
April 12, 2025



Eatontown, NJ


New Jersey's 1st Strongman Corp NJ Strongest

Strongman Corp National Qualifier


Location: The PIT Gym

749 Hope Rd Suite A

Eatontown, NJ 07724


Hotel Recommendations:

Double Tree - 700 Hope Rd

Sonesta Select - 600 Hope Rd

Holiday Inn Express - 3510 NJ 66


Weigh-Ins (all athletes MUST weigh-in)

Friday 4/11 10am-12pm and 4:30pm-6:30pm 

(please do NOT come outside of those times)

Saturday 4/12 8:30am

Rules at 9:15am      Start at 9:45am

*A Strongman Corp Membership will be required for this event*


Spectators $15 at the door (no pets please)

Venue accepts Cash, Card, Venmo


Events: Weights are subject to change after testing. Athletes will be notified with sufficient notice

Log Press: Athlete will have 60 seconds to clean and press the log as many times as possible. Athlete must wait for down command. Down command will be given when the athlete has their arms locked out overhead and feet in a stable position under the hips. Athlete can utilize strict, viper, push, or jerk press. Women will use a 10" Log / Novice Men will use a 12" Log / Open Men will use a Bigg Dogg 12"

Allowed: Grips shirts, wraps, sleeves, belts, chalk.

Not Allowed: tacky, tree topping, straps, gloves, versa grips

Buckled belts must be worn backward and the implement cannot rest on the belt for longer than 2 seconds or it will be a no rep.

Car Deadlift: Athlete will have 60 seconds to get as many reps as possible. Athlete must wait for down command. Down command will be given when Athlete is in an upright position hips through and legs straight. Athlete may begin strapped in. Neutral grip, height TBD

*this is an outdoor event, rain or shine so be prepared*

Allowed: Chalk, belts, wraps, straps, sleeves

Not Allowed: Suits, tacky, briefs, gloves

Yoke Walk: Athlete will have a max of 90 seconds to go 75ft with the yoke as fast as they can. Athlete can begin under the implement. There are NO drops. If the implement touches the ground time will stop and distance will be measured. Time will stop when the front of the implement crosses the line. 

Allowed: Grip shirt, chalk, belts, knee sleeves

Not Allowed: Tacky, suits, dragging of implement - If implement is dragged there will be a 10 sec time penalty.

Farmer's Carry: Athlete will have a max of 60 seconds to carry the farmer's 50ft. Athlete can be begin with hands on the implement. There are NO drops. If you drop the implement time will stop and distance will be measured. Time will stop when the front of the handles crosses the line. 

Allowed: Chalk, belts, sleeves

Not Allowed: Tacky, straps, gloves, wraps

Truck Pull: Athlete will have 90 seconds to pull the FIRE TRUCK 50ft. If unable to complete, distance will be measured. Athlete will be harnessed with the truck behind them, there will be another rope to pull against if the athlete wishes, it is not required. 

*this is an outdoor event, rain or shine so be prepared*

Allowed: chalk, gloves, belts, sleeves

Not Allowed: Tacky, suits



Medals for 1-3

Trophies for all OPEN classes with 5+ in their class.




749 Hope Rd
Eatontown, NJ 07724
View Map
Apr 12, 2025

Start Time
9:45 AM
Meet Director
Gina Gerard
Events and Weights
Division Log PressCar DeadliftYoke WalkFarmer's CarryTruck Pull
Novice W LW (180-)1051 tire250115all the weight
Novice W HW (180+)1251 tire + 50lbs350135all the weight
Open W LW (125.4-)1052 tires300135all the weight
Open W LW (140.4-)1252 tires350150all the weight
Open W MW (160.4-)1352 tires + 30lbs400170all the weight
Open W MW (180.4-)1502 tires + 30lbs450190all the weight
Open W HW (+)1652 tires + 60lbs500210all the weight
Masters W 50+1352 tires350150all the weight
Masters W 40+1352 tires350150all the weight
Masters W LW (140.4-)1051 tire300130all the weight
Masters W LW (140.4-) 50+1201 tire300130all the weight
Masters W MW (180.4-)1352 tires350150all the weight
Masters W MW (180.4-) 50+1352 tires350150all the weight
Masters W HW (+)1352 tires400170all the weight
Masters W 50+1352 tires400170all the weight
Novice M HW (231+)2002 tires + 230lbs525250all the weight
Novice M LW (231-)1752 tires + 180lbs450225all the weight
Open M LW (175.4-)2002 tires + 230lbs500225all the weight
Open M MW (200.4-)225SUV575250all the weight
Open M MW (231.4-)250SUV650275all the weight
Open M HW (265.5-)275SUV + 50lbs725300all the weight
Open M SHW (+)275SUV + 80lbs725300all the weight
Masters M MW (200.4-)200SUV500225all the weight
Masters M LW (200.4-) 50+2002 tires + 230lbs500225all the weight
Masters M MW (231.4-)225SUV575250all the weight
Masters M MW (231.4-) 50+225SUV575250all the weight
Masters M SHW (+)250SUV + 50lbs650275all the weight
Masters M 50+250SUV650275all the weight

Regular Price
Registration Closes Apr 04, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 100 athletes.
8 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard