  • Athlete can start with hands on bar (strapped in).
  • Judge will give start command. Athlete will get down command, athlete must be standing completely upright with hips through, knees locked for rep to count.
  • NO Sumo or bouncing.
  • Must control down.
  • Allowed: Belts, Chalk, Sleeves, Straps, Wrist wraps.
  • Not Allowed: Tacky, Tacky Towel, Baby Oil, Suits.


Yoke Overhead Press (reps, 60s)

  • Athlete has 60s to complete as many reps as possible.
  • Athlete can start with hands on implement.
  • A good rep is when implement is pressed completely: Pressed is fully overhead, head through.
  • Athlete will be given a down command.
  • Height will be taken AT weigh-ins 
  • Allowed: Chalk, Wraps, Sleeves, Belts, Gloves, Grip Shirts
  • Not Allowed: Tacky, Tacky towel, Straps, SC/OSG Grip Shirts


Stone Over Bar (reps, 60 sec)

  • Athlete will have 60 seconds to pick up the stone and get it over the bar as many times as possible.
  • Athlete will start with hands on bar, palms facing up.
  • Stone will start on the ground.
  • Bar will be at 52” for the male divisions and 48” for the female divisions.
  • Allowed: Belts, Gloves, Chalk, Sleeves, Wraps, Grip shirts, Tacky Towel
  • Not Allowed: Tacky, SC/OSG shirts, Straps


Coffer Medley (90s)

  • Athlete has 90s to move implements down 50 feet, where they will find a monster sled. Implements must be loaded on to sled before running back to the next implement.
  • Implements are in order from lightest to heaviest. Block/Sandbag/Keg
  • Time will stop once the top of the sled crosses the 50ft line.
  • No drops allowed. If dropped time and distance will be recorded,
  • Allowed: Chalk, Wraps, Sleeves, Belts, Gloves and Grip Shirts
  • Not Allowed: No Tacky, Tacky towel, SC/OSG Grip Shirts


Dinnie Ring (longest time)

  • Athlete may start with hands on the implement but implement has to be touching the ground.
  • Shortest pin the back (lighter weight), Taller one in the front (heavier weight)
  • Athlete will be given the go command and time will start.
  • Athlete holds for longest time possible.
  • Time will stop if one or both implements touch the ground.
  • Athlete just be standing upright, shoulder back. Knees and bellows are allowed a slight bend. Athlete will be given one form correction after that if form changes time will stop.
  • Athlete is allowed to wear headphone BUT must be able to hear judge.
  • Allowed: Wrist wraps, Belts, Sleeves, Chalk
  • Not Allowed: Tacky, Tacky Towel, Built up Belts


weights and rules are subject to change




Nex Level Sports
426 Case Blvd
Flemington, NJ 08822
View Map
Nov 11, 2023

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Jennifer Funk

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Events and Weights
Division Max Silver Dollar DeadliftYoke Overhead PressStone Over BarCoffer Medley Block/Sandbag/KegDinnie Ring Hold
Novice W HW (165+)Start 30013513080/80/100135/105
Novice W LW (165-)Start 30012511575/80/100115/85
Open W LW (132-)Start 30014516080/100/100160/120
Open W MW (165-)Start 30015518090/100/125180/140
Open W HW (198-)Start 300165205100/140/150205/155
Open W SHW (+)Start 300175215120/150/175235/180
Masters Women (Single Class)Start 30015518080/100/100140/80
Novice M HW (220+)Start 500220240120/140/150225/170
Novice M LW (220-)Start 50021022580/100/125190/150
Open M LW (181-)Start 500230240100/130/150250/190
Open M MW (220-)Start 500245270130/130/150260/210
Open M HW (275-)Start 500270300150/150/200280/215
Open M SHW (+)Start 500300330180/200/225340/260
Masters Men (Single Class)Start 500245270100/130/150280/215

Regular Price
Registration Closes Oct 01, 2023

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 40 athletes.
8 spots remain.